  • 织物技术条件
    technical specification of fabrics
  • 国务院还颁布了《计算机软件保护例》,规定了保护计算机软件的具体实施办法。
    The State Council has, moreover, promulgated the Regulations on the Protection of Computer Software, providing the specifics whereby the laws protecting computer software will be implemented.
  • 处于一种特定的状态或件。
    be in some specified state or condition.
  • 使计算机程序、例行程序或子例行程序开始运行的动作。通常是根据指定的入口件转移到一个入口点而进行。
    The action of bringing a computer program, a routine, or a subroutine into effect, usually by specifying the entry conditions and jumping to an entry point.
  • 2.本协议的规定,不应阻止成员在其国内立法中具体说明在特定场合可能构成对知识产权的滥用,从而在有关市场对竞争有消极影响的许可证贸易活动或件。
    2. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Members from specifying in their legislation licensing practices or conditions that may in particular cases constitute an abuse of intellectual property rights having an adverse effect on competition in the relevant market.
  • 一种逻辑表达式,它规定必须存在的一个程序状态,或规定在程序执行过程中某一特定点上程序变量必须满足的件集合;例如,a为正且a大于b。
    A logical expression specifying a program state that must exist or a set of conditions that program variables must satisfy at a particular point during program execution;for example, A is positive and A is greater than B.
  • 为帮助民族乡的发展,1993年中国政府制定了《民族乡行政工作例》,规定上级政府应在财政、金融、税收、基础设施建设等方面采取特殊政策和措施支持民族乡发展经济。
    To accelerate the development of the townships, in 1993 the Chinese government formulated the Regulations on the Administrative Work of Ethnic Townships, specifying that the governments at higher levels should adopt special policies and measures concerning finance, banking, taxation, the construction of infrastructure facilities, and other fields to help ethnic townships to develop their economies.
  • 在国家的支持下,宁夏1989年以来在河套灌区先后完成了第一、二期农业综合开发,开垦荒地4万公顷,改造中低产田10万多公顷,新增粮食生产能力近4亿公斤⑩。为帮助民族乡的发展,1993年中国政府制定了《民族乡行政工作例》,规定上级政府应在财政、金融、税收、基础设施建设等方面采取特殊政策和措施支持民族乡发展经济。
    Thanks to the support of the state, since 1989 the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has completed the first and second phases of the comprehensive agricultural development in the Hetao Irrigated Area, reclaimed 40,000 ha of wasteland, and ameliorated more than 100,000 ha of medium- and low-yield fields, enabling an additional production capacity of nearly 400 million kg of grain10. To accelerate the development of the townships, in 1993 the Chinese government formulated the Regulations on the Administrative Work of Ethnic Townships, specifying that the governments at higher levels should adopt special policies and measures concerning finance, banking, taxation, the construction of infrastructure facilities, and other fields to help ethnic townships to develop their economies.
  • 扩频技术是在无线电电磁频谱中无例管制的部分中竞争。
    Spread spectrum technology competes in the unregulated portion of the radio electromagnetic spectrum.
  • 坏消息使我们全部震惊得说不出话来。
    The bad news left us all speechless from shock.
  • 与东部地区城市相比,我国西部地区许多城市基础设施件较差,城市交通运输亟待改善。
    Compared with cities in eastern China, infrastructures in many cities in western China are poor, and urban transportation in those cities must be speedily improved.
  • 高速公路由警察取缔超速。
    The expressway was policed against speeding.
  • 建国后的十七年,各战线,包括知识分子比较集中的战线,都是以毛泽东同志为代表的路线占主导地位,唯独你们教育战线不是这样,能说得通吗?
    In all spheres of work, including those where intellectuals are concentrated, the line represented by Comrade Mao Zedong was dominant during the first 17 years after the founding of our People's Republic in 1949. Can it be that your sphere, the educational sphere, was the only exception?
  • 一顿完整的套套包括一个汉堡包、炸薯和一杯了口可乐饮料,还有铝箔袋装的番茄酱供调味炸薯之用。
    With French fries arid Coke, the meal is complete. Tin foil packets of extra catsup are always included and usually used to spice the French fries.
  • 书脊顶带系在书脊顶部的一布带
    A cloth band attached to the top of the spine of a book.
  • 绑腿从脚踝到膝盖间螺旋捆绑的布常用于复数
    A strip of cloth wound spirally around the leg from ankle to knee. Often used in the plural.
  • 本着这种精神,我们在支付款上达成协议。
    We've reached an agreement on payment in this spirt.
  • 不要四处散布这新闻。
    Do not splash the news about.
  • 他将开始一光明的前程之路。
    He will make a splendid father!
  • 在曲棍球比赛中他断了腿,他们就用他的球棒给他作绑腿的木板用,这真是需要是发明之母啊。
    They used his hockey stick as a splint when he broke his leg during the game. Talk about necessity being the mother of invention.
  • 按escape以使分割保持在其原来的位置上。
    Pressing escape keep the splitter bar in their original location.
  • 按escape以使分割保持在其原来的位置上。
    Pressing escape keeps the splitter bar in their original location.
  • 完成后,按鼠标按钮或回车键以离开移动到新位置的分割
    When you are finished, press the mouse button or enter to leave the splitter bar in their new location.
  • 上院政府发言人透露对该约的讨论已经结束。
    A government spokesman in the house of lord revealed that discussion has been concluded on the treaty.
  • 上院政府发言人透露对该约的讨论已经结束。
    A government spokesman in the house of lord revealed that discussion have is conclude on the treaty.
  • 当约翰·普莱耶开始赞助曲棍球系列比赛的时候,约翰·普莱耶这个名字便出现在每一体育新闻中——现在情况仍是这样。
    When John Player started to sponsor the country cricket series, the name John Player appeared in each of sports news as indeed it still does.
  • 每年到这个时候牛都很神经质,看到一狗也会受惊,无缘无故发疯狂奔。
    The cattle are so nervous at this time of year that they will spook at a dog, and run wild for no reason.
  • 猎人跟踪了这狐狸的足迹。
    the hounds followed the fox's spoor.
  • 第十九 在城市范围内从事生产活动确需排放偶发性强烈噪声的,必须事先向当地公安机关提出申请,经批准后方可进行。
    Article 19 In the case where sporadic strong noise is truly unavoidable in production conducted within an urban area, the matter must first be applied to the local public security organ for approval.
  • 第五十四 违反本法第十九的规定,未经当地公安机关批准,进行产生偶发性强烈噪声活动的,由公安机关根据不同情节给予警告或者处以罚款。
    Article 54 Anyone who, in violation of the provisions of Article 19 of this Law and without approval of the local public security organ, conducts activities that emit sporadic strong noise shall be given a disciplinary warning or fined by the said organ in light of the seriousness of the violation.
  • 生活在温带水域的身上有纹或斑点的危险的大鲨鱼。
    large dangerous warm-water shark with striped or spotted body.
  • 这里有六我们特别喜爱的策略,它们会使你成为你伴侣的好朋友。
    Here are six of our own favorite strategies to become better friends with your spouse: