  • 包括一个广大的时跨度。
    involving an extended span of time.
  • 某事物所占的一块大的空的部分。
    the extended spatial location of something.
  • 拉长了的望远镜;他岔开腿几乎可以横跨这个小房;拒绝接受援助。
    an extended telescope; his extended legs reached almost across the small room; refused to accept the extended hand.
  • 办公室都有电话分机。
    There are telephone extensions in every office.
  • 我们把学校扩建了一些,因此现在我们又多了两教室。
    We built an extension onto the school, so now we have two more classrooms.
  • 无限延伸的,无穷的在空范围上无限大的
    Unlimited in spatial extent.
  • 中的一个点或一个范围。
    a point or extent in space.
  • 对于uddi规范2.0中引入的可外部校验的分类法支持而言,关于那些校验服务到底是如何判决指定的信息是否合法,是否能够与某个已校验的命名空相关联,并没有一组固定的行为。
    For externally validated taxonomies introduced as a result of Version 2.0 changes, there is no set behavior for determing what specific information is validated relative to the use of a checked namespace.
  • 它燃烧性能好,热效率达到85%,烟气中一氧化碳含量低于0.01%。此外它还配熄火自动安全保护装置,一旦意外熄火,安全阀便会在规定时内自动关闭燃气通路,避免燃气漏出产生危险。
    It has good combustion power. It's heating efficiency is 85%. Carbon monoxide power. It's heating efficiency is 85%. Carbon monoxide content is below 0.01%. Besides it s equipped with automatic flame extinguishing safety valves-in case of fire. The safety values will automatically shut off the gas passage within the shortest possible time to prevent gas leakage.
  • 我能有额外的时来完成我的工作吗?
    Can I have extra time to finish my work?
  • 这个旅馆对有洗澡的房额外收费。
    This hotel charges extra for a room with a bath.
  • 我们在课外练习上花了很多时
    We have spent a lot of time on the extracurricular exercise.
  • 你觉得在大学期花在课外活动上的时值得吗?
    Do you think that your extracurricular activities while in college were worth the time you devoted to tern?
  • 该队调查了两大型上市公司多年,结果在香港起诉8人并申请引渡在澳洲的第九名疑犯。
    Enquiries into the activities of two publicly-listed companies, which had taken several years to complete, led to charges being laid against eight people in Hong Kong and extradition proceedings being initiated against a suspect in Australia.
  • 胚胎从受精到出生期任一阶段产物的通称,它包括了合子或胎儿甚至胚胎膜
    The product of conception at any point between fertilization and birth. It includes the embryo or the fetus as well as the extraembryonic membranes.
  • 从一屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小.
    One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
  • 他的政治观点在两个极端之摇摆不定.
    He oscillates between political extremes.
  • 中、俄、哈、吉、塔五国边防部门领导人商定:五国边防部门将在上海合作组织有关文件规定的框架内,根据成员国共同国界地区的形势,加强边防信息交流,进一步深化相应的双边和多边合作,采取有效措施共同打击恐怖主义、分裂主义、极端主义和预防各种形式的跨界犯罪活动,维护成员国共同边界地区的良好秩序,为发展成员国之的睦邻友好、经贸和文化关系提供有力的保障。
    At the meeting, the leaders of the frontier defense authorities of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan agreed that the frontier defense authorities of the five states will, within the framework of the relevant documents of the SCO and in accordance with the circumstances of the areas of common borders of the member states, strengthen exchanges of information in respect of frontier defense; further deepen corresponding bilateral and multilateral cooperation; take effective measures for the joint fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism, and for preventing cross-border criminal activities of all forms; safeguard order along the common borders of member states; and provide powerful guarantee for the development of good neighborliness and friendship and economic, trade and cultural relations between the member states.
  • 通货危机是现今不应发生的事。谈到这件事就令人想到往昔的新闻影片,政府大员头戴高顶礼帽,表情沉重,从礼宾车里出来,声音沙哑而低沉地促请民众冷静。可是现在突然欧洲通货危机已迫在眉睫。
    A currency crisis is something that is not supposed to happen these days. The very idea evokes images form old newsreels, with grave statesmen in top hast emerging from limousines to urge calm in gravelly voices. But suddenly Europe is up to its eyebrows in one.
  • 沉重的心;严厉的时安排;悲伤的消息;悲伤、沉默;沉重的眼皮。
    a heavy heart; a heavy schedule; heavy news; a heavy silence; heavy eyelids.
  • 各种小型主要分布在热带并通常在夜活动的食虫陆栖蜥蜴,特征是眼睑可移动;完全无害。
    any of various small chiefly tropical and usually nocturnal insectivorous terrestrial lizards typically with immovable eyelids; completely harmless.
  • 神枪手不仅要有敏锐的眼力,还要具有在选择时和协调动作方面的非凡判断力。
    A good marksman is one who, in addition to having keen eyesight, has on extraordinary sense of timing and coordination.
  • 党派在增税问题上发生冲突;与公开的报道相矛盾的目击者的报告
    Factions that clashed on a tax increase; an eyewitness account that clashed with published reports.
  • 足球协会优胜杯赛是足球协会杯冠军和足球联合会杯冠军之的力量的较量。
    The FA Challenge Cup match is a trial of strength between the winners of the FA Cup and the Football League Cup.
  • 神翠鸟一种神话中的鸟,人们认为它即是翡翠鸟,据说当它在冬至期在海上筑巢时,具有平息风浪的力量
    A fabled bird, identified with the kingfisher, that was supposed to have had the power to calm the wind and the waves while it nested on the sea during the winter solstice.
  • 守护神民传说中的畸形矮子,住在地下守护着宝藏
    One of a fabled race of dwarflike creatures who live underground and guard treasure hoards.
  • 假日期有大量的普通人涌进这个国家的首都。
    Crowds of faceless people poured into the capital of the country during the holidays.
  • 小便处设有用于小便装置的房或地点
    A room or other place containing facilities for urinating.
  • 缩小贫富之的差距是政府面临的主要难题之一.
    Reducing the gap between rich and poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.
  • 我要一间面向河的。
    I'd prefer a room facing the river.
  • 他们住在一面南的房里。
    They lived in a room facing the south.
  • 贝基:这是因为你的房对着后花园,很安静,不像我那对着闹哄哄的大街。
    That's because you have a quiet room facing the back garden instead of one facing the noisy street like mine.