  • 常尊敬她,那简直是一种崇拜。
    He respectd her so much that he even put her on a pedestal.
  • 交通高峰时间一段时间,在这段时间内车辆和行人都少
    A period of time during which motor vehicular and pedestrian traffic is light.
  • 儿科医生查出某种病状(比如消化紊乱)需要采取其它睡眠姿势,否则婴儿应该仰卧。
    They belong on their backs, unless your pediatrician has identified a medical condition-such as a digestive disorder that calls for another sleeping position.
  • 她本身就是贵族(并因嫁给了贵族).
    She's a peeress in her own right, ie not merely by marriage to a peer.
  • 还有,我常想吃妈妈做的北京烤鸭和春卷。
    By the way, I miss Mom's Peking roast duck and spring roll very much!
  • 常感谢你们为我所做的一切,尤其是看京剧。
    I appreciate everything you're doing for me, especially the Peking Opera.
  • "跟你说实话,我们也常怀疑这是一次救援行动,"佩尔特说。
    “ To tell you the truth,we rather suspected this was a rescue operation,” Pelt said.
  • 关押政治犯或战争犯的地方(那里的条件通常是常差的)。
    a penal camp where political prisoners or prisoners of war are confined (usually under harsh conditions).
  • 南美和南叫声似驴叫的小企鹅。
    small penguin of South America and southern Africa with a braying call.
  • 他每花一便士都常吝惜.
    He grudges every penny he has to spend.
  • 每一次这样的机会都牵涉到民族之间的关系,今天这次就牵涉到中国人民和南人民之间的关系。
    Each one involves a relationship between peoples, in this case the people of South Africa and the people of China.
  • 塔巴斯哥胡椒粉做成的常香的酱油。
    very spicy sauce made from tabasco peppers.
  • 常辣的红辣椒;通常又细又长;有些很小。
    very hot red peppers; usually long and thin; some very small.
  • 天然物质在变成可供人类直接使用的形态之前所需的转化量,是千差万别的,可以是象上面那样的变化,或物品的性质和外观更少程度的改变,也可以是常巨大的变化,以致看不出原先的形态和构造。
    The amount of transformation which natural substances undergo before being brought into the shape in which they are directly applied to human use, varies from this or a still less degree of alteration in the nature and appearance of the object, to a change so total that no trace is perceptible of the original shape and structure.
  • 鸽子常温顺,如果你站在那儿不动的话,它们会歇在你的肩膀上。
    The pigeons are quite tame. If you stand perfectly still, they'll perch on your shoulder.
  • 金伯利岩南的一种包含橄榄岩的岩层,岩层中形成了钻石
    A rock formation in South Africa containing peridotite, in which diamonds are formed.
  • 迅速给予帮助,否则这些人就性命难保。
    The people were in peril of their lives unless help came speedily.
  • 此外,联邦政府或州政府定期派人检查以保证没人法地擅自挪用这些基金。
    In addition, the Federal or state government sends inspectors around periodically to make certain that no one is illegally helping himself to the funds.
  • 绿卡;为去美国永久居住美国公民签发的登记卡。
    Registration card for a non us citizen go to live permanently in the usa.
  • 绿卡;为去美国永久居住美国公民签发的登记卡
    Registration card for a non - US citizen going to live permanently in the USA
  • 绿卡;为去美国永久居住美国公民签发的登记卡
    registration card for a non-U.S. citizen go to live permanently in the usa
  • 盗窃罪法取得并转移他人的个人财产并带有永久侵占的动机;偷窃
    The unlawful taking and removing of another's personal property with the intent of permanently depriving the owner; theft.
  • 1999年4月至12月,在包括中国在内的20多个国家、地区及国际组织联合举行的防止高锰酸钾流入法渠道的全球“紫色行动”中,中国发现法贸易6起,阻止了1160吨高锰酸钾出口。
    From April to December 1999, China discovered six cases of such illegal trading, and withheld 1,160 tons of potassium permanganate from export, during the global drive known as "Purple Action."China joined with more than 20 countries, regions and international organizations, during this campaign to thwart illegal trafficking in potassium permanganate.
  • 1999年4月至12月,在包括中国在内的20多个国家、地区及国际组织联合举行的防止高锰酸钾流入法渠道的全球“紫色行动”中,中国发现法贸易6起,阻止了1160吨高锰酸钾出口。
    From April to December 1999, China discovered six cases of such illegal trading, and withheld 1, 160 tons of potassium permanganate from export, during the global drive known as "Purple Action." China joined with more than 20 countries, regions and international organizations, during this campaign to thwart illegal trafficking in potassium permanganate.
  • 偷盗法或未经许可地拿取;偷盗
    To take unlawfully or without permission; steal.
  • 一些视美国为敌人,长期批评美国的回教领袖,已经和其他国家联手,协助美国缉拿纽约惨剧的凶手,这点让人感到常鼓舞。
    It is heartening to know that certain Muslim leaders, who had been foes and staunch critics of America, have joined the world to assist America to hunt down the perpetrators of the New York disasters and other terrorists-in-waiting.
  • 洲西部的讲述故事者;使家庭或乡村口语传说不朽。
    a storyteller in W Africa; perpetuates the oral traditions of a family or village.
  • 西歌舞艺人在西地区保持村落或家族口头传统和历史的讲故事者
    A storyteller in western Africa who perpetuates the oral tradition and history of a village or family.
  • 他认为陈晴山在半个多世纪以前就能够论述“故乡”、“新乡”、文化身分等复杂课题以及自己究竟是谁的概念,是常难得的。
    He finds it truly remarkable that Chen Qing-shan had, more than half a century ago, already grappled with the perplexing issues of ''native land'', ''adopted land'', cultural identity and the notion of who we are.
  • 话虽如此,怎奈卢卡斯小姐再三要求,她便说道:“好吧,既是献丑不可,只得献献丑吧。”
    On Miss Lucas's persevering, however, she added, "Very well; if it must be so, it must."
  • 这一转变关系于整个抗日战争的坚持、发展和胜利,关系于中国共产党的前途常之大,只要想一想抗日游击战争在中国民族解放命运上的历史意义,就会知道的。
    The extreme importance of this change for persevering in, developing and winning the War of Resistance as a whole, as well as for the future of the Communist Party of China, can be seen immediately if we think of the historic significance of anti-Japanese guerrilla warfare in determining the fate of the national liberation struggle in China.
  • 一个和另一个关系常亲近的人。
    the person who is (or persons who are) most closely related to a given person.