  • 从您的片上可以看出您是专营毛织品的,对吗?
    From your business card I can see that you specialize in woolen piece goods. Am I right?
  • 现已引进博士学位的专门人才近千
    Nearly 1,000 specialized personnel with doctorates have settled in Shenzhen.
  • 是这里的名菜。
    It's a specialty here.
  • 古树名木
    old tree and famous wood species
  • yourapp把指定的扩展添加在savefileastype框中
    YourApp adds the extension you specify in the Save File As Type box
  • (vi)指定作为申诉主题的域(或多个域);
    vi) Specify the domain name(s) that is/are the subject of the complaint;
  • 下列选项允许你指定准备保存的文件的称和位置。
    The following option allows you to specify the name and location of the file you are about to save.
  •  自书遗嘱由遗嘱人亲笔书写,签,注明年、月、日。
    A testator-written will is one made in the testator's own handwriting and signed by him, specifying the date of its making.
  • 请您在存款样单上填好您的姓,地址。
    Please sign your name and write your address on this signature specimen card.
  • 模式标本被一个分类单元最初描写和命的样品
    The specimen on which the original description and naming of a taxon is based.
  • 建筑面积10610平方米,能容纳3156观众。
    The area of the building is 10610 square meters, which can contain 3156 spectators.
  • 传唤一超速的摩托车手
    Ticket a speeding motorist.
  • 那个演说现在仍然很出
    That speech is still famous.
  • 警方因我超速行车把我的姓记了下来.
    The police booked me for speeding.
  • 你的名字怎么拼写?
    How do you spell your name?
  • 请拼你的姓,好吗?
    Can you spell you name, please?
  • 请你拼出名字好吗?
    Could you spell your name, please?
  • 请拼写你的名字。
    Spell your name for me, please.
  • 不,你把我的字拼错了。
    No, you have spell my name wrong.
  • 伯恩:对不起,你能不能把全拼一下?
    Sorry, could you spell it in full?
  • 在拼字方面她是班上的第一
    She leads the class in spelling.
  • 你把我的字拼错了。
    You've spelt my name wrong.
  • 我的字的拼法是s-m-y-t-h。
    My name is spelt S-M-Y-T-H.
  • 那么你全的拼写就是l,i和l,i。
    So your full name is spelt L, I and L, I.
  • 我的字和姓是一样的——两个都拼l,i和l,i。
    Li Both my first name and my surname are the same-both are spelt L, I and L, I.
  • 我不知道它的英语字,不过它是一种豆腐,烹制时加了辣酱。
    I don't know the English for it, but it's a kind of beancurd cooked with spice sauce.
  • “仓蜘蛛由e.b.怀特‘夏洛特之网’一书而闻”。
    the barn spider was made famous in E. B. White's book `Charlotte's Web'.
  • 那些孩子可以流利地背出所有总统的字,可是他们真正懂得自己国家的历史吗?
    The children can spiel of the names of all the Presidents, but do they really understand their country's history?
  • 这个男孩能熟背世界上所有国家的字。
    The boy can spiel off all the country's names in the world.
  • 迄今,共有2653勇敢的市民获得该等殊荣。
    The schemes have given recognition to a total of 2653 public-spirited citizens.
  • 一个辉煌壮丽的集合(特别是著的人的)。
    a splendid assemblage (especially of famous people).
  • 牌坊—不管叫南洋牌坊还是叫其他字—的光辉在于它的气,即它把我们培育成才的气。
    The splendour of the Arch, then, whether called Nanyang or some other, lies in its standing for the time that brought us to where we are now.