  • 真理可会被责难,但绝不会受羞辱。
    Truth may be blamed, but shall never be shamed.
  • 赛后她说,在尼日利亚发生的暴力不归咎于本届竞赛。
    After wards,she said the violence in Nigeria cannot be blamed on the competition.
  • 圣洁女神是何等快乐,遗忘世界的同时被世界所遗忘,美丽心灵的永恒阳光,每一份祈祷都被接受,每一份美梦都成真。——《美丽心灵的永恒阳光》(2004)
    How happy is the blameless vestal's lot, the world forgetting by the world forgot, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, each pray're accepted, and each wish resigned.
  • 如果你周围的人们失去了理智而责怪你时,你够保持冷静。
    If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you.
  • 要敢于面对现实,你根本没力把这件事办好,别再诿过于人了。
    Face up to the fact that you simply aren’t capable of handling the business, and stop blaming the other fellow.
  • 粉碎“四人帮”已经两年了,我们不老是把工作中的问题归之于“四人帮”的流毒。
    Two years have already passed since the Gang of Four was smashed, so we can't continue blaming all the problems in our work on its pernicious influence.
  • 他患溃疡,只吃无刺激性的食物.
    He eats only bland food because of his ulcer.
  • 我们不对他人的痛苦视而不见。
    We must not be bland to the suffering of others.
  • 媒体是由公司运作的,公司要的是赚钱、娱乐,而不是惹麻烦,要尽可地温和,不去冒犯别人,避免代价高昂的调查和可的官司。
    The media is now run by corporations who want to make money,entertain,not cause anyruckuses,be as bland and inoffensive as possible,avoid costly investigations and possible litigations.
  • 不论是日本的引诱和英国的引诱,都应该给以坚决的拒绝,中国决不参加东方慕尼黑。
    China must firmly reject any blandishments, whether from Japan or from Britain, and must never take part in an Eastern Munich.
  • 因为日本帝国主义在占领武汉后,知道单用武力不屈服中国,乃着手于政治进攻和经济引诱。
    Since their occupation of Wuhan, they have come to realize that military force alone cannot subjugate China and have therefore resorted to political offensives and economic blandishments.
  • 我觉得冷,给我一条毛毯吗?
    I am cold. May I have a blanket?
  • 请你的朋友吹小号,你听到小号的嘟嘟声吗?
    Ask your friend to blow his trumpet. Can you hear the blare of the trumpet?
  • 第一颗可冲散了太空中的星际间粒子;
    The first would have blasted space free of interstellar particles;
  • 还要多久他们才训练好?这种噪声谁都受不了。
    How much longer are they going to be blasting away with that damned drill? The noise is enough to send anyone up the wall!
  • 愿你美梦成真!愿上帝保佑你以及你想保佑的人!在新年到来之际,给你我所给予的嘱咐!
    Wish you get what you want to get!May God bless you and the person you want to bless!By the coming of the New Year, give you what I can bless most!
  • 记忆是痛苦的根源,你不记得算是福气了.<<功夫>>
    Memories can be painful. To forget may be a blessing.
  • 他无法了解他的行为可带来什么后果。
    He is blind to the probable results of his behavior.
  • 他不了解他的行为可带来的后果。
    He is blind to the effect of his actions.
  • 他太鲁莽对自己粗话可引起的后果全然不顾。
    He is so rash that he is blind to the probable results of his rude words.
  • 窗上的一种有铰链、活动的窗子。
    a hinged blind for a window.
  • 这账单简直令人头晕目眩。他真怀疑自己是否付清账单。又是租金,又是税款,又是服务费。
    The bill is blinder. He doubted very much if he'd ever get over the bill. Rents for this, taxes for that, services for the other.
  • 我蒙住眼睛也能做。
    I could do that blindfolded.
  • 我闭着眼睛都能做。
    I can do it blindfold.
  • 水流直射在他的脸上,使他一时不睁眼,喉咙直呛,袭击他的人乘机丢下水管,抽身逃去。
    The jet of water hit him full in the face, blinding and choking him for long enough to enable his assailant to drop the hose and make his escape.
  • 我们的工作不盲目进行。
    We mustn't go about our work blindly.
  • 我们不一步一趋盲目地照外国办法行事。
    We mustn't blindly follow in the footsteps of foreign practice.
  • 在这种情况下,如果我们一味盲目的追求成就,我们可在这一个没有国界的环球村里随波逐流。
    Under such circumstances, if we seek success blindly, we may end up drifting with the tide in a borderless global village.
  • 由于失去眼睛而导致不看东西。
    blindness due to loss of the eyes.
  • 白内障眼球晶状体或眼膜的不透明,引起视力损伤或失明
    Opacity of the lens or capsule of the eye, causing impairment of vision or blindness.
  • 紫外线辐射增加了白内障的危险,这种疾病使眼睛的晶体蒙上缀障并导致失明。
    Ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of cataracts, which cloud the lens of the eye and can cause blindness.
  • 刘先生说这种被称为"骨牙角膜修复"的复杂手术对英国35万登过记的盲人或半盲人并非全都适用,它只适合那些因角膜而失明但是眼睛还没完全丧失功的病人。
    Mr Liu says while the complex surgery -- called osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) -- could not help all the 350,000 registered blind or partially-sighted people in the UK, it may be suitable for patients with severe corneal blindness whose eyes can otherwise still function.