  • 坚持扩大国需求的方针,根据形势需要实施相应的宏观经济政策。
    We must stick to the policy of stimulating domestic demand and implement corresponding macroeconomic policies in light of actual needs.
  • 扩大投资需求,加快基础设施建设,是去年我国宏观调控政策的重要容。
    One of the key aspects of the macroeconomic policy of China in 1998 was to expand the investment demand and to speed up the construction of infrastructure facilities.
  • 这是来之不易的。这充分说明,国家采取的以扩大需为主的一系列政策措施是完全正确的,宏观调控的运作是成功的。
    These were no easy achievements, which demonstrated that the policies adopted by the government aiming at expanding domestic demand were correct, and that the operation of macroeconomic regulation was successful.
  • 由于实行上述措施,中国人民银行实现了1999年初提出的金融宏观调控目标,为扩大需、支持国有企业改革和促进国民经济稳步发展提供了较好的金融宏观环境。
    The central bank has achieved its policy goals envisaged at the beginning of 1999 and has created a favorable macroeconomic environment for expanding domestic demand, promoting SOE reform and sustaining economic growth.
  • 这几年,面对国际经济环境严峻和国有效需求不足的困难局面,我们采取的最重要举措,就是果断地把宏观调控的重点,从实行适度从紧的财政政策和货币政策,治理通货膨胀,转为实行扩大需的方针,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,抑制通货紧缩趋势,并在实践中适时完善政策措施,把握调控力度,确保取得成效。
    The most important measure we took in response to the grim international economic environment and the weak domestic effective demand in the past few years was to resolutely shift the focus of our macroeconomic regulation from the appropriately stringent fiscal and monetary policies aimed at checking inflation to the proactive fiscal policy and prudent monetary policy to expand domestic demand and curb deflation. Moreover, we improved our policies and measures in good time and fine tuned our regulation to ensure good results.
  • “我就这样不得不在最后一刻取消了孩子们外出度假的计划,我(很疚,)简直受不了。”“那是没有法子的事,对此你就别总耿耿于怀了——‘计划再缜密,也难保万无一失’呀,你知道。”
    “I was maddening to have to cancel the children’s outing at the last minute like that.” “It couldn’t be helped, so don’t bother yourself too much-the best-laid schemes of mice and men, you know.”
  • 威斯康星--麦迪逊大学的神经学家理查德·大卫逊也认为包括类人猿和黑猩猩在的高级灵长目是迄今仅有的被证实具有自我意识的动物。
    " Richard Davidson, a neuroscientist at the University of Wisconsin -- Madison, agrees that higher primates, including apes and chimps, are the only animals that have demonstrated self-consciousness so far.
  • 这些虽然是疯话,却有深意在
    Though this be madness, yet there's method in't.
  •  目前,陈美已发行7张专辑,并计划在很短时间再推出2张专辑--第一张古典乐专辑,然后2004年推出摇滚乐专辑。
    Vanessa-Mae has released seven albums and plans two more in the near future--first a classical album, then a pop recording in 2004.
  • 纪律委员会黑手党的管理委员会,它裁定家庭争端和管理家庭活动
    A ruling council within the Mafia that adjudicates family disputes and regulates family activities.
  • (英国)被政大臣指定的处理冶安案例的领薪冶安官员。
    (British) paid magistrate (appointed by the Home Secretary) dealing with police cases.
  • 现在沿着山坡往下流动的两个主要岩浆流推进的速度已经减慢了。不过观光景点的亭阁仍未摆脱被岩浆吞噬的危险。岩浆已经吞没了一个仓库、一个停车场和一些运送滑雪者上山的缆索吊椅,切断了一条公路,卡塔尼亚国际机场也弥漫着大量的火山灰。
    Two main fronts sliding down the mountain appeared to have slowed, but the resort's kiosks were still menaced by magma that has consumed a warehouse, car park and ski-lifts, cut a highway in two and showered ash on to Catania's international airport.
  • 在低磨擦力的磁性罗盘悬挂的小的磁体;确定地球磁极的方向。
    a slender magnet suspended in a magnetic compass on a low-friction mounting; used to indicate the direction of the earth's magnetic pole.
  • 例如,我们偶尔看到的太阳猛烈的扰动会影响地磁和无线电波,但却并不影响我们的耳朵,这对于我们心灵的安宁来说,真是太好了。
    The violent disturbances which are seen occasionally in the sun for example, may effect our magnetism and ridio, they do not affect our ears, which is a very good thing for our peace of mind.
  • 他们不仅来自中国,还来自马六甲、廖群岛和本区域其他地方。
    They came not only from China but also Malacca, the Riauislands and other places in the region.
  • 他们不仅来自中国,还来自马六甲、廖群岛和本区域其他地方。
    They came not only from China but also Malacca, the Riau islands and other places in the region.
  • 潜隐体一种处于发育阶段的疟疾寄生虫,在侵入红血细胞之前,寄生在体组织中
    A malarial parasite at the stage of development in which it inhabits bodily tissue before invading the red blood cells.
  • 譬如,公教中学就时常邀请马来和印度文化团体在适当的节日里到校演出或举行讲座。
    For example, Catholic High School regularly invites Malay and Indian cultural groups to perform or to give talks during appropriate festivals.
  • 总的来说,掌握马来文不但可以促进国各族群之间的交流和了解,也能为我们带来经济利益。
    In conclusion, not only can learning Malay enhance cultural exchanges between the different races in Singapore, but it can also benefit us economically.
  • 除贸易活动外,多年来,我们通过不同途径建立了宝贵的友谊,教育方面的交流尤其值得一提——香港历史最悠久的一所大学的大礼堂,便是以一名马来西亚商人的名称命名,这位商人曾在二次大战后协助这所大学重建。
    As well as trade we have established friendships over many years and through many channels, not least by educational exchange - the main hall of our oldest university is named after a Malaysian businessman who helped the reconstruction of the university after the last war.
  • 紫外线辐射会引起包括恶性黑素瘤——一种致命的疾病在的皮肤癌和其他健康问题。
    Ultraviolet radiation causes skin cancer including malignant melanoma, a form of the disease that can be fatal and other health problems.
  • 香港机场购物中心位于客运大楼,占地约3万平方米,是世界级的购物商场。
    The Hong Kong Sky Mall will be a world-class retail complex covering some 30 000 square metres inside the passenger terminal.
  • 在我们这个时代,人类已经解开了生命的密码,并且能够在数秒钟将知识从一个大陆传递到另一个大陆。世界上没有一个母亲能理解为什么她的孩子应该死于营养不良或可以预防的疾病。
    In an age when human beings have learnt the code of human life, and can transmit their knowledge in seconds from one continent to another, no mother in the world can understand why her child should be left to die, of malnutrition or preventable disease.
  • 也许是因为那一年漫长的夏天酷暑难耐,也许是妈妈在杂志或书中读到了有关帽子的容,反正她认为大热天爸爸不该戴那么厚的毡牛仔帽,不然他就要掉头发。
    Maybe it was the heat of the long summer, maybe Mama read about hats in a magazine or book, but in someway she got the idea that Papa should not wear a heavy wool cowboy hat in the hot weather. She began to believe that Papa would lose his hair if he did.
  • 兽,牲畜不包括人在的动物,尤指哺乳动物
    An animal organism other than a human being, especially a mammal.
  • 哺乳动物任一种包括人类在的哺乳动物纲的温血脊椎动物,其特点是皮肤上有一层毛,雌性具有养育幼崽的能产生奶汁的乳腺
    Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including human beings, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, milk-producing mammary glands for nourishing the young.
  • 育儿袋大多数有袋目动物母亲腹前的袋子,有乳腺,幼仔在离开子宫后在里面继续生长发育
    An external pouch or fold on the abdomen of most female marsupials, containing the mammary glands and in which the young continue to develop after leaving the uterus.
  • 我们正努力把问题缩小到可以控制的范围
    We are trying to reduce the problem to manageable proportions.
  • 而在以最优方式将每一应用程序送达各种设备时,大量的容源增加了管理的复杂性。
    The large amount of content sources increases the complexity of having a manageable way to deliver each application to every type of device in the most optimized fashion.
  • 但如果你只想在自己能力所及的范围一搏,如果你只致力于些许你所能从事的事业,如果你相信在其他地方,别的人也在自己的领域中辛勤工作,你也许会取得极大的成功。
    But if you stake out your own workable territory, if you settle on a manageable number of causes, then you might accomplish a great deal,all the while trusting that others elsewhere are working faithfully in their own places.
  • 执行者在某一组织具有管理或经理权力的人或集团
    A person or group having administrative or managerial authority in an organization.
  • ,七十多个国家共14521名具备技术知识、行政或管理技能的专业人员,获准来港就业。
    During the year, 14 521 professionals and persons with technical, administrative or managerial skills from more than 70 countries were admitted for employment.