  • 接口或是通过它们提供平台的部件模型的描述或者通过利用程序本身的应用编程接口实现与应用程序的交互。
    The interfaces interact with applications either via descriptions. They provide to their platform's component model or by taking advantage of the program's application programming interfaces.
  • 互换相互都或拿;交换
    To give or take mutually; interchange.
  • 巩固完善大中城市蔬菜生产基地,鼓励农区通过间作套种等多熟制栽培措施,发展蔬菜生产,稳定提高蔬菜均衡供水平和有效供能力。
    It will consolidate and perfect vegetable production bases around large and medium-sized cities, and encourage farming areas to expand vegetable production through intercropping, relay intercropping and oth er multi-harvest cultivation measures so as to improve the balanced supply of vegetables and enhance the capability for the effective supply of vegetables.
  • 由于纯科学和应用科学之间互相依赖,很容易看出这个系统会科学的未来带来相当大的危险。
    Owing to the interdependence between pure and applied science, it is easy to see that this system carries considerable dangers for the future of science.
  • 经济全球化是当今世界经济发展的客观趋势,其基本特征是资本、技术、商品、信息和服务在全球范围内自由流动和优化配置,使世界各国经济相互依存、相互影响日益加深,世界各国经济发展带来了新的动力和机遇。
    Economic globalization is the objective trend of the economic development in the world today, featured by the free flow and optimized allocation of capital, technology, information and service in the global context, making the economic interdependence and interaction between various countries ever stronger, and has brought about new driving forces and opportunities for the economic development of all countries in the world.
  • 他以百分之五的利息借我这笔钱。
    He lent me the money at 5% interest.
  • 工作给了他兴趣
    Working game him interest.
  • 你能我解释一下人机接口吗?
    Can you give me an explanation of the man-machine interface?
  • 我正在和珍妮玩,可是安妮插了进来,把游戏打乱了。
    I was playing with Jane, but Anne interfered and spoiled the game.
  • 不是直接射击临近的武力而是以破坏敌人的储备和武器从而妨碍敌人的指挥、供和通信为目标的射击。
    fire on objectives not in the immediate vicinity your forces but with the objective of destroying enemy reserves and weapons nad interfering with the enemy command and supply and communications.
  • 这场争论火上加油的是那些政府间机构,如国际电信联盟(itu)、世界贸易组织和世界知识产权组织。
    Fueling the debate is a host of intergovernmental organizations including the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the World Trade Organization, and the World Intellectual Property Organization.
  • 室内给水排水系统
    interior water-supply and plumbing system
  • 船)装上内部隔板或木板
    To provide(a ship) with interior planking or lining.
  • 她将地区政治问题留阿卜杜拉国王去解决。阿卜杜拉像他已故的父亲候赛因一样,在中东和平进程中起着重要的调解作用。
    She leaves regional politics to King Abdullah, who, like his late father, King Hussein, plays a significant intermediary role in the Middle East peace process.
  • “在某公司实习时,我获得了该公司数年来予其雇员的好几项最高评价。”
    "As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been given in years.
  • "在某公司实习时,我获得了该公司数年来予其雇员的好几项最高评价。
    "As an intern for the X Company, I received some of the highest evaluations that had been giv en in years."
  • 这就我带来了internet计算机。
    Which brings me to the Internet computer.
  • 谁给你做翻译?
    Who is going to interpret for you?
  • 下面几节将对实验1和实验2的结果出解释。
    We can interpret the results of Experiments I and II as in the following sections.
  • 曲解给一错误的解释
    To give a false interpretation to.
  • 请给我个面试机会。
    May I have an interview.
  • 他那有礼貌的态度就先面试主考官留下了好印象。
    The interviewer was prepossessed by his good manners.
  • 除此之外,你必须面试官留下一个好印象,使他在面试其他求职者时还能记住你。
    Furthermore, you must make a positive impression which the interviewer will remember while he interviews other applicants.
  • 一个年轻人非常贵重礼物来换取友谊和亲密关系的富裕的老年男子。
    a wealthy older man who gives a young person expensive gifts in return for friendship or intimacy.
  • 你能我暗示他所说的话吗?
    Will you intimate to me what he said?
  • 静脉穿刺对静脉的穿刺,如为抽血、静脉食或施用药物
    Puncture of a vein, as for drawing blood, intravenous feeding, or administration of medicine.
  • 当地的报纸用大量的篇幅报道了手术的细节,此外还有皮埃尔蓬将肝脏捐献德克鲁兹的感人故事。
    Local newspapers have dedicated pages to the intricacies of the procedure, alongside tales of Png's devotion to De Cruz.
  • 她把我介绍她的朋友。
    She introduced me to her friend.
  • 主席把讲演者介绍听众。
    The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.
  • 他把朋友介绍给我。
    He introduced his friend to me.
  • 我来你们介绍一下。
    Let me introduce you two.
  • 你能把我介绍她吗?
    Could you introduce me to her?