| - 我深信这项安排将进一步推动购买按揭的进度,我们将会在短期内公布有关详情。
I am sure the facility will add further impetus to the mortgage purchase programme, and we will announce the details of the facility very shortly. - 中国加入世贸组织,不仅能促进中国经济的发展,也会促进世界经济的发展,将为亚洲经济和世界经济的发展注入新的活力。
China's accession to the WTO can promote not only the development of Chinese economy, but also that of the world economy and will inject new impetus into the progress of Asian economy and world economy. - 新阶段中,我们希望有、也将会有许多直接的间接的反日斗争,这些将推动对日抗战,也大有助于民主运动。
We hope there may be -- and indeed there will be -- many direct and indirect struggles against Japan in the new stage, and these will give an impetus to the war of resistance and greatly assist the movement for democracy. - 政府一再强调说,外来人才不仅不会对我国人民的就业机会构成威胁,相反地,他们将为我国的劳动市场增添新动力,也提升我国一些企业的竞争力,无形中为国人提供了更多的就业机会。
The government has emphasised time and again that not only will they pose no threat to our jobs, foreign talent will inject new impetus into Singapore's labour market, increase the competitiveness of some industries, and thus providing more job opportunities for Singaporeans. - 1小时以后传来消息说,程的肿瘤没有从肝脏扩散。贾布里勒来到第三间手术室,帮忙将克罗斯的肝脏移植到程身上。
An hour later, after receiving word that Cheng's cancer was limited to her liver, Ghobrial moved to the third operating room to help implant Cross's liver into Cheng. - 上周五,对克隆人类持强烈反对态度的美国药物食品管理局称,他们正在对"克隆援助"机构进行调查,并称不经过药物食品管理局允许就将克隆婴儿植入妇女体内是违法的。
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which strongly opposes human cloning, said on Friday it was "taking steps to investigate" Clonaid's claim. It said the implantation of a cloned baby into a woman is illegal in the United States without FDA approval. - 委员会的决定将立即执行。
The committee's decisions will be implemented immediately. - 委员会的决定将立即执行。
The committee's decisions will is implemented immediately. - 委员会的意见将立即执行。
The committee's suggestions will be implemented immediately. - 此外,分期实施的拖架检验计划到一九九八年三月一日时,将扩展至包括所有拖架。
Examination of trailers is being implemented to cover all trailers by March 1, 1998. - 大型软件制作过程中,通常将任务分成一系列的小型任务,然后以模块的形式分别执行。
To develop software, the application to be implemented is broken down into a set of smaller tasks, which are then implemented as modules within a program. - 种植园中所有工人共同使用的工具;将我们的才能聚集起来
A pool of implements for the use of all the workers on the estate; forming a pool of our talents. - 学习哲学的最佳途径就是将它当成一个侦探故事来处理:跟踪它的每一点蛛丝马迹、每一条线索与暗示,以便查出谁是真凶,谁是英雄。
The best way to study philosophy is to approach it as one approaches a detective story: follow every trail, clue and implication, in order to discover who is a murderer and who is a hero. - 如果动物确有各种各样的情感,那将深远影响今后人类和动物之间的互动方式。
If animals do indeed experience a wide range of feelings, it has profound implications for how humans and animals will interact in the future. - 生产奔腾(p)微处理器的英特尔公司总裁格罗夫(g)认为,新的电脑和网络技术的结合将会对未来产业带来十倍速的影响。
The president of Intel, producer of the Pentium micro-processors, feels that the new synergy between computers and Net technology will have multiple implications for industry of the future. - 这种现象有着重要的生态学意义。如果冰比水的密度大,那么暴露于低温之下的湖泊将会从底部开始向上发生冰冻现象。
This phenomenon has important ecological implications in that if ice were to be denser than water, then the lakes, exposed to low temperatures would start freezing from the bottom up. - 我们的协议中含有她将成为合夥人这一意思。
It is implicit in our agreement that she will is a partner. - 我们的协议中含有她将成为合伙人这一意思。
It is implicit in our agreement that she would be a partner. - 这里面原因很多,但是我想一个重要原因是当时英国殖民政策有形无形地压迫港人,激起家长们的愤恨,纷纷将子女送入华文学校,所以最好的几所华文中学拥有当时最好的香港中学生。
There were many reasons for this, but I believe an important factor was the explicit and implicit oppression of the Hong Kong people by British colonial policies, which angered the parents who, in turn, sent their children to the Chinese schools. Therefore, the best Chinese schools then had the cream of the crop among Hong Kong's secondary school students. - 旨在完成存款的歇业。因而句子这些措施可能影响存款暗含这些措施可能减少本以已实现的存款,而这些措施可能完成存款则暗含这些措施将导致新的存款的产生
Layoffs designed to effect savings. Thus the sentence These measures may affect savings could imply that the measures may reduce savings that have already been realized, whereas These measures may effect savings implies that the measures will cause new savings to come about. - 他将因为无礼而受到责备。
He will have to answer for his impoliteness. - 从巴西将咖啡进口到中国
import coffee from Brazil into China - oracle9iaswireless当然可以成为一个wap服务器,但更重要的是它使用xml将内容转换为适用于任意设备的任意格式。
Oracle9iAS Wireless can certainly be a WAP server but more importantly it uses XML to translate the content to any format for any device. - 这定将有助于他们对是否进口此项设备迅速作出决定。
This will certainly help them to make a quick decision with regard to the importation of the equipment. - 我们确信,您将满意地成为本厂相机的进口商。
We are confident that you will become a satisfied importer of our cameras. - (b)应立即将中止放行通知进口人及权利持有人。
the importer and the right holder shall be promptly notified of the suspension. - 当其他进口商将货物投放市场时,我们已经以盈利价格售出了我们的货。
When other importer place their goods on the market, we have sell ours at profitable price. - 出口商有义务在规定的期限内将规定产品只卖给进口商一家。
The exporter is obliged to sell the specified products during the specified period to nobody but the importer. - 如果进口商发现货物数量与合同规定不符,他将拒收。
If the quantity of the goods does not conform to that stipulated in the contract, the importer will refuse to accept the goods. - 不要想将你们的愿望强加于我们身上。
Don't try to impose your wishes on us. - 闯入将自己强加于别人
To impose oneself on others. - 强加不受欢迎地将(自己)强加于人
To impose(oneself) without welcome.