  • 无法跨越的峡谷;无法弥合的
    An unbridgeable chasm; unbridgeable differences.
  • 这两个国家间政治上歧殊深,几乎引发战争。
    There is a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly leads to war.
  • 这是利用一个交叉点开关实现的,对4插槽或16插槽的底架而言,该开关别以4×4或16×16的矩阵形式,拥有每块卡的一条无阻塞通道。
    This is achieved with a crosspoint switch that has a nonblocking path for each card in either a 4-by-4 or 16-by-16 matrix for a four- or 16-slot chassis, respectively.
  • 其实这位父亲对玛格丽特产生这样的感情,原因十纯洁,除了跟她有心灵上的交往之外,任何其他关系在公爵看来都意味着乱伦。
    The truth was that the affection of this father for Marguerite was a feeling so chaste, that anything more than a closeness of hearts would have seemed incestuous in his eyes.
  • 因特网搜索工具为两大阵营:搜索引擎,如hotbot和altavista,以及在线目录,如yahoo和lycos。
    Internet search tools fall into two camps: search engines,such as HotBot and AltaVista, and online directories, such as Yahoo and Lycos.
  • 那些女孩喋喋不休,使他心。
    The girls moidered him so with their chatter.
  • 多嘴的人;喋喋不休的人
    An over talkative person; a chatterbox.
  • 阿尼奇金说:“这里的知识子相当受人尊敬;但在英国,教师往往被人称为‘喋喋不休的阶级’。”
    "There has always been a great respect for intellectuals, unlike in Britain where they are often dismissed as 'the chattering classes'," says Anichkin.
  • 喜鹊遍布世界各地的属于鸦科的一种鸟,长有层的长尾,羽毛呈黑色、蓝色或绿色并带有白色斑点,以其叽叽喳喳的独特叫声而著称。喜鹊,即黑喙喜鹊,广泛布于北半球
    Any of various birds of the family Corvidae found worldwide, having a long graduated tail and black, blue, or green plumage with white markings and noted for their chattering call. The species Pica pica, the black-billed magpie, is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere.
  • 她只是若无其事地聊天儿,这种毫不在乎的样子使我感到十惊讶。
    Her lack of concern blew my mind, she just kept chatting as if nothing was the matter.
  • 同客人聊了十钟左右后,李先生看了看他的手表。
    After chatting with the guests for about 10 minutes, Mr. Li takes a look at, his watch.
  • 但是同样正确的,而且也为流行经济学派所认可的是,经过相当时期,国家建成了自己的充发展的工业以后,这些商品由于在国内生产成本较低,价格是会低落到国外进口品价格以下的。
    but it is just as true, and moreover acknowledged by the prevailing economical school, that in the course of time, by the nation being enabled to build up a completely developed manufacturing power of its own, those goods are produced more cheaply at home than the price at which they can be imported from foreign parts.
  • 他竟沦落到行骗的地步,我十惊讶。
    I'm surprised that he should descend to cheating.
  • 8点35起办理登机手续。
    Check in time is 8:35.
  • 他是在12点15登记入住的。
    He checked in at 12.15.
  • 他们5钟前办理离开手续的。
    They checked out five minutes ago.
  • 配他去做核对销售额的工作。
    He is assign the job of checking the sale figures.
  • 这就是工作的一部:在这样的小镇上,不是医疗过程一结束体检就结束的。
    It was part of the job: in a small town like this, the checkup does not end with the medical procedure.
  • 愉快和勤奋就是绝大部的实用知识。
    Cheerfulness and diligence are nine-tenths of practical wisdom.
  • 道德,品行,士气一个人或集体具有的精神状态,通过信心、愉快、纪律和乐于执行所配的任务来展现
    The state of the spirits of a person or group as exhibited by confidence, cheerfulness, discipline, and willingness to perform assigned tasks.
  • 体育馆里的所有人都站了起来,欢呼声持续了10钟。
    Everyone in the stadium, and the cheering went on for 10 minutes.
  • 由于候选人的一番话与听众的情感十合拍,场上响起了许多人的喝彩声。
    There was much cheering as the candidate's remarks were very much in phase with the feelings of his audience.
  • 离比赛结束只有两钟时,切尔西队已领先3,因而基本上大功告成。
    With only two minutes to go before the end of the game, Chelsea had a three-goal lead and were virtually home and dry.
  • 在足球锦标赛的最后3钟时,两队还是不胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。
    The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.
  • 经过化学析,我们知道了矿石的构成。
    After chemical assay, we have known the composition of the ore.
  • 高分子化学反应
    chemical reactions of polymers
  • 化学地理分异
    differentiation of chemical geography
  • 混合物由两种或更多彼此不发生化学合成并能被开的物质组成的合成物
    A composition of two or more substances that are not chemically combined with each other and are capable of being separated.
  • 排气后燃器用以充燃烧或从化学上改变废气中未完全燃烧或部燃烧的含碳化合物的设备
    A device for burning or chemically altering unburned or partially burned carbon compounds in exhaust gases.
  • 从化学上解,使从化学上
    To decompose or cause to decompose chemically.
  • 输送通过消耗以化学形式储存的能量把(离子或子)输送到一个集中倾斜度
    To transport(ions or molecules) against a concentration gradient by the expenditure of chemically stored energy.
  • (化学、物理学)不受拘束、在化学上不限于子中、不固定或者能做相对自由的运动。
    (chemistry and physics) unconstrained or not chemically bound in a molecule or not fixed and capable of relatively unrestricted motion.