  • 我害怕这条大狗。
    I was scared of the big dog.
  • 她脖子上戴了一羊毛围巾。
    She wore a woolen scarf around her neck.
  • 她有一用三角形蓝绸子做的围巾。
    She has a scarf made of a triangular piece of blue silk.
  • 她把那长围巾围在头上。
    She twisted the long scarf round her head.
  • 我们已掌握了一可能导致重要发现的线索。
    We are on the scent of an important discovery.
  • 那溪流冲出了一水沟。
    The stream had scoured a channel.
  • 我把便揉成团扔进火里了。
    I screwed up the note and threw it on the fire.
  • 他因违犯绝密例, 成了处罚对象.
    By breaking the rule of absolute secrecy, he became a marked man.
  • 这几线把这个面分割成了几个部分.
    Lines divided the area into segments.
  • 一种类似于开关的计算机操作。根据有关的事实或件,对两个或更多可能的操作路径进行选择。
    A computer operation, similar to switching, where a selection is made between two or more possible courses of action depending upon some related fact or condition.
  • 所有的约都由参议院批准。
    The Senate confirms all treaties.
  • 但儿孙们的厄运始终使他们忧郁寡欢。有一天卡德摩斯哀呼道:“既然众神对一蛇的生命如此看重,我倒不如就是一蛇吧。”话刚出口他就开始变形了。
    But the misfortunes of their children still weighed upon their minds; And one day Cadmus exclaimed, "If a serpent's life is so dear to the gods, I would I were myself a serpent." No sooner had he uttered the words than he began to change his form.
  • 我必须使我的事情搞得井井有
    I must set my affairs in order.
  • 我想想看,白色桌布5000,和以前是同一种类的。
    Let me see, table linen,5, 000 sets, same type of set as before.
  • 和解的件似乎还公道。
    The terms of the settlement seem just.
  • 河很宽,足以使很多船通过。
    The waterway is wide for many ships to pass through.
  • 哪一河流是它们之中最短的?
    Which river is the shortest among them?
  • 小偷悄悄从一小马路溜走了。
    The thief slipped away down a side street.
  • 车开了20分钟之后,我们拐弯开到湖滨的一街道上去。
    After driving twenty minutes, we turned into a street along the side of a lake.
  • "这后来被送到一个博物馆,在那里接受一位科学家的观察、研究的鱼,名叫皇带鱼。"
    "The fish, which has since been sent to a museum where it is being examined by a scientist, is called an oarfish."
  • 你穿这短裙去参加正式晚会是不恰当的。
    Your short skirt is inappropriate for a formal party.
  • 肥皂切片[条]机
    soap slabber (=soap slab cutter)
  • 目前生意萧条不振。
    Business is slack just now.
  • 她努力使身体健康体形苗
    She tries to get fit and slim down.
  • 我想起她那时还是个苗的少女.
    I remember her (ie picture her in my mind) as a slim young girl.
  • 但愿我能像你一样苗
    I wish I was as slim as you.
  • 那个时装模特身材苗
    The fashion model had a very slim figure.
  • 他不够苗,穿不上这紧身裤。
    He is not slim enough to wear these tight trousers.
  • 如果他想穿下这裤子的话,就得减肥。
    He will have to slim if he wants to wear the trousers.
  • 我向那狗一喊, 它就溜出去了.
    The dog slunk out when I shouted at him.
  • 鱼从我手中滑掉了。
    The fish slipped out of my hand.
  • 她把布撕成细条。
    She slit cloth into strips.