  • 经济工作要按经济规律办事,不能弄虚作假,不能空喊号,要有一套科学的办法。
    Economic work should be done in accordance with economic law.We must follow scientific methods without practising fraud or chanting empty slogans.
  • 练功者终身都要坚持,叫“拳不离子,曲不离”。
    The practitioners of wushu should persevere all their lives. It is a Chinese saying:" practice boxing and singing all the time."
  • 叫那些孩子不要在楼梯欢蹦乱跳了,让他们上床睡觉去。
    Tell those children to stop prancing about on the landing and get into bed.
  • 暗号预先安排好的回答警卫或哨兵提问的话;
    A prearranged reply to a challenge, as from a guard or sentry; a password.
  • 轮船进港时港周围的地区挤满了人。
    The precincts of the port are full of people when the ships come in.
  • 人工流产的提倡者认为它是控制人的一种必要手段。他们也许是对的,但他们可能忽略了人的生命在最初阶段的宝贵。
    Abortion advocates may be correct in their assertion that the practice is a necessary tool of population control , but they seem to neglect the preciousness of human life in its earliest stages.
  • 我预计到2050年世界人会达到一百亿。
    I predict the world's population will be 10 billion in 2050.
  • 这两个标准的目标都是让开发人员生成带有可预测的标准接的组件,这些组件可装配起来,生成应用程序,而不管这些组件位于何处、是由谁设计。
    The objective of both standards is to let developers create components with standard, predictable interfaces so the components can be assembled to create applications, no matter where they are located or who designed them.
  • 其中只有一个行为是可以预见的,那就是uddi操作入站点将会将注册的信息(savexx消息导致的输出)传送给能够处理校验的服务,该服务与某一个已校验的命名空间相关联。
    The only behavior that is predictable, is that the UDDI Operator will pass the information being registered (as a result of a save_xx message) to the service that performs validation on a checked namespace.
  • 预言书头或书面表达的授意的信息或预言
    Such an inspired message or prediction transmitted orally or in writing.
  • 经验使得他(预先)倾向于守如瓶。
    Experience has predisposed him to is very secretive.
  • -最好在此次会议召开之前,通过一项允许最不发达国家基本上所有出产品免税和免配额进的政策;
    To adopt, preferably by the time of that Conference, a policy of duty- and quota-free access for essentially all exports from the least developed countries;
  • 史密斯先生,不知您有什么特别的味?
    Mr.Smith, I wonder if you have any particular preferences?
  • 我越听到我的孩子们对音乐的偏爱,我就越感到自己不适合现代味了。
    The more I hear of my children's preferences in music, the more I realize how much I've fallen out of line with modern tastes.
  •  香港特别行政区所取得的和以前取得仍继续有效的出配额、关税优惠和达成的其他类似安排,全由香港特别行政区享有。
    Export quotas, tariff preferences and other similar arrangements, which are obtained or made by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or which were obtained or made and remain valid, shall be enjoyed exclusively by the Region.
  • 我国历史悠久,地域辽阔,人众多,不同民族、不同职业、不同年龄、不同经历和不同教育程度的人们,有多样的生活习俗、文化传统和艺术爱好。
    China has a long history, a vast territory, and a huge population.Our people are of many nationalities and of different professions, ages, experience and educational levels, and they have varied customs and cultural traditions and varied preferences in literature and art.
  •  我国历史悠久,地域辽阔,人众多,不同民族、不同职业、不同年龄、不同经历和不同教育程度的人们,有多样的生活习俗、文化传统和艺术爱好。
    China has a long history, a vast territory, and a huge population. Our people are of many nationalities and of different professions, ages, experience and educational levels, and they have varied customs and cultural traditions and varied preferences in literature and art.
  • 甚至在史前时期人的增长也一定常常威胁或者超过了人类粮食生产的能力。
    Even in prehistoric times population growth often must have threatened or exceeded man's ability to produce enough food.
  • 23.此外,儿童基金会各国家和区域办事处正在建设自己应付紧急状况准备工作方面的能力,对满足灾害和冲突中弱势人的饮水和卫生需要做出回应。
    23. Moreover, UNICEF country and regional offices are building their capacities for emergency preparedness and response to meet the water and sanitation needs of vulnerable populations in disasters and conflicts.
  • 基督教徒在该国那一地区的人中居多.
    Christians preponderate in the population of that part of the country.
  • 基督教徒在该国那一地区的人中居多
    Christian preponderates in the population of that part of the country
  • 那是一个荒谬的藉
    That's a preposterous excuse!
  • 尽管头上宣扬的是另外一套,决策依然是最高层经理的特权。
    Despite much lip service to the contrary, decision making remains the prerogative of top managers.
  • 艾伯特王子城加拿大萨斯喀彻温省中部一城市,位于萨斯卡通东北偏北,北萨斯喀彻温河河畔。该市由长老会教士建于1866年。人31,380
    A city of central Saskatchewan, Canada, on the North Saskatchewan River north-northeast of Saskatoon. It was founded as a Presbyterian mission in1866. Population,31, 380.
  • 一些经济发展落后、人居住分散、交通不便的农村、山区和牧区,除了努力创造条件举办学前班外,还有儿童活动站、游戏小组和巡回辅导组等非正规幼儿教育形式。
    In backward countryside, mountain and pastoral areas, which are remote and sparsely populated, while endeavoring to create conditions for running preschool classes, people are opening children's activities stations, games groups, mobile groups giving children guidance, and other nonregular forms of preschool education.
  • 一种通常用来治疗各种中性皮肤传染疾病或耳朵或咽喉或肺脏以及泌尿系统疾病的服头孢菌素类药物(商标是keflex和keftab)。
    an oral cephalosporin (trade names Keflex and Keftab) commonly prescribe for mild to moderately severe infections of the skin or ears or throat or lungs or urinary tract.
  • 我们得找个借不去参加聚会。
    We'll have to find a pretext for not going to the party.
  • 他以请我指教为借来看我。
    He came to see me on the pretext of asking my advice.
  • 他以向我讨教为借,上门找我借了十英镑。
    On the pretext of asking for my advice, he called and borrowed??10 from me.
  • 他以喉痛作为不去学校的借
    He used his sore throat as a pretext for not going to school.
  • 他藉手指疼而不去上学。
    He used his sore finger as a pretext for not going to school.
  • "他早退的藉是他牙疼得厉害,得去看牙科医生。"
    He left early on the pretext that he had a bad tootache and had to see the dentist.