Chinese English Sentence:
  • 现时的巴士专用线大部分位于个别地区,未能改善地区与地区之间的巴士服务。
    Existing bus-only lanes are mostly localised and do not facilitate the movement of buses between districts and/or regions.
  • 各县之间地方主义很重,一县的各区乃至各乡之间也有很深的地方主义。
    Localism exists to a serious extent in the relations between counties and even between districts and townships within the same county.
  • 督军大都总揽全省的军事政治大权,对外勾结帝国主义,对实行地方性的封建军事割据,是一省范围的独裁者。
    But he was the virtual dictator of the province, with administrative as well as military power gathered in his hands.In league with the imperialists, he maintained a separatist feudal-militarist regime in his locality.
  • 使血液脓或其他身体的液体停留在一个地方。
    cause blood, pus, or other bodily fluids to localize at one point.
  • 机能障碍,器官损害身体器官或组织局部的病理转变
    A localized pathological change in a bodily organ or tissue.
  • 地慢羽一般被认为是形成于地幔层部深处固定的热点上。
    Plumes are generally believed to form over localized hot spots deep within the mantle layer.
  • 通信技术中的一种通信业务,支持在同一建筑物或一个集中区域的两个或多个站之间的语音通信。
    In communications, a communicating service which supports voice intercommunica- tions between two or more stations located in the same building or localized area.
  • 独立评审委员会介入后,经其“指点",中方“立即放弃了环模式”,“热衷地分析随动环”,进行了“独立评审委员会建议进行的仿真试验”,并最终将故障定位在随动环。
    It was not until the IRC "directed'' that the Chinese "abandoned testing of the inner frame'', "started vigorously testing the follower frame'', staged the simulation test at the suggestion of the IRC and finally localized the failure to the follow-up frame.
  • 大部分地方将是乾燥天气,但局部地区可能下点雨。
    Most of the country will be dry, but there may be some rain locally.
  • 年底时,共有19家本地注册银行在地设立共35家分行和34家代表办事处。
    A total of 19 locally incorporated banks had established 35 branches and 34 representative offices there at the end of 1999.
  • 截至二零零一年年底,共有18家本地注册银行在地开设了40家分行和32家代表办事处。
    A total of 18 locally incorporated banks have established 40 branches and 32 representative offices there by the end of 2001.
  • 第一,市大多数公共巴士站只有车号,没有线路川行图表,巴士车也少有标示,相信本地人也未必都清楚。
    First of all, only bus numbers are displayed at most bus stops in the city. There are no diagrams of bus routes at the bus stops, nor in the buses themselves. Even the locals may not be able to figure out the various bus routes.
  • 存在于网络上的其他com使能的应用程序,通过嵌在windowsnt和98操作系统中的dcom机制确定对象的位置和调用其方法,访问这些对象。
    Other COM-enabled applications existing on the network can access that object by locating and invoking its methods through the DCOM mechanism built into the Windows NT and 98 operating systems.
  • 上锁不是我分内的事.
    It's not my job to lock up!
  • 储物箱通常包含有纸,墨水,以及诸如此类的必需品。
    a locker that usually contained paper, ink, and suchlike equipment.
  • 在院停放汽车;把这些儿童寄放在收容所。
    park the car in the yard; park the children with the in-laws; park your bag in this locker.
  • 容不能进行修改的一种存储设备,除非是一个特殊用户或者在特定条件下方可进行写操作。例如,通过锁定而防止写入容的存储设备。同fixedstorage,permanentstorage,readonlymemory。
    A storage device whose contents cannot is modified, except by a particular user, or when operating under particular condition, for example, a storage device in which writing is prevented by a lockout.
  • 一九九九年,本地伦敦金价在251.7美元至338美元之间上落,一九九九年年底以287.5美元收市,与一九九八年年底的288美元差不多。
    The price of Loco-London gold moved between US$251.7 and US$338.0 in 1999, and closed at US$287.5 as at end-1999, which was comparable to US$288 at end-1998.
  • 火箱,燃烧室一种燃料在里面燃烧的室,例如蒸汽机车的燃烧室
    A chamber, such as the furnace of a steam locomotive, in which fuel is burned.
  • 在我们的小屋有三只野狗和四只杂种小狗。
    In our lodge were curs and four cross feists.
  • 我们能从楼梯脚边仰望到阁楼的部。
    We could see up into the loft from the bottom of the stairs.
  • 2000年4月《护戒使者》上映前,新线公司在自己的电影网站上发布了该片的预告片。仅仅24小时之就有170万用户访问并进行了下载。
    In April 2000, New Line previewed film clips from "Fellowhip of the Ring" on the movie's own Web site, and 1.7 million downloads were logged in the first 24 hours.
  • 但是加拿大野生生物状况研究委员会发现,如果按照现在的速度继续伐木,这种带大理石条纹的小海鸭可能在几十年的时间灭绝。
    But the Committee on the Status of Wildlife in Canada found that if logging continued at the current rate, the marbled murrelet could be extinct in "a matter of decades."
  • 第二条 在中华人民共和国领域从事森林、林木的培育种植、采伐利用和森林、林木、林地的经营管理活动,都必须遵守本法。
    Article 2 This law shall be abided by in the conduct of forest and forest tree cultivating, planting, logging and utilizing and in the operation and management of forests, trees and woodlands.
  • 一系列逻辑上互相联结的数据库,一个数据库的信息和另一个数据库的信息能够在逻辑上交叉链接。
    A series of logically interlinked databases, where the information within one database can be logically crosslinked with the related information in another.
  • 外推在已知范围通过对已知量的逻辑推断来估计(未知范围的某一个变量的值)
    To estimate(a value of a variable outside a known range) from values within a known range by assuming that the estimated value follows logically from the known values.
  • 总后勤部主管全军的联勤工作,军区联勤部主管战区的联勤工作,联勤分部主要负责组织实施保障区域诸军兵种部队的通用保障。
    The General Logistics Department is in charge of the PLA's joint logistics work. The military area command's joint logistics department is in charge of the joint logistics work within a theater of war. And the joint logistics sub-department is mainly responsible for organizing and implementing the general-purpose support of the services and arms within its support area.
  • ,小组继续监察二零零零至零一年度推广服务业工作纲领下12项工作的进度,其中包括推动香港发展成为物流业枢纽,以及举行大型的国际服务业会议。
    In 2001, the group continued to monitor the implementation of the 2000-2001 Services Promotion Action Agenda which includes 12 projects such as fostering the development of Hong Kong into a logistics hub and organising a major international conference on services.
  • 中央军事委员会制定了《中国人民解放军司令部条例》、《中国人民解放军政治工作条例》、《中国人民解放军后勤条例》、《中国人民解放军务条令》、《中国人民解放军纪律条令》、《中国人民解放军队列条令》等70多件军事法规;
    The CMC has formulated 70-odd military laws and regulations, including the Regulations of the PLA Headquarters, Regulations on Political Work in the PLA, Logistics Regulations of the PLA, Routine Service Regulations of the PLA, Discipline Regulations of the PLA, and Drill Regulations of the PLA.
  • 至今西藏有的喇嘛寺还保存着当年必须朝拜的皇帝万岁牌。
    The tablets wishing longevity to the emperors before which the prayers had to prostrate themselves are still kept in some of the monasteries in Tibet.
  • 有时,由于渴望能看到这一切东西,我的心在哭泣。
    At times my heart cries out with longing to see all these things.
  • 大埔海滨公园是新界区最大的公园,占地22公顷,园设有一个特别设计的了望塔,是该公园的主要特色之一。
    Tai Po Waterfront Park is the largest park in the New Territories, covering 22 hectares. It has a specially designed lookout tower which forms a major feature of the park.