  • 入境签证会局限于只签发某几个国家的国民吗?
    Will the issuance of entry visas be limited to persons from specific countries?
  • 老师把纸和铅笔发所有的孩子。
    The teacher issued paper and pencils to all the children.
  • 他们把枪发给士兵。
    They issued the soldiers with guns.
  • 至于“卖回债券”则让投资者在到期前把债券卖发行机构。债券持有人通常会在他们认为能从其他投资途径获得更高回报时这么做.
    Investors usually put a bond back to he issuer when they think that the money invested could be etter used elsewhere.
  • 投资者把钱借发行债券的机构,因此债券也可说是种长期债务凭证。
    A bond is a long term debt security. It represents debt because the investors actually lend the face amount to the bond issuer.
  • 要在将来定期收到利息,债券投资者首先得付出一笔钱债券发行人。
    In order to receive these streams of future cash flows, the pros-pective bond holder pays a price to the issuer of the bond.
  • 通过发行来保证供(通常在数量上)。
    the provision of something by issuing it (usually in quantity).
  • 那间仓房将被用来新战士分发枪支。
    The storeroom is to be used for issuing guns to the new soldiers.
  • 它们发售债券的公司和个别公司债券评级。
    They assign ratings both to entities issuing bonds and to specific corporate bond issues.
  • 发送信息终端用户,要求为继续处理提供所必需的信息。
    The issuing of messages to a terminal user, requesting information necessary to continue processing.
  • 英格兰队输了意大利队。
    England lose the match against italy.
  • 这个旅行计划我们留有很多自由活动的馀地.
    This itinerary leaves us plenty of leeway.
  • 我们开始今天的计划前,我想您们一份我们日程的概略说明。
    Before we start today's program. I would like to give you a general outline of our itinerary.
  • 她给了婴儿些吃的。
    She gave the baby its food.
  • 该公司将利润分工人。
    The firm distributed its profits among its workers.
  • 该公司把利润分工人。
    The firm farmed out its profits among its workers.
  • 艾维在给家里写信。
    Ivy was writing a letter to her family.
  • 兽医给狗扎针.
    The vet jabbed (at) the dog with a needle.
  • 现在瓶子包上一层用聚安酯制成的外套。
    The protective plastic jacket consists mainly of polyurethane.
  • 责骂那个男孩是没有用的。你应该他讲道理,使他认识错误。
    No use jacking the boy up. You should talk sense into him and make him realize he was wrong.
  • 杰克逊一些东西。
    He gave Jackson something.
  • 哦,趁我还记得,杰克逊教授打算今天下午我们讲课。
    Oh, while I remember, professor Jackson goes to give us a lecture.
  • 把钱交杰克逊先生负责保管。
    The money was given in the charge of Mr Jackson for safekeeping.
  • 不要忘记雅克林带去我的问候。
    Do not forget to give my love to Jacqueline.
  • 我拿些玉看看吗?
    Can you show me some jade, please?
  • 吉姆斯买了一本书。
    I bought a book for James.
  • 电话线路全长途通话占了。
    The lines were jammed up with trunk calls.
  • 珍,把那玩具给他。
    Jane, let him have the toy.
  • 简给你打电话。
    Jane want you on the phone.
  • 予我所需要的一切,”珍妮特·麦克休这样写道。
    “Provide everything I ever needed,” Janet McHugh next wrote.
  • 谁能把这一法律术语用简单易懂的英语我说一遍?
    Can someone translate this legal jargon into plain English for me?
  • 五角大楼用行话这种新步枪起一个蹩脚的名字:目标个人作战武器。
    Pentagon jargon has given the new gun an awkward title: the Objective Individual Combat Weapon.