  • 希腊境内的一个个小城邦,特别是那些比较原始和落后的城邦,是士兵的来源;他们受雇于方的王公贵族来从事无用和破坏性的战争,然后携带积蓄回到自己的国家安度晚年;他们是非生产性劳动者,他们得到的报酬连同掠夺所得,对于提供这些报酬的国家来说是没有回报的支出;
    The petty states of Greece, especially the ruder and more backward of those states, were nurseries of soldiers, who hired themselves to the princes and satraps of the East to carryon useless and destructive wars, and returned with their savings to pass their declining years in their own country.. these were unproductive labourers, and the pay they received, together with the plunder they took, was an outlay without return to the countries which furnished it;
  • 渴望得到并拥有特别是物质财产或者思想之类的西。
    eager to acquire and possess things especially material possessions or ideas.
  • 毛泽同志提倡干部学多种知识。
    Comrade Mao Zedong urged that our cadres acquire diversified knowledge.
  • 接到拿到或获得(被给予、赠予或穿送的西);取得
    To take or acquire(something given, offered, or transmitted); get.
  • 为得到某种西的努力。
    an attempt to acquire or gain something.
  • 生长于北美部的细长,笔直的多年生植物,具有块茎状的根和粉白色的花;类似于唐松草。
    slender erect perennial of eastern North America having tuberous roots and pink-tinged white flowers; resembles meadow rue.
  • 例如,紧靠着小塔林苑,在圣安街和老圣殿街之间,有圣卡特琳教堂及其一望无边的田园,只是由于巴黎城垣挡住了,其界限才没有再扩展开去。
    Thus,immediately adjoining the park des Tournelles, between the Rue Saint-Antoine and the Vielle Rue du Temple, there stood Sainte-Catherine, with its immense cultivated lands, which were terminated only by the wall of Paris.
  • 他用光明正大的方法得不到的西,就采取卑鄙的欺诈手段
    Person eager to acquire culture
  • 另一方面台海若有风波,首先波及的是南亚诸国,他们对北京的对台政策是否理解、支持至关重要,若不能安定他们,可能迫使他们要求美国保护。
    On the other hand, these countries' support for - or at least acquiescence in - China's policy towards Taiwan is of great importance to Beijing. They would be the first to suffer from any turmoil arising in the Taiwan Strait and, and unless China sets up a stable relationship with them, they would definitely have to seek protection from the United States.
  • 另一方面台海若有风波,首先波及的是南亚诸国,他们对北京的对台政策是否理解、支持至关重要,若不能安定他们,分分钟可能迫使他们要求美国保护。
    On the other hand, these countries' support for - or at least acquiescence in - China's policy towards Taiwan is of great importance to Beijing. They would be the first to suffer from any turmoil arising in the Taiwan Strait and, unless China sets up a stable relationship with them, they would definitely have to seek protection from the United States.
  • 为什么毛泽同志提出要唱《三大纪律八项注意》歌,而且专门唱那一条,叫做“一切行动听指挥”呢?
    Why did Comrade Mao Zedong propose the singing of The Three Main Rules of Discipline and the Eight Points for Attention, with special emphasis on the rule "obey orders in all your actions"?
  • 法令,规则作为条例而规定的西
    Something prescribed as a rule.
  • 他们向中国读者介绍中最近的动态。
    They acquaint chinese reader with recent happenings in the middle east.
  • 古怪的混合口音;他讲话有些奇怪的鼻音;他们对战争有些奇异的想法;有个古怪的名字;丁香的奇特香味;关于这个城市的一些的确奇怪的西;多么古怪的家伙;异常的行为。
    a curious hybrid accent; her speech has a funny twang; they have some funny ideas about war; had an odd name; the peculiar aromatic odor of cloves; something definitely queer about this town; what a rum fellow; singular behavior.
  • 半球体形优美的反刍动物,腿直,角向后上方弯曲;比如瞪羚;跳羚;黑斑羚;旋角羚;长颈羚;印度羚。
    graceful Old World ruminant with long legs and horns directed upward and backward: e.g. gazelles; springboks; impalas; addax; gerenuks; blackbucks; dik-diks.
  • 山羊一种空心角的,长须反刍的。山羊属哺乳动物,起源于半球山地地区,尤指一种驯化的公山羊品种,饲养用来采皮,挤奶和产肉
    Any of various hollow-horned, bearded ruminant mammals of the genus Capra, originally of mountainous regions of the Old World, especially any of the domesticated forms of C. hircus, raised for wool, milk, and meat.
  • 鼷鹿原产于中非、印度和南亚的热带雨林区的几种水鼷鹿属或鼷鹿属动物中任何一种,该动物小而似鹿且无角
    Any of several small, deerlike, hornless ruminants of the genera Hyemoschus and Tragulus native to the tropical rain forests of central Africa, India, and southeast Asia.
  •  返家度假的部分乐趣是翻妈的杂物堆,那儿放着不值钱的西。
    Part of the fun of vacation at home was the chance to go through Mom's hoard of rummage, destined for the less fortunate.
  • 谁在我的文件堆里翻找过西了?
    Who's been rummaging about among my papers?
  • 现在我张开口正要说早安,可又闭上了,敬礼未能完成,因为哈里顿·恩萧正在sottovoce作他的早祷,也就是说他在屋角搜寻一把铲子或是铁锹去铲除积雪时,他碰到每样西都要对它发出一串的咒骂。
    and now I opened my mouth for a `good morning', but closed it again, the salutation unachieved; for Hareton Earnshaw was performing his orisons sotto voce, in a series of curses directed against every object he touched, while he rummaged a corner for a spade or shovel to dig through the drifts.
  • 榭斗,橡碗生于地中海部的(大鳞栎栎属)橡树的干橡果壳斗,主要用于制革和染料
    The dried acorn cups of an oak tree(Quercus aegilops) of the eastern Mediterranean, used chiefly in tanning and dyeing.
  • 他们在西部的剪羊毛比赛中获胜。
    They had rung the sheds of the east and west.
  • 部水域主要为海水,而直接的季候雨及小溪溢流,把海水稍为冲淡。
    In the east, the water is mainly oceanic with relatively minor dilution from direct monsoonal rainfall and runoff from small streams.
  • 南九龙发展计划的新发展区包括旧?德机场停机坪及跑道(280公顷),以及新填海区(133公顷)。新发展区可容纳约25万人,提供约75000个就业机会。
    The new development area of SEKD — comprising the former Kai Tak airport apron and runway (280 hectares) and new reclamation areas (133 hectares) — can accommodate a population of about 250 000 and will provide about 75 000 employment opportunities.
  • 几个承认罗马教皇的权威但是保留自己的宗教仪式和教会法规的仪天主教之一。
    any of several Eastern churches acknowledging papal authority but retaining their own rites and canon law.
  • 我在世界各地将这些西寄往世界各地,有时收到过有关组织总部或教会负责机构寄来的打印的短信,表示感谢,有时什么也没有。
    In various parts of the world and to various parts of the world I have sent them. Sometimes I have received a printed slip of acknowledgement from the headquarters depot or mission board, sometimes nothing.
  • 有些西你想要而没有,这是幸福不可缺少的一部分。(罗素)
    To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.( Russell)
  • 俄国南的芳香的多年生的一种植物。
    aromatic perennial of southeastern Russia.
  • 俄罗斯地区所说的一种北伊朗语。
    a NE Iranian language spoken in Russia.
  • 被当作一个假定的西而为人们所共知的。
    acknowledged as a supposition.
  • 就算你的是“阳春白雪”吧,这暂时既然是少数人享用的西,群众还是在那里唱“下里巴人”,那末,你不去提高它,只顾骂人,那就怎样骂也是空的。
    Your work may be as good as "The Spring Snow", but if for the time being it caters only to the few and the masses are still singing the "Song of the Rustic poor",[8] you will get nowhere by simply scolding them instead of trying to raise their level.
  • 如果再纵目从向西,从小塔向纳勒塔远望,只见长长一带房舍,雕梁画栋,彩色玻璃窗户,层层叠叠,突出在石路上方;还可以看见一派市民房舍的山墙,曲曲折折,望也望不到尽头,时常被一道街口所切断,也不时被一幢石墙大楼的正面或侧面所切割;大楼四平八稳,连同庭院和花园,厢房和主体,夹在那彼此紧挨着的狭窄民舍当中,犹如一个领主老爷夹在一大堆平民百姓中间。
    Then, if your view ran along the bank, from east to west, from the Tournelle to the Tour de Nesle, there was a long cordon of houses, with carved beams, stained-glass windows, each story projecting over that beneath it, an interminable zigzag of bourgeois gables,frequently interrupted by the mouth of a street, and from time to time also by the front or angle of a huge stone mansion,planted at its ease, with courts and gardens, wings and detached buildings, amid this populace of crowded and narrow houses, like a grand gentleman among a throng of rustics.