  • 北京电台、电视台要提升双语、多语播能力,北京电信开设电话翻译台,为外语学习者和以外语为主要交流工具的社会各界人士服务。
    The bilingual and multi-lingual programming capabilities at Beijing Radio and TV stations will be augmented. Beijing Telecom will set up a telephone translation number to serve foreign language learners and people relying on foreign languages for most of their communications.
  • 阿葛瑞帕虽然身微贱,但是奥古斯塔斯却把他升到很高的地位。
    Augustus raised Agrippa(though of mean birth) to that height.
  • 李大嫂伸手走向前来。
    Aunt Li came forward, extending her hand.
  • 小时候,妈妈跟外婆国旅行,相隔了好几个单位的罗阿姨,每晚还特地多煮些菜,温暖了我们的肚子和心房。
    Once my mother was away on a trip abroad with my grandma. Auntie Loh, who lived several doors away, prepared some more dishes for us children every evening, which filled our stomachs and warmed our hearts.
  • 独裁政府动了军队镇压工人罢工。
    The autocratic government call out the army to suppress the workers' strike.
  • 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认来而要请他们签名。
    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they are afraid god may recognize them and ask for autograph.
  • 有些电影明星连在教堂里也戴上太阳眼镜,惟恐上帝可能认来而要请他们签名。
    Some movie stars wear their sunglasses even in church; they is afraid god may recognize them and ask for autograph.
  • 例如,在一个自动的呼叫中心系统中,在当前情况中现的问题,可以与以前情况中的相似性进行匹配。
    For example, in an automated call center system, issues presented in a current case could be matched for similarities to preceding situations.
  • 当1999年12月31日午夜时分多数国家所采用的阳历有4位数字的变化时,很多计算机或者自动化系统就会现故障。
    When there is a four-digit change in the Gregorian calendar used by most nations at midnight on December 31, 1999, many computers and automated systems may malfunction.
  • 发票自动的输出。
    The invoice is sent out automatically.
  • 弹壳能自动从枪里弹
    The catridge is ejected from the gun automatically.
  • 突然的或者自动的现,比如有魔力的眼泪。
    produce suddenly or automatically, as of tears of charm.
  • 在pl/1语言中,程序块激活时自动现的进程。
    In PL/1, the processes that occur automatically on block activation.
  • 若发票愈期未付,一张即期票据(交费通知单)便自动输
    A demand note is sent automatically when the invoice is overdue.
  • 她的丈夫开始一个劲儿地打喷嚏。“大吉大利!”她脱口而地说道。
    Her husband started sneezing violently. "God bless you!" she said automatically.
  • 在沙土路上显许多汽车通过的痕迹。
    The dirt road showed many automobile tracks.
  • 一部黑色汽车突然由雾中现。
    A black automobile materialized out of the mist.
  • 用尖物弄来的尤指机动车车带上的小孔或凹陷
    A hole or depression made by a sharp object, especially a hole in an automotive tire.
  • 不过,最大的汽车信息提供者是州政府。多几美元,政府就会向你提供特殊的汽车牌照。
    But the biggest purveyors of automotive messages are state governments, which offer special licence plates for a few extra dollars.
  • 我输完那封信后,我可以在电讯公告板上输讯息,找一位精于自动研究翻译的译者吗?
    After I upload the letter. Shall I put a message on the telecommunications bulletin board (BBS) requesting a translator experienced in automotive research translation?
  • 神经节后部或末端的(尤指发源于自主神经中枢细胞的无髓鞘神经纤维)。
    beyond or distal to a ganglion (referring especially to the unmyelinated fibers that originate from cells in autonomic ganglia).
  • 我们在处理入境问题上,完全拥有自主权,在海关和执法方面亦如是。
    We have full autonomy on immigration matters, as we do with Customs and law enforcement.
  • 但这只有在尸体解剖后才能得正式的定论。不过,他的朋友们认为恐怕他是死于吸毒,在他活着时,他就不幸染上这种恶习并靠它维持着生命。
    Not until an autopsy is performed will there be an official verdict, but his friends fear that he died the same way he lived disastrously, on drugs.
  • 这个缺陷可以克服,胆怯可以化为勇气,只要借助自我暗示的原理,以写作、记忆、复诵的方式,把正面肋思考冲劲表达来,一直到这种力量变成了你心理潜意识配备中的一项机制为止。
    This handicap can be surmounted, and timidity translated into courage, through the aid of the principle of autosuggestion. The application of this principle may be made through a simple arrangement of positive thought impulses stated in writing, memorized, and repeated, until they become a part of the working equipment of the subconscious faculty of your mind.
  • 作为国际交流的辅助语言,所提的简化的英语形式。
    a simplified form of English proposed for use as an auxiliary language for international communication.
  • 加工贸易是指一国从国外进口主要原材料、零部件,加工装配后复口的一种贸易方式。
    Processing trade means a country importing main raw materials and auxiliary parts to be processed or assembled and re-exported.
  • 民众安全服务队(简称"民安队")是政府辖下一支辅助应急队伍,共有3634名成人队员、3232名少年团团员及120名由公务员任的常额职员。
    The Civil Aid Service is a government auxiliary emergency service with an establishment of 3634 adult members, 3232cadets and a permanent staff of 120 civil servants.
  • web网页面版软件的易得性,将对新的internet的增长继续做贡献。
    The wide availability of Web-page publishing software will continue to contribute to the growth of the new Internet.
  • 首相无暇作出评论。
    The Prime Minister was not available for comment.
  • 中国可供口的商品种类繁多。
    Chinese commodities available for export are varied.
  • 你们还有车子可以租吗?
    Do you have any car available?
  •  任何人利用以前提的一项申请的优先权的,必须写明该申请的号码;
    Any person who avails himself of the priority of a previous application shall be required to specify the number of that application;