  • 該消息的內容如下:
    This message looks like:
  • 這個時候,他們可以討論一些重要的事情,如是否某個顧問介入的工作太多,或者某位新任的閣部長是否有能力處理將要面臨的挑戰。
    There they discuss issues like whether some adviser has too broad a portfolio or whether a new Cabinet Secretary can handle a looming challenge.
  • 然而,循環部有一個break語句,可中止循環。
    However, inside the loop there is a break statement that will break out of the loop.
  • ,曾在文化中心演出的藝人及藝團包括三藩市交響樂團、中國交響樂團、馬剋.莫裏斯舞團、翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場、雪璐.施杜迪、米沙.麥斯基、伊科.普哥利殊及安.蘇非.慕達等。
    Highlights of the year included performances by the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, China National Symphony Orchestra, Mark Morris Dance Group, Pina Bausch Tanztheater Wuppertal, Cheryl Studer, Mischa Maisky, Ivo Pogorelich and Ann-Sophie Mutter.
  • 加和柏拉圖叫我離開你那套。
    Senec and Plato call me from thy lore.
  • 曼說:"植物受到的壓力越大,麥剋風收聽到的聲音信號就越強。
    "The more a plant is subjected to stress, the louder the signal we get on our microphone," he said.
  •  (一)在城市市區噪聲敏感建築物集中區域使用高音廣播喇叭;
    Using a high-pitch loudspeaker in an urban area where noise- sensitive structures are concentrated;
  • 路易絲的臉頰變得緋紅。彼得從她的眼神中看得出她心裏的渴望。
    Louise's face lit up and Peter noticed how eager her eyes were.
  • 馬裏蘭州是第一個這樣做的州,接着是明尼蘇達州、路易斯安娜州和華達州,它們都是在1989年通過的。
    Maryland became the first state to do so followed by Minnesota, Louisiana, and Nevada, all in 1989.
  • 馬歇爾市美國得剋薩斯州東北部一城市,位於路易斯安那州的什裏夫波特市的西面。它是旅遊地區的製造業中心。人口23,682
    A city of northeast Texas west of Shreveport, Louisiana. It is a manufacturing center in a resort region. Population,23, 682.
  • 科剋特爾廳空無一人,可公共酒吧屋倒還是有幾個人喝酒。
    The Cocktail Lounge was almost empty but there was a fair-to-middling number of drinkers in the Public Bar.
  • 她扮作受了冤枉的情人, 好讓他感到疚.
    She acted out the role of wronged lover to make him feel guilty.
  • 她翻遍了衣,愛不釋手地挑了那件絲的,在漫長的獨居生活中,她從沒有穿過。
    She had looked over her underwear and lovingly chosen the silk, which she had never worn during her long solitude.
  • 這就是整個所謂競選事件的幕。
    This is the lowdown on the whole event of the so-called election contest.
  • 這就是整個所謂競選事件的幕。
    This is the lowdown on the whole event of the so called election contest.
  • 對於其他幾乎所有容:方法、字段(成員變量)以及對象句柄名稱,可接受的樣式與類樣式差不多,衹是標識符的第一個字母采用小寫。
    For almost everything else: methods, fields (member variables), and object reference names, the accepted style is just as it is for classes except that the first letter of the identifier is lowercase.
  • 戰時期忠於聯邦政府的人
    One loyal to the federal government during the Civil War.
  • 米諾卡島位於地中海西部巴利阿裏群島中的一西班牙島嶼,18世紀不同時期被英國和法國曾多次占據,在西班牙戰時它是保皇派的基地
    A Spanish island in the Balearics of the western Mediterranean Sea. Held by the British and the French at various times during the18th century, it was a Loyalist stronghold in the Spanish Civil War.
  • 聯邦主義戰時期對聯邦政府的忠誠
    Loyalty to the federal government during the Civil War.
  • 通過泵強力嚮發動機軸承註入潤滑油潤滑燃機的方法。
    a method of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings.
  • 雙從橇的金牌被意大利的保羅·黑加和瓦爾特·普萊勒奪得。
    The gold for 2-Man Luge went to Italy's paul Hidgartner and Walter Plaikner
  • 工程實施目標是,到2000年,完全停止禁伐區的森林采伐,調減木材産量1500萬立方米左右,同時,杜絶超限額采伐。
    The goals for the project are by the year 2000, lumbering in all exclusively protected zones will be stopped, the timber output will be reduced to 15 million cubic meters, and overcutting will be stopped.
  • 公益林業建設,一是對地域的森林,無論是天然林還是人工林,全部停止商業性采伐,並要逐步劃定為保護區,依法嚴加保護;
    The development of forests with social benefits shall be in line with the following principles . First, stopping all lumbering activities with commercial purposes in both natural forests and plantations, gradually demarcating nature reserves and conserving them according to law.
  • 我們可否把這些項目都歸在‘雜費’項?
    Can we lump all these items together as `incidental expenses'?
  • 存在或發生於肺的。
    being or occuring within a lung.
  • 一個熱帶美洲多年生常緑草本植物屬,樹葉蔥緑,具毒液;常作為室植物種植。
    evergreen perennial herbs of tropical America with lush foliage and poisonous sap; often cultivated as houseplants.
  • 十七世紀和十八世紀德國路德教會部的一場強調個人虔誠和投入的運動。
    17th and 18th-century movement in the German Lutheran Church stressing personal piety and devotion.
  • ,該公司共載客1430萬人次,行車達1500萬公裏。
    In 1998, LW carried 14.3 million residents and travelled 15 million kilometres.
  • 裏昂警方又拘捕了包括維蘭剋在的費斯蒂納車隊隊員和總經理布魯諾·拉塞爾和隊醫艾裏剋·裏傑剋特在的5名車隊官員,對他們進行審問。
    The Lyons police arrested Festina director, team doctor and three riders. They were detained and questioned by police.
  • 包括os/2和macintosh在的幾種平臺已經與windows在桌面係統中較量過,1998年,linux也加入這一爭鬥當中。
    Several platforms, including OS/2 and the Macintosh, have already battled Windows for the desktop, and in 1998 Linux was enlisted for the same campaign.
  • 每種核都有自己的api,這就是為什麽windows軟件不能在unix下運行,macintosh軟件不能在as/400上運行,即使它們的處理是相同的。
    Each kernel contains its own APIs -- which is why Windows software won't run under Unix, and Macintosh software won't run on an AS/400, even if the processor is the same
  • 在網絡上通過這種方式,宏病毒可以在幾周傳遍全世界。
    By exploiting networks in this way, macro viruses have spread round the world in weeks.