  • 面对个人生活的风浪,查理坚强不屈,接着开拍新片《马戏团》在这部片子里,拍了七百多次卓别林走钢丝的镜头,而最后用于影片的仅有几钟。
    Despite the turmoil[1] in his private life, Charlie went on and made a film called The Circus. Chaplin had done over seven hundred takes on that tightrope-- and all for a few minutes of film.
  • 冻疮皮肤(尤指踵部)上由于受冻而引起的皲裂或发炎的部;冻的脓疱溃烂
    A chapped or inflamed area on the skin, especially on the heel, resulting from exposure to cold; an ulcerated chillblain.
  • 在「一国两制」的构想下,香港顺利回归中国,这实在对本港市民历来勇於创新和勤奋进取的精神的一大挑战,香港有史以来第一次由我们自己来管治,我们终於可以掌握自己的命运,为本身的决定和这些决定产生的结果负起全责,我们的目标十明确,就是要令香港比以往更加成就辉煌,同时也要改善市民生活的质素。
    The peaceful re-unification of Hong Kong with China under the concept of "one country, two systems" puts to test the pioneering and enterprising spirit which characterise the people of Hong Kong. For the first time ever, we will administer Hong Kong, taking full responsibility for our decisions and be accountable for their consequences. We are finally masters of our own destiny. Our goal is clear : we must make Hong Kong more successful than before and improve the quality of life for the people at the same time.
  • 鹨一种布较广的鹨属鸣鸟,特征是长有棕色上羽和条纹胸羽
    Any of various widely distributed songbirds of the genus Anthus, characteristically having brownish upper plumage and a streaked breast.
  • 这些东西本身没有所谓好坏,只是一些和典型的人类生活不能离的天赋的东西而已。
    In and for themselves, these are neither good nor bad, but just something given and inseparable from the characteristically human life.
  • 对人物塑造完全正确的感觉;她避免了使用大场景……情愿依靠细微的姿态和恰如其的对话——彼得·s·普林斯考特。
    a dead-on feel for characterization; She avoids big scenes...preferring to rely on small gestures and dead-on dialogue- Peter S.Prescott.
  • 我们以外表来区别人。
    We characterize people by their appearances.
  • 直到最近之前,人类还无法将有缺陷基因从正常基因里离出来,也不能对其做出精细的描绘,只有当人们发病时才能得知它们的存在。
    Until recently, there was no way to isolate and characterize bad genes. They were known only by their consequences: disease.
  • 将砂砾和木炭层以做成过滤器
    Layered gravel and charcoal to make a filter.
  • 裂变产物的电荷分布
    charge distribution of fission products
  • 过高要价过的或过高的要价
    An excessive or exorbitant charge.
  • 戏院早期的一种门票为5钱的剧院
    An early movie theater charging an admission price of five cents.
  • 该中心由政府承办商负责营运,是本港主要的化学废物处理设施。中心的经营成本,部是透过直接收费计划向使用者收回。
    This centre, the main treatment facility for chemical waste, is operated by a government contractor, recovering part of its running costs through a user direct-charging scheme.
  • 州长和他的保险精算师们认为该公司已经超收百之六,应以同样的百比降回原价,而不应加价。
    The Governor and his insurance actuaries maintain that the company already was charging 6 percent more than it should and that it should actually roll back its rates by that amount rather than get an increase.
  • 他把大部钱都捐赠给慈善事业了。
    He gave away most of his money to charity.
  • 伦巴底意大利北部的一个地区,与瑞士接壤。最早的居民是高卢人。公元6世纪成为伦巴底人所建王国的中心,774年成为夏尔马聂帝国的一部。1176年伦巴底城市联盟击败了弗雷德里克一世皇帝
    A region of northern Italy bordering on Switzerland. First inhabited by a Gallic people, it became the center of the kingdom of the Lombards in the sixth century a.d. and part of Charlemagne's empire in774. The Lombard League of cities defeated Emperor Frederick I in1176.
  • 在星期四晚上的全国女子联赛决赛的第一场比赛中,被普遍看好的洛杉矶“火花”队在向第一个全国女子联赛冠军途中迈出了一大步,队员丽沙·莱斯莉独得了24和8个篮板球,结果她和队员以75比66大胜夏洛特“毒刺”队。
    The heavily favored Los Angeles Sparks got a jump on their bid for their first WNBA title, getting 24 points and eight rebounds from Lisa Leslie in a 75-66 victory over the Charlotte Sting in Game 1 of League finals Thursday night.
  • 做作、过却肤浅的赞美。
    excessive but superficial compliments given with affected charm.
  • 我钔听到好消息感到十高兴。
    We were charmed with the good news.
  • 这间房就其特点而言是十漂亮的了。
    It was, in its way, a very charming room.
  • 分权制
    decentralized type of organization
  • 分离制
    uncorrelated type of organization
  • 镜头剧本一种为避免电影中镜头间的不相符而查阅详尽的电影剧本或镜头剧本
    A detailed script or scenario consulted to avoid discrepancies from shot to shot in a film.
  • 炭,余烬一种部烧焦的物质,可继续燃烧但无火焰
    A partly charred substance that can burn further but without flame.
  • 你们现在看到的图表说明了这个网络在欧洲的布。
    The chart you are seeing shows the network in Europe.
  • 把圆形按百成三角形区域的图表。
    a circular chart divided into triangular areas proportional to the percentages of the whole.
  • 表明星体在天空中特定部的相对位置的图。
    a chart showing the relative positions of the stars in a particular part of the sky.
  • 我们十希望贵公司能尽快租到一条集装箱货船。
    We do hope you can charter a container ship as soon as possible.
  • 联合国的全体会员国根据《宪章》这一国际条约都有义务支付一部预算。
    All States of the UN are obligated by the Charter – an international treaty – to pay a portion of the budget.
  • 最近货运市场十坚挺,所以要想在一周内租船几乎不大可能。
    Recently the freight market have become so firm that it is practically impossible for us to charter a ship within one week.
  • 英国物理治疗协会在其成员中开展了一次调查,发现四之三的人认为狗狗健康的第一威胁是体重超重。
    A survey by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy found three quarters of members put dogs being excessively overweight as their main concern.
  • 她十注意自己的声誉。
    She was chary of her reputation.