  • 英格兰北部的一河流,向东南流经西约克夏。
    a river in northern England that flows southeast through West Yorkshire.
  • 弱军对于强军作战的再一个必要件,就是拣弱的打。
    Another essential condition for a weak army fighting a strong one is to pick out the enemy's weaker units for attack.
  • 发源于怀俄明州西部的一河流,向南流经犹他州,最后成为科罗拉多河的一支流。
    a river that rises in western Wyoming and flows southward through Utah to become a tributary of the Colorado River.
  • 提契诺河位于瑞士南部和意大利北部的一流程约248公里(154英里)的河流,大致向南流入波河。公元前218年汉尼拔沿这河流打败了罗马人
    A river, about248 km(154 mi) long, of southern Switzerland and northern Italy flowing generally southward to the Po River. Hannibal defeated the Romans along the banks of the river in218 b.c.
  • 这是香港回归祖国后,首适用于香港特区的《国际劳工公约》。
    It was the first convention to be applicable to the HKSAR after China's resumption of sovereignty.
  • 美国和前苏联都是约的签署国.
    The US and the former Soviet Union were co-signatories of/to the treaty.
  • 国家重点组织开展的49个草地牧业综合示范工程取得巨大成效,到1994年底,累计完成人工种草563.8万公顷,为干旱、荒漠、水土流失严重地区发展畜牧业以及生态环境保护开辟了一新路。
    The 49 key comprehensive demonstration projects for grassland stockbreeding constructed by the state have made great achievements. By the end of 1994 a total of 5.638 million hectares of artificially sown grass had been completed, which has blazed a new trail for developing animal husbandry and ecological environmental protection in the areas with arid and desertified land and those with serious soil erosion.
  • (日本)薄的牛肉(或鸡肉、猪肉),和洋葱、青菜和酱油在餐桌上简单烹制。
    (Japanese) thin beef strips (or chicken or pork) cooked briefly at the table with onions and greens and soy sauce.
  • 科学家们对发动机的研究为太空船的发展准备了件。
    Scientists'work on engines set the stage for the development of spaceships.
  • 要是很饿的话,吃两份意大利细面就行了。
    If you're very hungry a double helping of spaghetti should fit the bill!
  • 我以为你喜欢意大利面
    I think you like spaghetti!
  • 我并不十分喜欢意大利面
    I am not very fond of spaghetti.
  • 我对意大利面兴趣不大。
    I am not very keen on spaghetti.
  • 在番茄沙司里的意大利细面和肉丸子。
    spaghetti with meatballs in a tomato sauce.
  • 听口气你好象不太感兴趣。我还以为你喜欢意大利面
    You do not sound very keen. I think you like spaghetti.
  • 如果您着急,可以吃意大利式细面或鸡丝炒饭。
    If you're in a hurry.I'll recommend the spaghetti or chicken fried rice.
  • 在意大利面的调料汁中烹饪西红柿,食后可使人类心脏更加健康并增强身体的抗癌能力。
    Cooking tomatoes--such as in spaghetti sauce--makes the fruit heart-healthier and boosts its cancer-fighting ability.
  • 我不记得自己挣多少钱,只知薪水微薄,每天仅靠意大利面、糙米饭和自助冷餐为生。
    I don't remember what I earned, but it was so little that I lived on spaghetti, brown rice and Kool-Aid.
  • “主人在牛栏里,你要是找他说话,就从这路口绕过去。”
    `T' maister's dahn i' t' fowld. Go rahnd by th' end ut' laith, if yah went tuh spake tull him.'
  • 跨轨信号架一种类似的跨距架,跨越多轨道并安装了许多铁路信号
    A similar spanning frame supporting a group of railway signals over several tracks.
  • 第三十六 非农业建设必须节约使用土地,可以利用荒地的,不得占用耕地;
    Article 36 Land shall be used sparingly for non-agricultural construction purposes. Whereas wasteland can be used, no cultivated land should be occupied;
  • 或多神经上的剧烈,间歇性疼痛。
    acute spasmodic pain along the course of one or more nerves.
  • 那只猫向那狗发出愤怒的呼噜呼噜声。
    The cat spat at the dog.
  • 鲑鱼游到上游去产卵。
    The salmon swims upstream to spawn.
  • 象矛一样伸入空中。
    The branch speared up into the air.
  • 我们在发展经济方面,正在寻求一合乎中国实际的,能够快一点、省一点的道路,其中包括扩大企业自主权和民主管理,发展专业化和协作,计划调节和市场调节相结合,先进技术和中等技术相结合,合理地利用外国资金、外国技术等等。
    In economic development, we are searching for a road that both conforms to China's actual conditions and enables us to proceed more quickly and economically.We are experimenting with such things as expanding democratic management and the decision-making power of enterprises, increasing specialization and co-operation, combining planned regulation with market regulation, integrating advanced technologies with existing intermediate technologies, using foreign funds and expertise in a rational way, and so on.
  • 他们拥有一专用生产线。
    They have a specialized product line.
  • 只能在特殊的准备好的件下才能划燃的火柴。
    strikes only on a specially prepared surface.
  • 2000年12月全国人大常委会通过的《中华人民共和国现役军官法》和1999年6月中央军委颁布的《中国人民解放军文职干部例》明确规定,指挥军官和非专业技术文职干部每晋升一级职务、专业技术军官和专业技术文职干部每晋升一级专业技术职务,应当经过相应的院校或者其他训练机构培训;
    Both the Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service passed by the Standing Committee of the NPC in December 2000 and the Regulations on Non-Ranking Officers of the PLA issued by the CMC in June 1999 explicitly stipulate that commanding officers and non-ranking officers without technical specialty, as well as ranking officers with technical specialty and non-ranking officers with technical specialty should receive training at relevant colleges and schools or other training institutions before their promotion;
  • 黄檀木这种树的坚硬耐用的木材,深橙红色间有黑色纹或斑驳,用于小的特制品如刀把
    The hard, durable wood of such a tree, deep orange-red with black streaking or mottling, used for small specialty items such as knife handles.
  • 你们需要的运输件是什么?
    What is your specific transport requirement?
  • 请您具体讲讲关于付款款的建议。
    Would you explain specifically your proposition about the terms of payment?