  • "阿拉斯加州是由俄罗斯人取的,因为阿拉斯加是在1867年从俄罗斯购买的。"
    "Alaska was named by the Russians, from whom Alaska was bought in 1867."
  • 士兵们击毙了那3破坏者。
    The soldiers shot the three saboteurs.
  • 公司有250拿工资的职员。
    The company had250 salaried staffs.
  • 一些有气的酒吧,星期四的头一杯酒从前是免费的。
    The first drink Thursday was on the house in the leading saloon.
  • 她的字和我的相同。
    Her name and mine are the same.
  • 塞缪斯・克莱门斯,以马克・吐温知,成了美国作家。
    Samuel Clemens, who was known as Mark Twain, became a famous American writer.
  • 军官的肩上佩戴着肩带。
    The officer wears sashes on his shoulders.
  • 普赖尔,马修1664-1721英国诗人和外交官,以其机智的短诗和略带讽刺的诗闻
    English poet and diplomat known for his epigrams and light satirical verse.
  • 这个地方的声可不太好。
    This place doesn't have a very savory reputation.
  • 这家饭店以饭菜美味而出
    This restaurant is famous for its savory dishes.
  • 这家饭店以饭菜美味而出
    This restaurant is famous for its savoury dishes.
  • 这个地方的声可不太好。
    This place doesn't have a very savoury reputation.
  • "为了我的职业誉,"萨克斯顿先生说,"我在接案子时特别谨慎。越是有可能导致窘境的案子,我越不想接手。"
    "For the sake of my professional reputation, " said Mr Saxton, I am very careful about accepting a case. The more it looks like a Queer Street, the more I an inclined to leave it alone.
  • 听说总裁昨天收到一封匿信。
    The president is said to receive an anonymous letter yesterday.
  • 瑞士以制表业和美丽的风景而闻
    Switzerland is famous for its watchmaking and beautiful scenery.
  • 这两游客来自苏格兰。
    These two tourists came from Scotland.
  • 有人已经把他的字从单上划去了。
    Somebody has scratched his name off the list.
  • 他用一把小刀把自己的字刻在墙上。
    He scratched his name on the wall with a knife.
  • 单上划去一个
    scratch out [off] a name from a list
  • 在混战中有五罢工纠察队员受伤.
    Five pickets were injured in the scuffle.
  • 女士们的发型都是当代有的理发师做的。
    The ladies had their hair sculpted by the leading coiffeur of the day.
  • 我在赛跑中是第二
    I came second in the race.
  • 那个预言家以他的理论而出
    That seer is famous for his theory.
  • 他们是从许多报者当中选出来的。
    They were selected from many applicants.
  • 他是我的一个朋友,所以如果你提到我的字,他将让你买只表买得合算,它们的选择很多。
    He is a friend of mine, so if you mention my name, he'll give you a good deal on a watch. They have a great selection.
  • 有她的字,这部影片就卖座。
    Her name will help to sell the film.
  • 渴望成为一名教师
    set one's hope on becoming a teacher
  • 在文件上签名盖章
    set one's hand and seal to a document
  • 我获得了那项比赛的第十七
    I came in seventeenth place in the games.
  • 造船厂公布削减二百工人.
    Two hundred redundancies were announced in the shipyards.
  • 现在画面上显示的是一个著的棒球运动员在吃大碗'WAKE-UPS(清醒)'麦片粥。
    Now it shows a famous baseball player eating a big bowl of WAKE--UPS.
  • 他们不计个人名利。
    They shun personal fame and gains.