  • 英国的经济增长不可避免地受到冲击-正如中国的增长速度也受到打击那样。
    It will inevitably impact on Britain's economic growth - as it will impact on the rate of growth in China.
  • 将消息[秘密]告知某人
    impart news [secret] to sb.
  • 告诉你这些有趣的消息。
    I will impart the interesting news to you.
  • 但是,能量传送给水分子的最佳途径还在于组织的类型。
    But the best way to impart energy to the water molecules depends on the type of tissue.
  • 首相其旅行的消息透露给了新闻界。
    The minister imparted the news of his trip to the press.
  • 摩门教一位古代先知在约瑟夫·史密斯面前出现并告知他关于美洲的圣史,史密斯其翻译过来并在1830年发表摩门教义
    An ancient prophet who appeared to Joseph Smith and imparted to him a sacred history of the Americas, which Smith translated and published as the Book of Mormon in1830.
  • 仲裁,公断争执双方分歧诉诸双方共同认可或条例规定的公正的个人或组织的过程
    The process by which the parties to a dispute submit their differences to the judgment of an impartial person or group appointed by mutual consent or statutory provision.
  • 他不耐烦地用手一挥,书猛地推到地上
    Knocked the books to the floor with an impatient dash of his hand.
  • 数日未露面的菲律宾总统埃斯特拉达,在星期三弹劾案开审前表示,他把他的命运交给上帝及会作出裁判的参议员。
    Philippine President Joseph Estrada, appearing in public on the eve of his impeachment trial, said on Wednesday he would leave his fate in the hands of God and the senators who judge him.
  • 一种设备或电路与传输线并联。通常桥接电路具有较高的输入阻抗,因此传送线上的信号不受影响。
    The connection of a device or circuit in parallel with a transmission line. Usually the bridge circuit has a relatively high input impedance so that it has an insignificant effect on the signals in the transmission line.
  • 这个战争,不但影响到中日两国,大大推动两国的进步,而且影响到世界,推动各国首先是印度等被压迫民族的进步。
    This war will not only affect China and Japan, strongly impelling both to advance, but will also affect the whole world, impelling all nations, especially the oppressed nations such as India, to march forward.
  • 她为了即进行的手术而心中忐忑不安。
    She was keyed up over her impending operation.
  • 预防即到来的危险。
    warding off an impending threat.
  • 关于暴风雨即来临的消息使他们冷静下来。
    The news of the impending storm sobered them down.
  • 预兆即到来的危险或邪恶的恐吓、威胁或迹象
    An intimation, a threat, or a sign of impending danger or evil.
  • 答案就是即问世的交换式令牌环网标准,即802.5r专用令牌环(dtr)。
    Its answer lies in the impending switched token-ring standard, called 802.5r Dedicated Token Ring (DTR).
  • 危机政治、社会或经济等方面的包含即来临的突然变化或决定性变化的不稳定状态
    An unstable condition, as in political, social, or economic affairs, involving an impending abrupt or decisive change.
  • 答:我在1994年所提出的论点不是针对危机即发生而做的预言,至少我不这么认为。
    A: The stuff I talked about in 1994 wasn't a sign of an impending crisis -- at least I didn't think so.
  • 大惊小怪者;危言耸听者不必要地进行警告或试图警告别人的人,如对即来临的危险、灾难加以捏造或传播虚假夸张的谣言
    A person who needlessly alarms or attempts to alarm others, as by inventing or spreading false or exaggerated rumors of impending danger or catastrophe.
  • 中国即加入世界贸易组织,这为中国和其他发展中国家之间的合作带来更多新的机会。
    China's impending entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) will usher in more new opportunities for co-operation between China and other developing countries.
  • 如果说他们是革命的,那是鉴于他们行转入无产阶级的队伍,这样,他们就不是维护他们目前的利益,而是维护他们来的利益,他们就离开自己原来的立场,而站到无产阶级的立场上来。
    If by chance they are revolutionary, they are so only in view of their impending transfer into the proletariat, they thus defend not their present, but their future interests, they desert their own standpoint to place themselves at that of the proletariat.
  • 这家公司要在帝国大饭店举行一个庆圣诞晚宴舞会。
    The company will have a Christmas dinner- dance at the Imperial Hotel.
  • 被压迫人民记下帝国主义欠下的血债。
    The oppressed people will score up the debts of blood against imperialism.
  • 敌人是行崩溃的帝国主义者,他占领中国的土地是暂时的。
    Japan is an imperialist power heading for collapse, and her occupation of China's territory is temporary.
  • 这种妥协退让的方针如不迅速改变,使平津和华北尽丧于敌人之手,而使全民族受到绝大的威胁,这是每个人都应十分注意的。
    If it is not speedily reversed, Peiping, Tientsin and the whole of northern China will fall into the hands of the enemy, and the entire nation will be seriously imperilled. Everyone must be on the alert.
  • 这样,我可始终立于主动,一切敌人的“挑战书”,旁人的“激法”,都应束之高阁,置之不理,丝毫也不为其所动。
    This is how we will be able to maintain our initiative from beginning to end, and as for the enemy's "challenges" and other people's "taunts", we should imperturbably brush them aside and ignore them.
  • 在今后的抗日形势中,从政治上反对右的悲观主义,是头等重要的;但是在同时,反对“左”的急性病,也仍然要注意。
    From now on, it is of paramount importance to wage a political struggle against Rightist pessimism in the War of Resistance, although it is still necessary to keep an eye on "Left" impetuosity.
  • “相公,”吉斯盖特连忙说,语气急促,就像水闸打开似的,或者说,就像女人横下了心。“那位在剧中扮演圣母娘娘的大兵,您是认识的罗?”
    “Messire,” began Gisquette with the impetuous haste of a woman taking a resolve, “it appears you are acquainted with the soldier who is going to play the part of Madame the Virgin in the Mystery.
  • 这条约促进两国间的贸易。
    The treaty will give an impetus to trade between the two countries.
  • 我们宁愿看到出现经济急剧下滑的情况,因为这刺激政府进行结构性改革。
    We'd rather see an impetus of a sharp decline that would drive structural change.
  • 这些都是党内生活的伟大进步,对于党和人民的事业起巨大的促进作用。
    All this represents marked progress in our inner-Party life and will give a big impetus to the cause of our Party and people.
  • 科技部组织对华投资项目发布和洽谈活动;推进风险投资体系的建设。
    Our Ministry will initiate the project promotion and conduct the business talks, and will give impetus to the construction of venture capital system.