  • 西雅图市华盛顿大学的生物工程学教授亨利·拉伊博士警告说:"脑肿瘤发展缓慢,十几年内可查不出来。
    "Brain tumors grow slowly and may not be detected for more than a decade," warns Henry Lai, Ph.D., professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, in Seattle.
  • “国际周”高新技术展览会以电子信息技术、高新技术改造传统产业、环境保护、新材料新源、新医药生物工程为主要领域,其中含括“国际地球空间信息产业技术及设备展览会”和“国际医药卫生高新技术及产品展示交易会”两个专业展。
    High-tech exhibitions of the Week will mainly display electronic IT, high-tech renovation of traditional industries, environmental protection, new material and energy, new medicine bioengineering. Two specialized exhibitions will be included: Exhibition and Trade fair of World High-tech Medicine and Health Products and Exhibition of Technology and Equipment of World Global Spatial Information Industry.
  • 主要实施生物质气化集中供气系统工程和大型沼气环工程。
    Main measures include biomass gasification projects for centralized biogas supply and large-scale biogas energy-environment projects
  • 如果天上有可爱的白云,那么,让他们读白云而忘掉书本吧,或同时读书本和白云吧。在休憩的时候,吸一筒烟或喝一杯好茶则更妙不过。或许在一个雪夜,坐在炉前,炉上的水壶铿铿作响,身边放一盒淡巴菰,一个人拿了十数本哲学,经济学,诗歌,传记的书,堆在长椅上,然后闲逸地拿起几本来翻一翻,找到一本爱读的书时,便轻轻点起烟来吸着。金圣叹认为雪夜闭户读禁书,是人生最大的乐趣。陈继儒(眉公)描写读书的情调,最为美妙:“古人称书画为丛笺软卷,故读书开卷以闲适为尚。”在这种心境中,一个人对什么东西都够容忍了。此位作家又曰:“真学士不以鲁鱼亥豕为意,好旅客登山不以路恶难行为意,看雪景者不以桥不固为意,卜居乡间者不以俗人为意,爱看花者不以酒劣为意。”
    If there are good clouds over one's head, let them read the clouds and forget the books, or read (he books and the clouds at the same time. Between times, a good pipe or a good cup of tea makes it still more perfect. Or perhaps on a snowy night, when one is sitting before the fireside, and there is a kettle singing on the hearth and a good pouch of tobacco at the side, one gathers ten or a dozen books on philosophy, economics, poetry, biography and piles them up on the couch, and then leisurely turns over a few of them and gently lights on the one which strikes his fancy at the moment. Chin Shengt'an regards reading a banned book behind closed doors on a snowy night as one of the greatest pleasures of life. The mood for reading is perfectly described by Ch'en Chiju (Meikung): "The ancient people called books and paintings 'limp volumes' and ' soft volumes'; therefore the best style of reading a book or opening an album is the leisurely style. " In this mood, one develops patience for everything. As the same author says, "The real master tolerates misprints when reading history, as a good traveller tolerates bad roads when climbing a mountain, one going to watch a snow scene tolerates a flimsy bridge, one choosing to live in the country tolerates vulgar people, and one bent on looking at flowers tolerates bad wine."
  • 电磁能对机体的影响
    biological effects of electromagnetic field
  • 固氮把(氮)转变成稳定的、被生物吸收的化合物
    To convert(nitrogen) into stable, biologically assimilable compounds.
  • 使活化变(某些生物复合物)为生物性活跃的派生物
    To convert(certain biological compounds) into biologically active derivatives.
  • (生物学)不从生物学上区分的或不适合特定功、环境的。
    (biology) not biologically differentiated or adapted to a specific function or environment.
  • 臭氧层通常吸收95%-99.9%的来自太阳辐射的紫外线,保护地球上的生命免受这种形式的量的生物性损害。
    The layer normally absorbs 95 to 99.9 percent of the ultraviolet radiation from the sun, protecting life on Earth from this biologically damaging form of energy.
  • 如果星际间的冰受到紫外线照射后真形成对生命形成有重要意义的化合物,那么宇宙中其它地方也可有生命存在。这一看法是合情合理的。
    If it turns out that biologically important compounds can be formed when simple interstellar ices are irradiated, the idea that life could exist elsewhere in the universe would gain legitimacy.
  • 当我们听见瑞士的心理学家琼格(jung)劝那些来求医的有钱的女人回乡去生子,养鸡,种红萝卜时,我们已经看见这种逐渐生长的生物学智慧和医学智慧的征兆了,那些有钱的女病人的问题是在她们缺乏生物学上的机,或她们生物学上的机太低级,太无用了。
    We see already signs of this growing biological and medical wisdom, when we hear the Swiss psychologist Jung advise his rich women patients to go back to the country and raise chickens, children and carrots. The trouble with rich women patients is that they are not functioning biologically, or their biological functioning is disgracefully low-grade.
  • 请您给我找一本生物学方面的书?
    Can you find me a book on biology?
  • 请您给我找一本生物学方面的书?
    Could you find me a book on biology?
  • 该种基因使水母够在发光蛋白质的作用下发光。
    This gene enables the jellyfish to glow with the bioluminescent protein aequorin.
  • 克隆技术的一项生物医学应用是遗传性地改变动物,使它们的细胞或器官移植给人类。
    One biomedical application of the cloning technique is genetically modifying animals so that their cells and organs can be transplanted into humans.
  • 将基因插人到特殊点对一些生物医学的应用是很重要的,往往需要1亿一10亿的细胞才保证一个成功。
    Inserting a gene into a specific site, which is important for several biomedical uses, therefore requires about 100 million to one billion cells for a single success.
  • 在2002年5月20日提交给美国胸科学会会议上的研究报告中,布法罗大学医学和生物医学学院的医学、社会医学和预防医学系助理教授霍尔格·舒内曼医学博士报告称,近期以及终生饮用葡萄酒与肺部功的改善有关。
    In research presented on May 20,2002 at a meeting of the American Thoracic Society, Holger Schunemann, M.D., Ph.D.,assistant professor of medicine and social and preventive medicine in the UB School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, reported that drinking wine recently and over a lifetime was associated with better lung function.
  • 免疫学研究免疫系统的结构和功、先天或后天的免疫力、身体对同类和异类的辨别以及带特殊抗体的抗原相互作用的实验技术等的生物医学分支
    The branch of biomedicine that is concerned with the structure and function of the immune system, innate and acquired immunity, the bodily distinction of self from nonself, and laboratory techniques involving the interaction of antigens with specific antibodies.
  • 这项研究成果表明,仿生学眼睛也许使盲人恢复一定程度的视力,从而给大约1000万患有盲眼病而影响视觉的美国人带来希望。
    The findings show that the bionic eye may restore some sight for the blind and raise hopes for the estimated 10 million Americans afflicted with blinding eye diseases.
  • 如果bios不顺利地过渡到2000年,那么所有的日期和时间基准都将无效。
    If BIOS does not successfully roll over to 2000, all date and time references will be invalid.
  • 就系统日期否顺利地过渡到2000年的力而言,网络操作系统(nos)与pc机的bios问题交织在一起。
    NOSes are intertwoven with the PC BIOS issue in their ability to roll over system dates successfully to the year 2000.
  • 在霍利斯的研究日程表上,最后一个大问题在于细胞在发光后是否够重新设定,按照研究小组最近对手动探测仪的设想,这个问题可并不太重要:人们拟利用光电盒读取可交换的一次性生物探测芯片发出的光子,而光电盒只需要花费几美元。
    The last big question on Hollis's research agenda -- whether the cells will reset after having fired -- may not even matter in the group's latest vision for a handheld biosensor: a proposed optical-electronic box would read the photons emitted by a swappable and disposable biosensor chip, which would cost just a few dollars.
  • 同时这种生物探测仪天然性稳定:与传统意义上b细胞在机体内的居所相比,使工作环境大打折扣的疲劳、灰尘和其他污染物不会使这些b细胞发生失误。
    The biosensor, too, is naturally robust: exhaust, dirt and other contaminants that make the working environment considerably less than hospitable, compared with a B cell's traditional home inside the body, don't trick the cells into misfiring.
  • 这些珊瑚礁和大量的鱼一从生物圈2号的外部直达的较低的水面上也够看的见。
    These corals -- and the abundant fish -- are also visible from a lower, underwater level, accessible from outside Biosphere 2.
  • 生物圈2号是德克萨斯石油大王爱德华p.巴思在二十世纪八十年代末期建立的,目的是为了验证在一艘精心打造的宇宙飞船里或着陆在其它行星上的登陆舱里的生命是否够得以维持。
    Biosphere 2 was built in the late 1980s by Texan oil magnate Edward P. Bass as a means to test whether life in an elaborate spaceship or a similar module on other planets could be sustainable.
  • 国国家委员会的一份报告说,在不远的将来,士兵们将食用使其保持健康作战状态的特殊食品,尽管这份为“生物技术在未来军队中的运用”的报告,缺少细节描述,但是以普渡大学生物工程师克尔·来迪史为首的16位作者推断,高科技食品将在未来25年之内既使军队免受生物武器的威胁,又使他们免受严寒之苦,而且指挥官还够通过卫星看到他们。
    Soldiers of the near future will dine on special food that makes them fighting fit, according to a report by America's National Research Council. The report, entitiled"Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications", is short on detail. But its 16 authors, led by Michael Ladisch, a biological engineer at Purdue University, reckon that high?tech chow will, within the next 25 years, protect troops from attack by biological weapons, insulate them against cold weather and even make them visible to their commanders by satellite.
  • 我们那条母狗应生一窝很好的小狗. 我们让约翰的狗给她配了种.
    Our bitch should produce a fine litter. We mated her with John's dog.
  • 它可能会咬你。
    It might bite you.
  • 嚼东西时上牙齿不触及下牙齿的情况。
    the condition in which the upper teeth do not touch the lower teeth when biting.
  • 如果你不使你的狗不咬送牛奶的人,你就必须把它关起来。
    If you can't restrain your dog form biting the milkman you must lock him up.
  • 如果你不阻止你的狗咬送奶员,你该把它锁起来。
    If you can't restrain your dog from biting the milkman, you must lock him up.
  • 我能尝到苦味。
    I can taste something bitter.