  • (科罗拉多)大峡谷是世界胜之一。
    The Grand Canyon is one of the sights of the world.
  • 经过进一步的调查发现签不是真迹.
    On (ie As a result of) further examination it was found that the signature was not genuine.
  • 签名于信件
    put one's signature to a letter
  • 这张纸要求图章而不是签
    The paper requests signet, not signatures.
  • 这份报告在某些重要的细节问题上只字未提,莫其妙。
    On certain important details the report remains strangely silent.
  • "这条后来被送到一个博物馆,在那里接受一位科学家的观察、研究的鱼,叫皇带鱼。"
    "The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish."
  • 黑板上只有一个字,是谁的字?
    There is a single name on the blackboard — whose is it?
  • 帝国大厦是纽约高楼大厦中著的地面标志物.
    The Empire State Building is a famous landmark on the New York skyline.
  • 我又把你的字给忘了--我肯定是不行了.
    I've forgotten your name again I must be slipping.
  • 士兵在交火中受伤。
    A soldier was wounded in the exchange.
  • 不要破坏我兄弟的声!
    Don't slur my brother's reputation!
  • 中国仅得了28块奖牌,其中只有5块金牌,在奖牌总数上列第七位。
    China managed to snatch only five gold medals from a total of 28 medals. China was ranked seventh in the number of medals won.
  • 普京的一老朋友回忆说:"他会抓你、咬你、揪你头发,为了不被别人羞辱,他会不惜使用一切手段。"
    "He would scratch, bite, snatch tufts of hair, do anything to avoid being humiliated in any way," an old friend said.
  • 否则我又怎么会知道我自己的女儿正在搞点什么堂呢--这个小鬼头!
    How else could I know what my own daughter is up to--the little sneak!
  • 这些阴谋家,在西班牙问题上,在中国问题上,在奥地利和捷克的问题上,不但并无丝毫制止侵略的意思,而且相反,纵容侵略,挑拨战争,使人为鹬蚌,己为渔人,美其曰“不干涉”,实则是“坐山观虎斗”。
    These crafty politicians were not the least bit interested in checking aggression against Spain, against China, or against Austria and Czechoslovakia; on the contrary, they connived at aggression and instigated war, playing the proverbial role of the fisherman who set the snipe and clam at each other and then took advantage of both. They euphemistically described their actions as "non-intervention", but what they actually did was to "sit on top of the mountain to watch the tigers fight".
  • 藏在屋顶上的狙击手击毙了三巡逻兵。
    A sniper hide on a roof picked off three of the soldier on patrol.
  • 离"犹他海岸"(其真为拉维维尔海滩)5英里的内陆小镇圣母教堂,因为"进攻日"那天美国伞兵部队在此着陆,并且在教堂塔楼里与德国狙击手展开了英勇战斗,从此一举成
    Five miles inland from “ Utah Beach” ,whose real name is Ravernville- plage,Sainte- Mere- Eglise soared to instant fame when on D- Day American paratroopers landed here and fought a daring battle against German snipers inside the church tower.
  • 他还大胆地接拍了黑帮喜剧片《米奇的蓝眼睛》,尔后他在影片《暴发户》中扮演一势利的艺术商人,再就是引起轰动的《布里奇特·琼斯的日记》。
    Bravely, he took on the Mob-comedy Mickey Blue Eyes. Next, he was a snobby art-dealer in Small Time Crooks. Then came another huge hit with Bridget Jones's Diary.
  • 作为一画家,她瞧不起传统画法。
    As a painter, she cocks a snook at traditional techniques.
  • 我们挑了一只明黄色的雄鸟和一只奶白的雌鸟,给这对小鸟取为:“阳光”和“雪球”。
    Selecting a lively yellow male and a sweet white female, we named the youngsters Sunshine and Snowball.
  • 苏比又莫其妙地被投进了监狱。
    Soapy was hurled into prison again for nothing.
  • 他是这届亚运会唯一的一最佳运动员,年仅19岁,身高1米93。
    He was called a man "soaring up to the sky", and he was the only best athlete in this Asian Games. He was only 19 years old. His height was 1.93 meters.
  • 王平:我先说说“直冲云霄”的朱建华吧。他是这后亚运会唯一的一最佳运动员,年仅19岁,身高1米93。
    Wang Ping: Take Zhu Jianhua for example. He was called a man "soaring up to the sky", and he was the only best athlete in this Asian Games. He was only 19 years old. His height was 1.93 meters.
  • 在因其冷漠而出的英国社会里,酒吧文化的形成是为了促进社会交往。
    Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve.
  • 一位美国社会流曾说:“你永远不可能太富或者太瘦。”
    An American socialite once said "You can never be too rich or too thin".
  • "然而对991家长进行的调查结果表明,几乎所有的美国人都这样做,不论他们的种族、年龄或社会经济地位如何。
    But nearly all Americans do,no matter their ethnicity,age,or socioeconomic group,the study of 991 parents concludes.
  • 他不是一名战士。
    He is not a soldier.
  • 士兵在战报中受到提表扬。
    The soldier was mentioned in dispatches.
  • 对在这场斗争中负伤的几千解放军指战员、武警指战员和公安干警的同志们表示亲切的慰问!
    I also want to express my sincere solicitude for the thousands of PLA, PAPF and PSP officers and men who have been wounded.
  • 首犯被单独监禁。
    The arch-criminal was kept solitary confinement.
  • 使用阶唱法中的音节演唱。
    sing by the syllables of solmization.
  • 唱法中大音阶中的第一个音节。
    the syllable naming the first (tonic) note of any major scale in solmization.