  • 你能把我介绍他吗?
    Could you introduce me to him?
  • 把一个朋友介绍你的房东太太。
    Introduce a friend to your landlady.
  • 把你的邻座介绍另一个学生。
    Introduce your neighbour to another student.
  • 把你的邻座介绍你的老师
    introduce you neighbour to your teacher
  • 我来介绍大家认识。
    May I introduce to the staff?
  • 我要把你介绍给他。
    I'll introduce you to him.
  • 他把史密斯先生介绍我们。
    He introduce Mr. Smith to us.
  • 我能大家介绍我们的演讲人,感到非常高兴。
    I have much pleasure in introducing our speaker.
  • 他把他的名片我,以此来作自我介绍。
    By way of introducing himself he showed me his card.
  • 我想借此机会将你介绍我女儿。
    I would like to take the opportunity of introducing you to my daughter.
  • 谢谢你把我介绍布朗医生,由于他,我已经完全康复了。
    Thank you for introducing me to Dr. Brown. Thanks to him, I have recovered completely.
  • 谢谢你介绍派伯先生我,也很感谢他,我们谈得很顺利。
    Thank you for introducing me to Mr. Piper. Thanks to him, the negotiations went smoothly.
  • 你能我简单介绍一下吗?
    Can you give me brief introduction of it.
  • 让我来你们简单介绍一下。
    Let me give you just a brief introduction.
  • 给案子提出了新证据
    The introduction of new evidence into the case
  • 我介绍一下好吗?
    Would you please give me an introduction of it.
  • 一些传教士还竭力主张西方列强用武力强迫清政府开放沿海口岸,声称“只有战争能开放中国基督”,并直接参与英国侵略中国的军事活动。
    Some missionaries strongly advocated resort to force by Western powers to make the Qing government open its coastal ports, saying that it was only war that could open China to Christianity, and directly participated in the British mititary activities to invade China.
  • 最好的书籍在我们困难时会我们极可贵的帮助。
    The best books will give us invaluable help at moments of need.
  • 在非洲大陆的南端,我们准备了丰厚的奖赏、无价的礼物以献那些为了全人类的自由、和平、人性尊严和人性实现而牺牲了一切的人们。
    At the southern tip of the continent of Africa, a rich reward is in the making, an invaluable gift is in the preparation, for those who suffered in the name of all humanity when they sacrificed everything -- for liberty, peace, human dignity and hu man fulfillment.
  • 这种行为常常为他们赢得别人的爱戴和尊敬,因为他们单调的日常生活增添了色彩。
    This invariably wins them the love and respect of others, for they add colour to the dull routine of everyday life.
  • 无论那两头牛供多少奶,他每天早晨总分一半医院里的病人。
    No matter what the quantity of milk they gave, he invariably sent half of it every morning to the sick people in the hospital.
  • 那个推销员想诱骗老太太他钱,但她不上当。
    The salesman tried to inveigle the old lady into giving him her money, but she was too clever for him.
  • 帕斯特博士认为,最好是用诚实去对待学龄前儿童:“当学龄前儿童看到别的母亲怀孕的时候,你不应该他们编造(孩子是从哪里来的)童话故事。
    " Dr. Paster agree that honesty is the best policy when dealing with a preschooler. " When preschoolers see other parents who are pregnant, you shouldn't invent fairy tales (about where the baby comes from).
  • 政府予发明者专利权。
    The government patented the device to its inventor.
  • 予某人新的头衔职位或地位。
    invest with a new title, office, or rank.
  • 予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的。
    Advice to investor is based on the premise that interest rate will continue to fall.
  • 在经济生活中,价格是看不见的手,取决於供与需求关系
    Governed by supply and demand, prices are the invisible hand in economics
  • 我们是在裸体(只裸上身)海滩上啊,我的上帝,他将自己的行为提交一位看不见的法官裁决。
    We're on a topless beach, for God's sake, he put it to an invisible judge.
  • 我哄乔治我发了请帖。
    I wangled an invitation out of George.
  • 汤调味;通过跳有魅力的肚皮舞来晚会调味。
    Spice the soup; Spice up the evening by inviting a belly dancer.
  • (某人)开(某物的)发票
    to invoice sb. for sth.
  • 寄发票;开票把发票寄…;开票
    To send an invoice to; bill.