  • 山德伯格的诗满名言、轶闻趣事、对话和对钢铁厂及农场的描写。
    Sandburg's poetry was filled with sayings, scraps of anecdotes and conversations, and descriptions of steel mills and of farms.
  • 由于骨髓功能不分而导致的贫血症。
    anemia resulting from inadequately functioning bone marrow; can develop into aplastic anemia.
  • 脾内肿胀或血的一种疾病。
    a disease characterized by congestion and enlargement of the spleen; accompanied by anemia or cirrhosis.
  • 一种阻止肾形矿脉里导致血管舒张的血管紧缩素的形成的药物(商标是capoten);用于治疗高血压和心脏血。
    a drug (trade name Capoten) that blocks the formation of angiotensin in the kidneys resulting in vasodilation; used in the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure.
  • 愤怒的满愤怒的;狂怒的
    Full of wrath; fiercely angry.
  • 阶层间的敌视和对社会的焦虑斥于英国的企业文化。
    Class spite and social angst riddle British corporate cultures.
  • 如今,类似“都是你坏了事,格林斯潘主席!”这样愤怒的呼喊斥着美国和全世界的股票交易市场。
    Now, on trading floors across the land and around the world, the anguished cry is something along the lines of “You blew it, Chairman greenspan!
  • 鼓舞注入勇气或生命;使满活力
    To instill courage or life into; animate.
  • 活泼的、满表情的脸;活跃的交谈;当他听到这个好消息,他变得非常活跃。
    an animated and expressive face; animated conversation; became very animated when he heard the good news.
  • 一种新的,更加满活力的画风出现了,同时早期作品中的印象派倾向有所削弱。
    A new,more animated,painting style emerged and the impressionist tendencies of earlier work weakened somewhat.
  • 一种新的,更加满活力的画风出现了,同时早期作品中的印象派倾向有所削弱。
    A new, more animated, painting style emerged and the impressionist tendencies of earlier work weakened somewhat.
  • 安娜贝尔向基米转过身,一双大眼睛满了恐惧,但不是绝望。
    Annabel turned to Jimmy, her large eyes full of horror, but not yet despairing.
  • 要免于受兼并,只有这么一个选择,那就是竞争。这就要求欧洲各大企业,尤其是“大科学”领域的企业,必须具备分的竞争力。
    As an alternative to annexation there is the choice of competition. This demands that European businesses. Particularly those in the area of “Big Science,” become fully competitive.
  • 如不大量歼灭敌人和分发动群众,要想站稳脚跟是不可能的。
    Unless we annihilate large numbers of enemy troops and fully arouse the masses, it would be impossible for us to gain a firm foothold.
  • 祝贺你抵达了生命的又一个里程碑,愿你每天都象过生日一样满喜悦。祝你生日无比快乐!
    Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today. May each day be as happy as your birthday. Have a wonderful birthday!
  • ——健全基本养老保险和基本医疗保险制度,鼓励有条件的用人单位为职工建立企业年金和补医疗保险。
    Improve the basic old-age insurance and basic medical insurance systems and encourage employing units, where conditions are favorable, to set up annuity and supplementary medical insurance programs for their employees.
  • 49年前,加拿大电影人巴里·史蒂文斯通过人工授精在伦敦出生。他认为,即使因为取消匿名制度使捐精者减少,也不应该为了让精子库更足而牺牲人工授精后代的合法权利。
    Canadian filmmaker Barry Stevens, conceived through DI in London 49 years ago, argues that even if sperm donations drop when anonymity disappears, why should DI offspring sacrifice their rights so sperm banks can be full?
  • 人类学家欧塞奥说托莱多在他1995年的第一次总统竞选中就发现了秘鲁印第安人口中潜在的政治影响力,当时他的竞选口号是"一个和你一样的秘鲁人",在今年的竞选中他分用上了这一点。
    Anthropologist Juan Ossio said Toledo recognized the potential political force of Peru's Indian population during his first presidential campaign in 1995 when his campaign slogan was "a Peruvian like you" and finally was able to capitalize on it this year.
  • 担心,忧虑对未来满恐惧或焦虑;忧惧
    Fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future; dread.
  • 患者每日补30毫克(可从2~3磅西红柿中吸收这样的剂量),其体内前列腺部位抗原(能显示细胞肿瘤)的水平下降,且肿瘤也变小了。
    Men who took 30 mg of the supplement (the quantity found in 2 lbs to 3 lbs of tomatoes) had lower levels of prostate-specific antigen-an indicator of cell growth-and smaller tumors.
  • 包含抗组织胺和一种减血剂的商品药名;过去常用于治疗上呼吸状况和较小过敏性反应。
    trade name for a drug containing an antihistamine and a decongestant; used to treat upper respiratory conditions and minor allergies.
  • “即使你食用了适量的水果和蔬菜,补多种维生素以及抗氧化剂也是重要的。
    " Multivitamin and antioxidant supplements are important even if you're eating the right amount of fruit and vegetables.
  • 北美野半边莲,开蓝色小花,以前入胶囊里作镇痉药。
    North American wild lobelia having small blue flowers and inflated capsules formerly used as an antispasmodic.
  • (古语)满挂念或焦虑。
    (archaic) full of cares or anxiety.
  • 引起、满或显示出焦虑的。
    causing or fraught with or showing anxiety.
  • 这将使用户用一个因特网传真地址在任何地方、任何时间接收传真,而此传真地址对用户电子邮件地址是一个补
    This would enable users to receive faxes anywhere, anytime with an Internet fax address that complements their e-mail address.
  • 女孩子如能在四月份收到一封愚人节信件--因为人们可以在四月的任何一天寄出--会被认为是一种最受欢迎的荣誉,而信的内容也总要和满羡慕的好友一起分享。
    To receive an April Fool letter during April, for it can be sent anytime during the month, is deemed a most flattering honor and the contents are shared among envious acquaintances.
  • 到2008年,基本实现任何人、在任何时间、任何场所都能够安全、方便、快捷、高效地获取可支付得起的、丰富的、无语言障碍的、个性化的信息服务,保证北京奥运会的出色承办,向世界分展示中国的信息化水平和成就。
    By 2008, information services will be inexpensive, rich in content, free of language barrier, and personalized and available for anyone, at anytime and anywhere. This will not only contribute greatly to the success of an excellent Olympic Games, but also display to the world the level and achievements of China's IT.
  • 反正我们还没做好分准备呢。
    We haven't been fully prepared anyway.
  • 顶点处有一块空白的拱;这个间隙通常满了装饰品。
    an arch with a gap at the apex; the gap is usually filled with some decoration.
  • 分的食物和饮料。
    There was food and drink aplenty.
  • 他说话充满歉意。
    He spoke in an apologetic voice.