  • 看看无数"中国制造"的玩具就知道,口到美国的中国产品并不算少,但是一个中国公司以自己的品牌打入美国市场却凤毛麟角。
    As shelf after shelf of made in China cuddly toys attest, Chinese exports are hardly uncommon in the U.S.. But a Chinese company exporting under its own brand name is.
  • 她杰的才干已经由她获得迅速提升而得到证明。
    Her outstanding abilities were attested by her rapid promotion.
  • 从他阁楼的窗子望去,他看到一大片屋顶。
    From his attic window he looked out over a wilderness of roofs.
  • 我从阁楼上搜这幅画像.
    I unearthed the portrait from the attic.
  • 把热气从顶楼上排去的扇子。
    a fan that blows hot air out of the attic of a building.
  • 该把阁楼空了,里面堆满了废弃物。
    It's about time we cleared out the attic, it's full of junk.
  • 妈妈昨天忙了一天,把顶楼里破破烂烂的东西全都清理了去。
    Mother had a field day yesterday; she cleared all the lumber out of the attic.
  • 为了向抱怀疑的孩子们说明情况,妈妈在阁楼上找一些旧照片。
    To show the doubting children, their mother hunted up some old photographs in the attic.
  • 把你的大皮箱放到壁橱里,一个简易的背包就可以装下外度周末所需的一切用品。
    Leave the trunk in the attic. It is possible to pack everything you need for a weekend getaway in one carry-on bag.
  • 礼服席正式场合穿着的装束,如晚礼服和小夜礼服
    Attire, such as evening gowns and tuxedos, for wear on formal occasions.
  • 花花公子的,纨绔的显露或打扮得像花花公子的;花花公子的
    Suggestive of or attired like a dandy; foppish.
  • 显示很强的优越感的
    Displaying a patronizingly superior attitude.
  • 造作之态,装腔作势为产生效果而故意装来的态度或姿态
    A studied attitude assumed for effect.
  • 她摆一付藐视人的态度。
    She struck an attitude of defiance.
  • 装模作样,做夸张的姿势呈现夸张或不自然的姿势或心理态度;装模作样
    To assume an exaggerated or unnatural pose or mental attitude; attitudinize.
  • 律师律师,尤指庭律师
    An attorney, especially a trial lawyer.
  • 被告的辩护律师向陪审团提抗辩。
    The defense attorney pleads against the jury.
  • 麻烦出在辨方律师
    The onus was on the defense attorney.
  • 好几个人已正式提竞选地方检察官职位。
    Quite a few people have filed for district attorney.
  • 被告辩护律师提的反对被法官驳回了
    The defense attorney's objection was overruled by the judge.
  • 在特别调查员的审讯下,他把司法部长供了来。
    Questioned by the special investigators, he put the finger on the Attorney-General.
  • 我们需要一位律师为我们一位客户提诉讼。
    We need an attorney to prosecute a lawsuit for one of our clients.
  • 价乍一看很吸引人。
    at first blush the offer seemed attractive.
  • 售的货物陈列得非常诱人。
    The goods for sale are set out attractively.
  •     (c)不是专属于本联盟、而且也属于本组织所管理的其他一个或一个以上联盟的支,应认为各联盟的共同支
    Expenses not attributable exclusively to the Union but also to one or more other Unions administered by the Organization shall be considered as expenses common to the Unions.
  • 1.本协议的地理标志,系指下列标志:其标示某商品来源于某成员地域内,或来源于该地域中的某地区或某地方,该商品的特定质量、信誉或其他特征,主要与该地理来源相关联。
    1. Geographical indications are, for the purposes of this Agreement, indications which identify a good as originating in the territory of a Member, or a region or locality in that territory, where a given quality, reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical origin.
  • 这个属性被命名为“generic”,并且将现在所有的消息中。
    This attribute is named “generic ” and is present on all messages.
  • 有了xml,文档的组成部分像在html中那样用标志和属性将它们标记来。
    With XML, document components are marked with tags and attributes, just as in HTML.
  • 我提最低价格,但他把合同给了他朋友的公司——一个对朋友偏袒的典范。
    I put in the lowest price but he gave the contract to his friend's firm-atypical example of the old pal's act.
  • 宴会的请贴现在已全部发去了。
    Au the invitations for the party have now gone out.
  • 明亮的银烛台;明亮的铜把门环;她把头发梳光亮的赤褐色波浪;几排发光的眼镜;发亮的黑色执照。
    bright silver candlesticks; a burnished brass knocker; she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves; rows of shining glasses; shiny black patents.
  • 一九九九年九月,行政长官代表香港席在新西兰奥克兰举行的亚太经合组织经济领袖会议。
    The Chief Executive represented the HKSAR at the APEC Economic Leaders Meeting held in Auckland, New Zealand in September.