| - 被或能够被另一物质吸收或吸附的物质。
a material that has been or is capable of being taken up by another substance by either absorption or adsorption. - 好说她给换一把。
She say she'll replace it. - 当然,我要赔一个。
I'll replace it, of course. - 通过吸收作用或吸附作用一种物质吸收或控制另一种物质的过程。
the process in which one substance takes up or holds another (by either absorption or adsorption). - 当然,我要赔一个。
I 'll replace it, of course. - 马克思主义只能包括而不能代替文艺创作中的现实主义,正如它只能包括而不能代替物理科学中的原子论、电子论一样。
Marxism embraces but cannot replace realism in literary and artistic creation, just as it embraces but cannot replace the atomic and electronic theories in physics. - 一种有吸附能力的粘土,能去除油里的色彩。
an adsorbent clay that will remove coloring from oils. - 那可不可以换一双大一点的?
Then, can you replace them with a larger size? - 能够吸附另一物质的物质。
a material having capacity or tendency to adsorb another substance. - 一种可替换的印制电路板。
A replaceable printed circuit board. - 一元酸只有一个可置换氢原子的酸
An acid having one replaceable hydrogen atom. - 每个分子仅含有一个可置换的氢原子的酸。
an acid containing only one replaceable hydrogen atom per molecule. - 我们认为,这一切都取决于每一方如何出色地工作,以及客户尤其是大公司客户如何决定什么对他们是重要的。
We suppose it all depends on how adroitly each side plays, and how customers -- especially corporate customers -- decide what's important to them. - 身体一部分的替代品。
a replacement for a part of the body. - 第一步利改税
first phase of replacement of profit by tax - 冷静的审慎和敏感的自私连同对可能事物的迅速感知——这些就使老练的政治家区别于其他人;熟练的讲了一个故事;熟练的新闻广告员;一个熟练的安排。
cool prudence and sensitive selfishness along with quick perception of what is possible--these distinguish an adroit politician; came up with a clever story; an ingenious press agent; an ingenious scheme. - 我们需要一个人来接替已离职的秘书。
We need a replacement for the secretary who left. - 凭一下突然而又敏捷的动作,我把左眼朝他的拳头碰将过去的。
By a sudden and adroit movement I placed my leave eye against his fist. - 我的秘书下星期要走,所以我们现在正登广告招聘一位替代者。
My secretary leaves us next week, so we are advertising for a replacement. - 第一个方向,结束片面抗战,代以全面抗战。
The first is the ending of partial resistance and its replacement by total resistance. - 最后,在阶级斗争接近决战的时期,统治阶级内部的、整个旧社会内部的瓦解过程,就达到非常强烈、非常尖锐的程度,甚至使得统治阶级中的一小部分人脱离统治阶级而归附于革命的阶级,即掌握着未来的阶级。
Finally, in times when the class struggle nears the decisive hour, the process of dissolution going on within the ruling class, in fact within the whole range of society, assumes such a violent, glaring character, that a small section of the ruling class cuts itself adrift, and joins the revolutionary class, the class that holds the future in its hands. - 新皮在胶原蛋白上生长时会生出一种色泽苍白,不很柔韧的结疤组织。
When skin cells grow on the replacement collagen, they produce pale, less flexible material. - 小麦的一种病症特征是黑色油脂有异味的东西代替粮。
disease of wheat characterized by replacement of the grains with greasy masses of smelly smut spores. - 他是个工程师的儿子……一个学法律的学生……但“极其迷恋音乐”,…师事于鲁宾斯坦…·,现在,36岁了,还“在声之海洋中漂泊,望不到一个安全的港口”。
He was the son of an engineer… had been a student of law but had succumbed to the madness of music... had studied under Rubinstein... and now, at thirty-six, was adrift on the sea of sound with no harbor of security in sight. - 变换以另一套变量置换为一个代数表达式中变量的值
Replacement of the variables in an algebraic expression by their values in terms of another set of variables. - 其实,我当然了解人口替代不足在一段时日之后将为我国带来多大的麻烦;
I am well aware of the dire consequences of fertility falling below the replacement rate in the long run. - 如今莱文已经离开了,接替他的理查德·帕森斯把特纳接了回来,安置在一个副董事长的新位置上。
Levin is gone now,and his replacement,Richard Parsons,has brought Turner back into the fold in a new vice-chairman position. - 那么,我们现在可以进一步谈谈换新船的问题。
Well, we're now able to go further into the question of replacements. - 1837年加拿大军队攻击了美国船只"卡罗琳"号,杀死其中一名乘客,放火烧船后任由它在尼亚加拉瀑布上游漂泊。
In1837Canadian forces attacked a U.S.ship of that name,killed one of its passengers,set it on fire and then cast it adrift just above Niagara Falls. - 布莱,威廉1754-1817英国海军军官,任皇家海军舰艇邦梯号船长,在一次驶向塔希提岛(1789年)的航行中被哗变船员放逐至海上漂流
British naval officer who as captain of the H.M.S. Bounty was set adrift by his mutinous crew during a voyage to Tahiti(1789). - 该业务部门现在占公司一半以上销售额,并且很可能会随着战后“婴儿潮一代”纷纷寻求置换髋关节和膝盖骨而兴旺发达。
The implant business now ac-counts for more than half of Stryker's sales and is likely to prosper as boomers seek out hip and knee replacements. - 使功能部件保持在或恢复到能完成其规定功能的状态的任何活动。注:维修是指通过一些活动,诸如测试、测量、更换、调整以及修复等,使功能部件维持在规定状态。
Any activity intended to retain a functional unit in, or to restore it to, a state in which it can perform its required function. Note: Maintenance includes keeping a functional unit in a specified state by performing activities such as tests, measurements, replacements, adjustments and repairs.