  • 如果有两个星期或者更多时间,游览这个国家的最好行程是从北岛的奥克兰发,然后驱车到达惠灵顿,再经码头乘船到达南岛。
    With two weeks or more, a good way to see the country is to start in Auckland on the North Island, then drive to Wellington, crossing by ferry to the South Island.
  • 在拍卖中压倒别的价人
    Beat out other bidders at auction
  • (拍卖时的)竞买,喊价,
    Offering of prices at an auction
  • 过去,他常去拍卖场价竞买。
    He used to bid at the auction.
  • 这房子在拍卖日之前业已售。
    The house was sold prior to auction.
  • 那楝房子在拍卖时以很低价卖
    The house went very cheaply at auction.
  • 拍卖会上我们价高于对手
    We outbid our rivals at the auction.
  • 在拍卖场他价1000美元。
    He bid $ 1 0 0 0 at the auction.
  • 价高于如在拍卖中,对某物的价高于(别人)
    To outbid(a person) for something, as at an auction.
  • 拍卖把货物卖给价最高的人;拍卖
    A selling of property to the highest bidder; an auction.
  • 他祖母的钻石项链下周将拿来拍卖。
    His grandmother's diamond necklace comes up for auction next week.
  • 杰克逊的房子被他的债主们以拍卖形式售。
    Jackson's house was set up for auction by his creditors.
  • 在拍卖中给高于物品本身的价格。
    bid more than the object is worth, as during an auction.
  • 公开拍卖时他会把他的旧家具陈列来的。
    He will expose his old furniture for sale at public auction.
  • ,特别是在拍卖时提按某一价格购买某物
    offer to buy something at a certain price(especially at an auction)
  • ,特别是在拍卖时提按某一价格购买某物
    Offer to buy something at a certain price ( especially at an auction)
  • 在拍卖结束时一半的批货未被售
    At the end of the auction half the lots had not been sold.
  • 在拍卖结束时一半的批货未被售
    At the end of the auction half the lots have not been sold.
  • 敲槌宣布卖在拍卖会上宣布货物卖,比如用木槌敲击来宣布
    To declare sold at an auction, as by striking a blow with a gavel.
  • 史密斯悄悄地向地向拍卖人做手势,然后把价又抬高了1,000元。
    Smith signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
  • 那天傍晚,拍买商梅特兰拿一对花瓶来拍卖。
    Maitland, the auctioneer, put up a pair of vases late that afternoon.
  • 拍卖人拖延着时间等更高的价。
    The auctioneer was hanging out for a better offer.
  • 本森悄悄地向拍卖人做了个手势,然后把价又抬高了一千元。
    Benson signaled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.
  • 说什么我也要得到她一件遗物,我就赶到拍卖估价人那儿,请他让我查一查售物品的买主名单。
    I was absolutely determined to have something that had been hers, and I went directly to the auctioneer's to ask if I might inspect the list of items sold and of the buyers' names.
  • 耳机一种传递电子信号的设备,比如从电话、立体声或广播接收器上传可听的声音。这种设备嵌到耳朵上或耳朵里
    A device that converts electric signals, as from a telephone, stereo, or radio receiver, to audible sound and fits over or in the ear.
  • 屁从肠内排的(通常有声音的)气体
    A usually audible discharge of intestinal gas.
  • 一英寸长的蟋蟀发的唧唧声在将近一英里远的地方都能听见。
    A cricket an inch long has a chirp that is audible for nearly a mile.
  • 这时他哭声来,而我自己也泪眼模糊,难辨路途。
    " Now his sobs were audible,and I was having trouble seeing the road myself.
  • 他死盯着我,盯得我都不愿意再回瞪他了,唯恐我会耐不住给他个耳光或是笑声来。
    He fixed his eye on me longer than I cared to return the stare, for fear I might be tempted either to box his ears or render my hilarity audible.
  • 我先前要求你拟主要目标的宣言,或者是确切主要目标的宣言,并且要你记下来,日复一日朗声复诵,直到这些声音的悸动抵达你的潜意识为止,原因即在于此。
    This is why you are asked to write out a statement of your major purpose, or Definite Chief Aim, commit it to memory, and repeat it, in audible words, day after day, until these vibrations of sound have reached your subconscious mind.
  • 他穿着一件长袍,袖子卷起而露丝衬里来,这种袖子叫做“马蹄袖”,当他勃然大怒的时候,他便向下挥动着右臂或双臂,让卷起的“马蹄袖”放下来,大摇大摆地走去。
    He wore a gown with the sleeves tucked up at the lower ends showing the silk lining, known as "horse-hoof sleeves, " and when he was greatly displeased, he would brandish his right arm or both arms downwards and with an audible jerk bring the tucked-up "horse-hoof" down, and gracefully wobble out of the room.
  • 声呼气发的声音。
    an utterance made by exhaling audibly.