  • 给房屋保火险
    insure one's house against fire
  • 请给它保险40美元。
    Please insure it for 40 dollar.
  • 给…保险,以防意外
    To insure, as against loss.
  • 你希望给它保险吗?
    Do you wish to insure it?
  • 给住宅保火险
    To insure a house against fire
  • 我想这个包裹保险。
    I'd like to insure this package.
  • 保险公司可以你保寿险。
    An insurance company will insure your life.
  • 承保对合计(定数量)的损失进行保险
    To insure against losses totaling(a given amount).
  • 我想这包东西保险50美元。
    I'd like to insure this package for 50 dollars.
  • 原来他没有房屋投足保险。
    It turn out he have not insure the house sufficiently.
  • 他问我要不要行李保险。
    He asked whether or not I wanted to insure my luggage.
  • 这幢房子投火灾保险需要多少钱?
    How much will it cost to insure the building against fire?
  • 这家公司他的财产保了险。
    The company insured his property.
  • 没有被给予保证的党
    A party that is not insured.
  • 自己的房屋保了火险。
    He insured his house against fire.
  • 这家公司他的财产保险1万英镑。
    The company insured his property for 1O,O00.
  • 您想给它保险吗?
    Do you want it to be insured?
  • 你家的房子保火险了吗?
    Have you insured your house against are?
  • 原来他没有房屋投足保险。
    It turns out he has not insured the house sufficiently.
  • 如贵党三中全会果能毅然决然确定此国策,则本党为着表示团结御侮之诚意,愿贵党三中全会以如下之保证:(一)在全国范围内停止推翻国民政府之武装暴动方针;
    If the Third Plenary Session of your Central Executive Committee can succeed in resolutely and firmly deciding on this as the national policy, our Party will pledge the following as an expression of our good faith in solidarity against foreign aggression: (1) the policy of armed insurrection to overthrow the National Government will be discontinued throughout the country;
  • 他实际上没有什么技能,就是喜欢野生动物和乡村,还有将这一切完好无损地传下一代的愿望。
    He had no real qualifications, just a love of wildlife and the countryside, and a desire to pass it on intact to the next generation.
  • 在过去的一年里,我已经送您许多小礼物,其中大部分是无形的。
    During the past year,I have given you many small gifts,mostly intangible ones.
  • 在微积分学中函数的某些条件定的情况下采取的运算方法。
    an operation used in the calculus whereby the integral of a function is determined.
  • 一九九七年九月,教育署推行校本支援计划,发放整笔津贴录取内地新来港儿童的公营学校。
    A school-based support scheme was introduced in September 1997 to help these children integrate into the local education system.
  • 法律还对残疾人特别是精神或智力残疾者在参与刑事、民事、行政诉讼活动中的诉讼权利予特别保护,提供必要的法律援助。
    The laws also offer the disabled, especially the mentally or intellectually handicapped, who are involved in criminal, civil or administrative procedures, special protection of their procedural rights and the necessary legal assistance.
  • 她被他的聪明才智吓住了。
    She was cowed by his intelligence.
  • 这个学生出了一个聪明的回答。
    The student gave an intelligent answer.
  • 他书的那个学生很聪明。
    The student you give the book to is very intelligent.
  • 我要给你写信。
    I intended to write to you.
  • 这他们是打算你的。
    They intended that for you.
  • 是的,我想我儿子的单人床买条床单。
    Yes, I'm intending to buy a sheet for my son's single bed.
  • 指导老师对个人或者少量学生与强化教学。
    a session of intensive tuition given by a tutor to an individual or to a small number of students.