  • 天有不测风,下午跳高的纵身欲跳时,左膝盖突然扭了一下,并开始剧痛起来。
    However,she sprained her left knee when she was about to jump. It started to hurt terribly and the medicine could not stop it.
  • 松科植物属,常绿乔木(见杉)。
    a genus of temperate and arctic evergreen trees (see spruce).
  • 蜜糖、杉枝加酵母发酵制成的酒精饮料。
    a fermented alcoholic beverage made of molasses and spruce twigs fermented with yeast.
  • 单轴植物的主轴,如杉的树干,维持树木的生长并长出旁枝
    A main axis of a plant, such as the trunk of a spruce, that maintains a single line of growth, giving off lateral branches.
  • 她青直上地跻身于明星界。
    She is on the escalator to stardom.
  • 这部所谓的‘不同凡响的小说’,内容既枯燥、文笔又拙劣。
    This quote startling original novel unquote is both boring and badly write.
  • 两次金像奖得主,如奇连·伊士活,汤姆·汉克斯和艾玛·汤普森,可以期望在好莱坞多叱咤风六年。
    And double winners of the gold statuette, such as Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks and Emma Thompson, can look forward to an extra six years in the Hoyywood Hills.
  • 海上怒涛澎湃[天空乌滚滚、风雨交加]。
    The sea/sky looks angry, ie stormy, threatening.
  • 阳光穿过云层。
    The sunlight struck throughthe clouds.
  • 云彩笼罩着峰顶
    Clouds enshrouded the summit.
  • 山顶隐没在雾之中。
    The summit of the mountain is lost in the clouds.
  • 而我孜孜不倦地为他观察,再把田野、树林、城镇、河流、朵、阳光——我们眼前的一切景色,我们四周的天气情况,—一讲给他听。用声音使他的耳朵领略光线不能再给他眼睛带来的印象。
    and never did I weary of gazing for his be- half, and of putting into words the effect of field, tree, town, river, cloud, sunbeam of the landscape before us; of the weather round us and impressing by sound on his ear what light could no longer stamp on his eye.
  • 翻滚的暴风;永无休止汹涌的大海;汹涌的波浪。
    billowy storm clouds; the restless billowing sea; surging waves.
  • 正如本身就是伟大艺术家的米开朗基罗所说:“有些人理应得到雄鹰的称号,因为他们超越其他所有的人,并已冲破乌而见到太阳。”
    As Michelangelo, himself a great artist, said, “Some merit the name of eagles because they surpass all others and break through the clouds to the light of the sun.”
  • 一片从我的眼前飘过去。
    A cloud swam across my vision.
  • 那个地方游人云集。
    The place swarmed with tourists.
  • 1992年8月,南省政府组织历时83天的武装扫毒行动,一举捣毁了在南省文山州平远镇形成的具有黑社会性质的特大贩毒贩枪集团。
    In August 1992, the Yunnan provincial government organized an 83-day armed drug elimination operation, in which a massive drug- and weapon-smuggling ring which had been operating in the town of Pingyuan, Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, with the characteristics of a criminal syndicate was smashed at one fell swoop.
  • 图案如行流水,和谐生动,充满运动感,象征世界人民团结、协作、交流、发展,携手共创新世纪。表达奥林匹克更快、更高、更强的体育精神。
    It also resembles a person doing Taiji shadow boxing. The graceful, harmonious and dynamic design of the emblem symbolizes unity, cooperation, exchange and development of the people all over the world.
  • 南吸引假日度假者。
    Yunnan draws holiday takers.
  • 倘若我们对一名非新加坡人谈起“voiddeck”(即组屋底层)的话,他将不知所
    Talk to a non-Singaporean English-speaker about void decks and he or she would probably not know what you are talking about.
  • 老子在他的《道德经》里始终看重不雕琢的石头,让我们不要干犯大自然吧,因为最优越的艺术品,和最美妙的诗歌或文学作品一样,是那样完全看不出造作的痕迹的作品,跟行流水那么自然,或如中国的文艺批评家所说的那样,“无斧凿痕”。
    Laotse, "The Old Boy, " always emphasized in his Taotehching the unearned rock. Let us not tamper with Nature, for the best work of art, like the best poem or literary composition, is one which shows no sign of human effort, as natural as a winding river or a sailing cloud, or as the Chineseliterary critics always say, "without ax and chisel marks."
  • 居庸关云台
    Cloud Terrace at Juyongguan
  • 云层正在密集。
    The clouds are thickening.
  • 密布,要下雨了。
    The clouds brought a threat of rain.
  • 密布预示着将要下雨。
    The black clouds threatened rain.
  • 密布预示着将要下雨。
    The black clouds threatened rain.
  • 云预示有雨。
    The clouds threaten rain.
  • 云预示有雨。
    The clouds threaten rain.
  • 雷声逐渐消失,太阳又从端里照射出来。
    The thunderclaps died down and the sun peeped out again from behind the clouds.
  • 雷雨砧,雷暴砧雷上部通常与雷暴的发展有关系的膨胀部分
    The swollen upper portion of a thundercloud, usually associated with the development of a thunderstorm.
  • 变成了略似石板的颜色。
    The clouds had taken a slatish tinge.
  • 那些彩在山顶上空停留不散。
    Clouds have settled over the mountain tops.