  • 那个国家被部落的激烈冲突弄得四分五裂。
    The country was torn apart by fierce tribal hostilities.
  • 宗教节日期街道上挤满了人群。
    Crowd throng the street during the fiesta.
  • 宗教节日期街道上挤满了人群。
    The crowd thronged the streets during the fiesta.
  • “这的确给拍摄增添了一层紧张气氛,”她承认道,“因为我担心站立的时太长或工作过久。
    “It did add another layer of tension to filming.”She admits,“because I’d be worried that I was on my feet too long or working too many hours.
  • 据该院保育员刘秋凉回忆,凯特-布莱维特等人来后,她发现其中一个外国男子在院后的一库房拍摄。
    After Blewett, et al arrived, recalled Liu Qiuliang, nurse of the welfare home, she found one of the foreigners, a man, filming in a warehouse at the back of the courtyard.
  • 此外,又出版了一本700页有关战前制作的香港影片的影片评介,内容涵盖621部在一九一三至一九四一年期制作的影片。
    A 700-page filmography on Hong Kong films made in the pre-war years was published, covering 621 film titles made between 1913 and 1941.
  • 用不了多少时就可以把咖啡过滤好。
    It won't take long to filter the coffee.
  • 消息传遍整个公司,说是董事们之有纠纷。
    News filtered through the company that there is trouble among the directors.
  • 极脏的因长时忽视而极其肮脏的
    Exceedingly filthy from long neglect.
  • 但愿我能有时清洗一下这部汽车。它太脏了。
    I wish I had time to clean the car. It's filthy.
  • 那个女人一看到这污秽的房就恶心。
    The woman turned sick at the sight of the filthy room.
  • 但愿我能有时清洗一下这部汽车。它太脏了。
    I wish I had time to clean the car. It 's filthy.
  • 肮脏得像猪圈;污秽的池塘;脏得像猪圈一样的房
    as filthy as a pigsty; a foul pond; a nasty pigsty of a room.
  • 他们的争端尚未最终解决。
    Their dispute has not finally settled yet.
  • 在其他东南亚金融市场最近出现动荡期,你们可看到我们今天的金融和财政政策是何等稳健。
    During the recent turbulence in other Southeast Asian financial markets you saw how solid our finances and fiscal policy are today.
  • 瓦莱里安罗马皇帝(253-260年),在他的统治时期充满了军事或财政困难,他于260年被波斯武装力量击败并在被俘期死去
    Emperor of Rome(253-260) whose reign was marked by military and financial troubles. He was defeated by Persian forces(260) and died in captivity.
  • 在稳定银行居民储蓄存款,坚持以接融资为主的同时,积极发展股票、债券等直接融资,加强对证券市场的监管。
    While maintaining the current level of bank savings deposits of residents and indirect financing as the main form of financing, we should develop direct financing such as the issuance of stocks and bonds, and strengthen supervision and control of the securities market.
  • 常见的北美洲雀鸟,喉部有白色斑点,头冠为黑白相的条纹。
    common North American finch with a white patch on the throat and black-and-white striped crown.
  • 找点时,单独呆会儿;
    Find time for yourself.
  • 问题是要能找到充裕的时
    It's a question of finding enough time.
  • 在惩罚和残酷虐待之只有一条很细微的分界线。
    There's a only very fine line between punishment and cruelty.
  • 她与我亲密无间。
    She was finger and glove with me.
  • 如果这个接绑定的技术指纹与服务绑定的技术指纹是一样的,那么这个接绑定中的accesspoint就可以用来与最终的web服务交互。
    If the fingerprint in the indirect binding is the same as the fingerprint found in the service binding, then the accessPoint on the indirect binding should be used to contact the web service.
  • 因此,dna指纹鉴定正迅速成为用于人类个体之鉴别和区分的主要方法,井受到了强烈的公众关注,律师、犯罪调查者和科学家一直在讨论其优点和缺陷。
    Consequently, DNA fingerprint is rapidly becoming the primary method for identifying and distinguishing among individual human beings, and has entered an intense public spotlight, where lawyers, crime investigators, and scientists constantly discuss it s merits and pitfalls
  • 如果,这个接绑定的技术指纹表明这个接绑定是实现了一个hostingredirector服务,那么需要再一次使用getbindingdetail消息,这个消息被发往在这个接绑定信息中包含的accesspoint所指明的地址,以获得真正的服务绑定信息。
    If however, the fingerprint of the indirect binding signifies that the indirect binding implements a hostingRedirector Service, then a second call to get_bindingDetail, sent to the accessPoint address found in the indirect binding will be required to get the true service binding.
  • 约翰有时做完工作的,但他没有做完。
    John have time to finish his work, but he do not finish it.
  • 在做那项工作时,我们缺少足够的时
    We were pressed for time in finishing that job.
  • 有限时间区间稳定性
    stability in finite interval
  • 通常工作记忆只能储存有限的7±2个单元的信息:“每个人都知道瞬记忆的空是有限的,通过对大量不同类型数据的实验,证明这个空大概是7个单元。”
    Conventional wisdom has it that working memory is limited to seven units of information, plus or minus two units:"Everybody knows that there is a finite span of immediate memory and that for a lot of different kinds of test materials this span is about seven items in length".
  • 我在饭店的房里都找不到。我记得昨天最后使用护照是在这百货公司。
    I can't fink it anywhere in my hotel room, and I remember the last place I used it yesterday was in this department store.
  • 美国队是表现最佳的队伍,共赢得了41枚金牌。但是此次奥运会期,人们谈论的主要话题是23岁的芬兰长跑运动员帕沃·努尔米。
    The United States turned in the best overall team performance,winning 41 gold medals,but the talk of the Games was 23-year-old distance runner Paavo Nurmi of Finland.
  • 游隙某一特定火器枪弹的直径与火器镗孔的直径之的差异
    The difference in a given firearm between the diameter of the projectile fired and the diameter of the bore of the firearm.