  • 你们同情见不到阳光的瞎子,同情听不到大自然音响的聋子,同情不用声音来表达自己思想的哑巴;但是,在一种虚假的所谓廉耻的借口之下,你们却不愿意同情这种心灵上的瞎子,灵魂上的聋子和良心上的哑巴。这些残疾逼得那个不幸的受苦的女人发疯,使她无可奈何地看不到善良,听不到天主的声音,也讲不出爱情、信仰的纯洁的语言。
    You pity the blind man who has never seen the light of day, the deaf man who has never heard the harmonies of nature, the mute who has never found a voice for his soul, and yet, under the specious pretext of decency, you will not pity that blindness of heart, deafness of soul and dumbness of conscience which turn the brains of poor, desperate women and prevent them, despite themselves, from seeing goodness, hearing the Lord and speaking the pure language of love and religion.
  • 瞪着看多长时间不眨眼?
    How long can you stare without blinking your eyes?
  • 你不忽视那个事实。
    You can't blink that fact.
  • 你不忽视有战争存在这一事实。
    You cannot blink the fact that there is a war.
  • 尽管结果看起来是合理的,他仍然可对这些-方法感到惊讶。
    He might blink at these methods though the results seem reasonable.
  • 你不无视于战争存在的事实。
    You cannot blink the fact that the there is a war.
  • 这些事实固然令人不快,可是我们不不正视它们。
    Although these facts are indeed unpleasant, we must not blink at them.
  • 我们的生意每况愈下,我们再也不对这一事实熟视无睹了。
    Our business is declining and we can't blink the fact any longer.
  • 瞪著看多长时间不眨眼?
    How long can you stare without blinking (your eyes)?
  • 作为母亲,她对我们都很好,但是不否认这一事实:她特别喜爱乔治。
    She was a good mother to us all but there was no blinking the fact that George was her blue-eyed boy.
  • 无视通货膨胀日益恶化这一事实。
    It is no use blinking the fact that inflation keeps getting worse.
  • 我悄悄梦想:要是我是家里唯一的小孩,够拥有完全属于我自己的一个房间,那该多好啊!
    Secretly, I meditated on the bliss of being an only child with a room all my own.
  • 作为你们的代言人,我希望你们做到这点:抓住机遇,追随天赐之福。
    And as your speaker, I urge you to go for it: take your chances, follow your bliss.
  • 不论是回教徒或者非回教徒,新加坡人都不对彼此的宗教一无所知。
    Ignorance is not bliss for any Singaporean, whether it is on the part of Muslims or non-Muslims.
  • 爱情呀,当你手里拿着点亮了的痛苦之灯走来时,我够看见你的脸,而且以你为幸福。
    Love! When you come with the burning lamp of pain in your hand, I can see your face and know you as bliss.
  • 只有这样,每个人才在一种自我发现和个人天赐的感召下创造出他自己的“圣杯”。
    In this way, each individual is able to create his and her own grail led only by a sense of self discovery and of personal bliss.
  • 追随天赐之福,不是“如果你觉得对就做”(那是20世纪70年代的口号),而是追寻生命的河流中最激励你又富有挑战性的事,并沿着一个让你充分显示个性又得到完美满足的方向前进。
    " Follow your bliss. No, not "if it feels good, do it." That was the'70s. Follow your bliss means to follow a course in life that is most exciting and challenging for you and to follow a direction that brings you the greatest personal and professional satisfaction.
  • 安排得法,促进家庭的幸福与和谐;那么,“男主内,女主外”,也何尝不是好事。
    If such an arrangement results in a blissful family, the switch of roles in which "the man looks after the house while the woman goes out to work" is not necessarily a bad thing.
  • 圣诞节前夜里刮了一场暴风雪,我蜷缩在羽毛褥床取暖,心理暗暗盼着自己得到哪怕一点点的圣诞节礼物。
    A blizzard had developed on Christmas Eve, and I had snuggled into a featherbed to keep warm, praying that I would get just a little something for Christmas.
  • 没有膨胀,甚至可以更少的费用就得到所有功
    They get all the functionality without the bloat, and possibly at a lesser cost.
  • 说每一个师的部队都是肿的,但整个军队确实有点肿。
    We can't say that every division is bloated, but it is definitely true to some extent of the army as a whole.
  • 欧盟十五个会员国的领袖们周一同意修改该组织的决策流程,并修订条约使欧盟在未来数年内纳入最多达十二个新会员国,而这些新会员国大多为前共产集团的成员。
    Leaders of the15-nation European Union agreed Monday to revise the organization's decision-making process and overhaul its treaty to enable it to take in up to a dozen newcomers in the years ahead, mostly from the former Soviet bloc.
  • 我们的根本方针和国民党相反,是在坚持独立战争和自力更生的原则下尽可地利用外援,而不是如同国民党那样放弃独立战争和自力更生去依赖外援,或投靠任何帝国主义的集团。
    In direct contrast to the Kuomintang our basic line is to use all possible foreign help, subject to the principle of independent prosecution of the war and reliance on our own efforts, and not, as the Kuomintang does, to abandon this principle by relying entirely on foreign help or hanging on to one imperialist bloc or another.
  • 封锁使国外食品不运抵我们的海岸。
    The blockade prevent shipment of foreign food from reach our shore.
  • 封锁,在目前说来,虽增加我们不少困难,但对我仍属有利,即使不封锁,我们许多困难也是不解决的。
    Although the blockade has caused us more than a few problems, it also has a beneficial side. Even without the blockade, we still have many unsolvable problems.
  • 如果玛丽通过敌人的封锁线,她便安全了。
    The coast would be clear for Mary if she could get through the enemy's blockade.
  • 实行这样的政策,对于我们的根据地有很大的好处,够打破国民党的经济封锁。
    Benefiting a great deal from policies such as these, we were able to break the economic blockade imposed by the Kuomintang against our base areas.
  • 然而我们领导广大的群众和红军,不但屡次击溃了敌人的“围剿”,而且从事于一切可的和必须的经济建设,去冲破敌人的经济封锁的毒计。
    But, leading the broad masses and the Red Army, we have not only smashed one enemy "encirclement and suppression" campaign after another, but have also been doing all the essential work of economic construction within our power in order to defeat this vicious economic blockade.
  • 交通大堵塞车辆完全不可移动的交通堵塞,尤指因为在棋盘式街道中的重要路口发生堵塞而引起的交通停滞
    A traffic jam in which no vehicular movement is possible, especially one caused by the blockage of key intersections within a grid of streets.
  • 由于他的阻绕我们未完成任务。
    His brother blocked him at every turn.
  • 由于中国地区广大、敌人兵力不足的矛盾情况,敌人是一般地不采取中国内战时国民党的堡垒主义的。
    Generally speaking, the Japanese cannot adopt the principle of blockhouse warfare, which the Kuomintang employed in the days of the civil war, because their forces are inadequate in relation to China's vast territory.
  • “堡垒主义的五次‘围剿’时期我们不集中作战,只分兵防御从事短促突击”,这种说法也是不对的。
    Also, it was wrong to say, "In the fifth 'encirclement and suppression' campaign which is being carried on by means of blockhouse warfare, it is impossible for us to operate with concentrated forces, and all we can do is to divide them up for defence and for short swift thrusts."