| - 最轻量级拳击运动员一种职业拳击手,体重在112和118磅(约51至53。5公斤)之间,体重比特轻量级拳击运动员重,比次轻量级拳击运动员轻
A professional boxer weighing between112 and118 pounds(approximately51-53.5 kilograms), heavier than a flyweight and lighter than a featherweight. - 轻量级拳手体重在126到135磅(57-61公斤)之间的职业拳手,其体重重于次轻量而轻于次中量级的拳手
A professional boxer weighing more than126 and not more than135 pounds(approximately57-61 kilograms), heavier than a featherweight and lighter than a welterweight. - 业余时间内画画成为她生活中的一大特色。
Painting in her spare time features largely in her life. - 后者在十一月间演出,是在该院举行的西班牙周的重点项目。
The latter opera was the featured attraction of the Spanish Week at the Academy during November. - 这些“胖客户机”对项目和团队管理提供了功能完善、已经时间考验的方法。
These "fat clients" offer a full-featured, time-tested approach to project and team management. - 中国民间传统艺术节举办了多达45项充满民间艺术色彩的节目,包括艺墟、售票表演节目及户外演出。
The Chinese Folk Arts Festival featured a wide variety of folk art programmes in 45 cultural presentations in arts fairs and other performances. - 我们不能保证2月2日给您一个房间。
We won't be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. - 我们不能保证2月2日给您一个房间。
We do not be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. - 我们不能保证2月2日给您一个房间。
We will not be able to guarantee you a room for February 2nd. - 我们不能保证2月2日给您一个房间。
We will not be able to guarantee you a room on February 2nd. - 于是台尔森银行地下室里的保险库在他眼前打开了,里面是他所熟悉的宝贵的贮藏品和秘密(这类东西他知道得很不少)。他手执巨大的钥匙串凭借着微弱的烛光在贮藏品之间穿行,发现那里一切安全、坚实、稳定、平静,跟他上次见到时完全一样。
Then the strong-rooms underground, at Tellson's, with such of their valuable stores and secrets as were known to the passenger (and it was not a little that he knew about them), opened before him, and he went in among them with the great keys and the feebly-burning candle, and found them safe, and strong, and sound, and still, just as he had last seen them. - 局方曾于九月至十月期间就该5年计划进行公众谘询,听取市民的意见。
A public consultation exercise on the Five-Year Plan was conducted in September-October to obtain feedback from the public. - 想要国人留下来,做一名勇敢的“守将”,那么请政府给我们一个我们可以捍卫的空间。
If offering feedback does not seem to serve a purpose, how many Singaporeans will persist in providing feedback and opinions in the long run?If the government wants Singaporeans to be “stayers”, then please give us the space to stay on. - 148.谘询公众期间,我们收到艺术界和体育界人士的意见,表示关注目前有关文化和康体的政策有欠明确、现行架构成本效益不如理想,不同组织的功能又有所重叠。
148. The consultation exercise provided feedback from the arts and sports communities which revealed concerns about unclear policy, a lack of cost-effectiveness and duplication of functions with other service providers. - 在民意组以及新加坡21远景的几次对话会上,有少数精英人士提出,政府还应多加努力,以加速种族融合,增进各族间相互了解。
A small elite which aired their views in Feedback Unit and Singapore 21 dialogues, however, feel that the Government could do more to speed up the process of racial integration and strengthen understanding between them. - 在民意组以及新加坡21世纪远景的几次对话会上,有少数精英人士提出,政府还应多加努力,以加速种族融合,增进各族间相互了解。
A small number of elite who aired their views in Feedback Unit and Singapore 21st century dialogues, however, feel that the Government could do more to speed up the process of racial integration and strengthen understanding between them. - 煤气公司位于大埔和马头角的两间厂房,负责生产煤气。
Towngas is manufactured in plants at Tai Po and Ma Tau Kok, both using naphtha as a feedstock. - 你能觉察出这房间里的紧张气氛吗?
Can you feel the tension in this room? - 这房间十五英尺宽二十英尺长.
The room measures fifteen feet by twenty feet. - 12英尺宽,18英尺长的房间
A room12 by18 feet. - 为了使葡萄酒有较高的酒精含量,我们让它发酵了很长时间了。
We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content. - 一种无色的酸,在新陈代谢和发酵中作为重要的中间物形成。
a colorless acid formed as an important intermediate in metabolism or fermentation. - 卡戎送亡魂过冥河去阴间的神
The ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx. - 生育率间接估计法
indirect estimation of fertility - 同种的两个不同个体的配子间的受精。
fertilization by the union of male and female gametes from different individual of the same species. - 世界首例试管婴儿路易斯·布朗出生后24年的时间里,成千上万想做父母亲的人们得到科学家们的保证说,试管内受精对基因不会有什么额外的危险。
In the 24 years since the birth of Louise Brown,the world's first test-tube baby,thousands of would-be parents have been assure that as far as scientists knew there was no extra risk of genetic damage associated with in-vitro fertilization,or IVF. - 不过,随着时间的流逝爱也是可以变得更加浓郁和热烈起来的。
However it is possible for love to grow deeper and more fervent as time goes by. - 京剧主要取材历史事件、历代传说、民间故事以及古典文学。
They mainly come from historical events, fictional tales, folk storied and classical literature. - 你不该浪费你的业余时间。
You shall not fiddle away your spare time. - 地质班的学生将把本学年的全部时间用作野外勘探。
The students of the geological class will be out on field exploration for the duration of the school year. - 棒球队中站在二垒和三垒之间的队员的位置角色。
the fielding position of the player on a baseball team who is stationed between 2nd and 3rd base. - 具有田间和乡村特色的。
characteristic of the fields or country.