  • 今天,(网络)管理功能仍需要用大量人力,信息系统部门般必须在多个服务器环境上复制管理工具。
    Today, administrative functions are labor-intensive and IS organizations typically have to replicate management tools across multiple server environments.
  • 原则上讲,以技术复制人违反了每个人独有的基本的尊严。
    On principle, to replicate any human technologically is against the basic dignity of the uniqueness of each human being.
  • 有些科幻小说是经久不衰的恶梦。其中个便是有朝日人类能够仅仅通过体细胞进行无性繁殖。
    One of the abiding SciFi nightmares has been the idea that we could one day replicate human beings asexually, just by copying material from human cells.
  • 南非的榜样促动其他方面尝试在整个非洲推行这经验,途径包括非洲发展新伙伴关系和区域机构。
    South Africa’s example has inspired others to try to replicate this experience Africa-wide though the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and regional bodies.
  • 病毒各种动物、植物和细菌的简单亚微观寄生虫之,常引起疾病,主要由核糖核酸或脱氧核糖酸的个核组成,周围有蛋白质包围。离开寄主细胞不能复制本身,病毒通常不被认作为是生物体
    Any of various simple submicroscopic parasites of plants, animals, and bacteria that often cause disease and that consist essentially of a core of RNA or DNA surrounded by a protein coat. Unable to replicate without a host cell, viruses are typically not considered living organisms.
  • 计算机病毒种自身复制并干涉软件功能或破坏储存信息的程序
    A program that replicates itself and interferes with software function or destroys stored information.
  • 1992年7月19日,在即将结束天的工作时,鲁伊古·罗布斯托上校小心翼翼地下潜到亚得里亚海30英尺处。这是他以前潜水深度的两倍。
    Near day's end on July 19, 1992, Major Luigi Robusto, commander form the province of Brindisi, cautiously descended 50 feet into the Adriatic Sea, twice as deep as he had dived before.
  • 前病毒种病毒的母体或潜在形式,能被并入寄主细胞的基因材料,与它起被复制
    The precursor or latent form of a virus that is capable of being integrated into the genetic material of a host cell and being replicated with it.
  • 在理论上,个股价指数所代表的“货”就是把这个股价指数所包含的所有股票,按它们在指数里所占的比例组合而成的“股票组合”。
    In theory, the commodity underlying an SIF contract is a portfolio of stocks replicating the specified index.
  • 威尼托意大利东北部的个地区,临亚得里亚海。它从15世纪初以来直受威尼斯的统治,在1797年转让给奥地利并于1806年授给了意大利
    A region of northeast Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Dominated by Venice since the early15th century, it passed to Austria in1797 and was awarded to Italy in1866.
  • 分组[包]交换技术中的种路由选择方法,使用这种方法的每个网点复制输入进来的信息包,将这些复制件发送到相邻的网点,这样尽管使用很大的传输能力,但可确保快速可靠地到达实际终点。
    In packet switching, a routing method in which each node replicates incoming packets and send copies to its neighbours, thus ensuring that the actual destination is reached quickly and with certainty, though with considerable use of transmission capacity.
  • 种有机生命体中都存在着dna,这种分子作为种超级计算机装置的吸引力在于其已经得到证实的存储大量信息的能力--事实上复制生命所需的全部指令都存储在dna中。
    DNA is present in every living organism, and the appeal of the molecule as a supercomputer mechanism lies in its demonstrated ability to store a vast amount of information, indeed, all of the instructions for replicating life.
  • 种有机生命体中都存在着dna,这种分子作为种超级计算机装置的吸引力在于其已经得到证实的存储大量信息的能力--事实上复制生命所需的全部指令都存储在dna中。尽管这种化学物质不会在短期内取代个人计算机,但是科学家组成的两个研究小组上个月已经向人们演示了这些满载信息的分子也许可以通过怎样的方式在未来的计算机中执行计算任务。
    DNA is present in every living organism, and the appeal of the molecule as a supercomputer mechanism lies in its demonstrated ability to store a vast amount of information, indeed, all of the instructions for replicating life. Although the chemistry set won't be replacing your PC anytime soon, two groups of scientists demonstrated last month how these information-laden molecules might perform calculations in future computers.
  • 阿迪杰河意大利东北部河流,发源于阿尔卑斯山,全长410公里(255英里),先向南流而后折向东,在威尼斯湾汇入亚得里亚海
    A river of northeast Italy rising in the Alps and flowing about410 km(255 mi) generally south then east to the Adriatic Sea at the Gulf of Venice.
  • 叠氮胸苷种可抑制导致爱滋病病毒的复制的抗病药物;叠氮胸苷
    An antiviral drug that inhibits replication of the retrovirus that causes AIDS; AZT.
  • 有了存储区域网,只要套工具,复制费用就能省下。
    With a SAN, there is just one set of tools and replication costs can be avoided.
  • 波河意大利北部河流,流程约652公里(405英里),大致向东流入亚得里亚海。波河流域是个主要的工业和农业区
    A river of northern Italy flowing about652 km(405 mi) generally eastward to the Adriatic Sea. The Po Valley is a major industrial and agricultural area.
  • x.500标准实现成本高、且复杂,但它支持多种功能,如复制,这就有可能编制个集中的目录。
    The X.500 standard is costly and complex, but it supports features -- such as replication -- that make it possible to construct a centralized directory.
  • 前期阶减数分裂的第个阶段,由系列的事件组成,包括脱氧核糖核酸的复制,同种染色体结合、交叉,染色体形成以及染色体的收缩
    The first stage of meiosis, constituted by a series of events that include DNA replication, the synapsis of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, the formation of chiasmata, and contraction of the chromosomes.
  • 干扰素细胞由于对病毒感染反应而生成的种糖原蛋白,它能防止病毒复制并能对病毒抗原产生抵抗能力
    Any of a group of glycoproteins produced by cells in response to infection by a virus that act to prevent viral replication and have the ability to induce resistance to viral antigens.
  • 阿布鲁齐意大利中部地区,濒临亚得里亚海。大部分为山区,包括亚平宁山脉的最高峰--科诺峰
    A region of central Italy bordering on the Adriatic Sea. Mostly mountainous, it includes Mount Corno, the highest peak of the Apennines.
  • 基因突变(变异)过去直是,将来也还是生命现象中的基本现实存在。因为正是通过基因复制过程中的错误才可能产生积极的基因变异。这正是进化的生命力所在。
    Mutation has been and always will be an essential fact of life, since it is through mistakes in gene replication that the positive genetic variants arise which are the lifeblood of evolution.
  • 安科纳意大利中部城市,邻亚得里亚海。是重要的港口和工商业中心。人口106,421
    A city of central Italy on the Adriatic Sea. It is a leading port and an industrial and commercial center. Population,106, 421.
  • 佩斯卡拉意大利中部个城市,位于亚得里亚海沿岸、罗马东北偏东。是个工商业中心。人口131,345
    A city of central Italy on the Adriatic Sea east-northeast of Rome. It is an industrial and commercial center. Population,131, 345.
  • 喋喋不休地做了个很长的回复
    Chattered a long reply.
  • 古代沿亚德里亚海东岸不确定的地区,曾经由个说印欧语的民族占据。
    an uncertain region on the east shore of the Adriatic where an ancient Indo-European people once lived.
  • 意大利半岛南欧的个半岛,位于第勒尼安海和亚得里亚海之间,伸向地中海
    A peninsula of southern Europe projecting into the Mediterranean Sea between the Tyrrhenian and Adriatic seas.
  • 欧洲东南部的个共和国,位于巴尔干半岛亚得里亚海岸。
    a republic in southeastern Europe on the Adriatic coast of the Balkan Peninsula.
  • 亚得里亚海岸边克罗地亚西南部的个城市;著名的旅游胜地。
    a port city in southwestern Croatia on the Adriatic; a popular tourist center.
  • 克罗地亚的历史地区,濒临亚得里亚海;由许多多山的岛屿组成。
    a historical region of Croatia on the Adriatic Sea; mountainous with many islands.
  • 条意大利北部的河流,向东南流入亚得里亚海。
    a river in northern Italy that flows southeast into the Adriatic Sea.
  • 布拉风种亚得里亚海上暴烈、寒冷、向东北方向吹的冬季风
    A violent, cold, northeasterly winter wind on the Adriatic Sea.