  • 当我告诉他修理费要多少钱时,我瞧见他吃了一惊的样子。
    I could see him wince when I told him how much the repairs would cost.
  • 我汽车上的挡风玻璃在夜里结上了霜
    The windshield of my car frosted over during the night.
  • 翼状部;翼瓣翼状结构或部分,如某些茎、果实和种子的外穗和扁平的边,或者豆科某些的两个翼瓣中的任一个
    A winglike structure or part, such as the external ear, the flattened border of some stems, fruits, and seeds, or either one of the two side petals of certain flowers in the pea family.
  • 北美东部的一种平铺式灌木,白色钟状,果实红色、芳香,叶光亮、芳香,产生一种冬绿油。
    creeping shrub of eastern North America having white bell-shaped flowers followed by spicy red berrylike fruit and shiny aromatic leaves that yield wintergreen oil.
  • 所有这些电线架线要一天时间安装好。
    All this electrical wiring will take a day to set up.
  • 干接个插座之类的小事你了这么多时间,让我来替你干。
    You're making a meal out of a simple job like wiring a plug here, let me do it for you.
  • 我比同伴们聪明,因为我在灯油上的钱比他们落的酒钱还多。
    I become wiser than my companion because I spend more in oil than they in wine.
  • 不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福那只不过是镜水月.
    You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will o' the wisp.
  • 不要指望能找到十全十美的幸福--那只不过是镜水月。
    You shouldn't hope to find perfect happiness it's just a will-o'-the-wisp.
  • 马克如果处在他的位置,就会把半辈子时光在追求一些完全虚无飘渺的事物上。
    If Mark had been is his place, he would have been pursuing a wild will-o'-the –wisp half his life.
  • 紫藤一种豆科紫藤属的攀缘类木本植物,具有羽状复叶和下垂、鲜艳的紫或白色的总状
    Any of several climbing woody vines of the genus Wisteria in the pea family, having pinnately compound leaves and drooping racemes of showy purplish or white flowers.
  • 在寒冷中,凋谢了。
    The flowers withered in the cold.
  • 这些不放在水里就要枯死了。
    The flowers will wither if you don't put them in water.
  • 花儿已经谢了。
    The flowers have withered.
  • 花已显得憔悴。
    The flowers are withering away.
  • 花已经谢了。
    The flowers have withered away.
  • 他赢了500英镑, 可是才三天就得精光.
    He won 500 and then blued the lot in three days.
  • 多美的园啊!你们当然创造出了奇迹。
    What a beautiful garden! You have certainly worked wonders.
  • 英国一份调查显示,当今的女士们对鲜已经没有往日的兴趣了,而一些精致的小玩意儿却对她们有很大的吸引力。
    Forget flowers. Today's women would much rather be wooed with gadgets, according to new research published in Britain on Thursday.
  • 开黄的原产美国东部林地的多年生草本植物。
    perennial here native to woodland of the eastern United States having yellow flowers.
  • 心叶黄木枝一种产于美国东北部的林地植物(心叶黄水枝黄水枝属),生有一种窄小的白
    A woodland plant(Tiarella cordifolia) of eastern North America, having a narrow cluster of small white flowers.
  • 在暖和地区的草本和木本的木质藤本和灌木;白丹属。
    shrubs and herbs and woody vines of warm regions: leadwort.
  • 麻(经)毛(纬)交织物一种用羊毛和棉或由羊毛和亚麻组成的一种粗织物
    A coarse, woven fabric of wool and cotton or of wool and linen.
  • 药棉花卖完了。
    We're sold out of cotton wool.
  • 北美西部一个矮生草本植物属,叶线形,有绒毛,大,粉色。
    genus of western North American low-growing herbs having linear woolly leaves and large pink flowers.
  • 一种小灌木,具有毛柄和细长的叶子,头带有白色的边;分布在美国的南部和墨西哥的北部。
    subshrub with slender woolly stems and long narrow leaves and flower heads with white rays; southern United States and northern Mexico.
  • 建一座房子得许多劳动。
    It takes a lot of work to build a house.
  • 除了物理科学方面的工作以外,他还了很多时间为人权和进步工作。
    Besides his work in physics, he spent much time working for human rights and progress.
  • 看这雕桌子的工艺多么精湛。
    Look at the workmanship on the carved desk.
  • 工人了十周时间做这张桌子。
    The workmen spend ten week make the table.
  • 喂,这是世界卉公司,我是格林太太。
    Hello. worldwide flowers. Ers. Green speaking.
  • 钱买一个好的名片盒是明智的。
    A good card case is worthwhile investment.