| - 最后,我的朋友们,你们将这项艰巨的任务交付给我,我必将公正地去做,仁慈地去爱,上帝与我同在。
And finally my friends in this staggering task that you have assigned me, I should always try to do justly to love mercy and to walk humbly with my God. - 有缘同生在当世的人,是不是可以在共同回首之际,冷静而虚心的放下成见,吸取教训,为子孙创造更美好的将来?
Can those living in the present soberly and humbly put away their prejudices as they look back, and learn lessons from the past, so as to create a better future for generations to come? - 他在成为足球名将前受过许多屈辱。
He was suffered many humiliation before he become a football star. - 一九九八年的祖国,在江泽民主席领导之下,带领着占世界五分之一的人口,行将告别二十世纪的时候,以文明、开放、进步的姿态和举世瞩目的成就,同时告别了压迫中国人近大半个世纪的落后、贫穷和受人欺凌。
In 1998, under the leadership of President Jiang, our country progresses in an open, civilized and sophisticated manner with achievements, which have captured attention all over the world. As it bids farewell to the 20th century with its people constituting one-fifth of the world population, it also bids farewell to the backwardness, poverty and humiliation which the Chinese people have suffered for more than half a century. - 我当场就叫了出来“哦”。上帝,一个女人驼背将会是极大的不幸。
Right then and there I called out, "Oh" Lord, a humpbacked woman would be a tragedy. - 将重新给予生命的腐蚀质返回大地-路易斯·布罗姆菲尔德;振奋人心的爱和赞扬;温暖的太阳增强生命力的光线。
returning the life-giving humus to the land- Louis Bromfield; life-giving love and praise; the vital rays of the warming sun. - 随着人口的增加,我们需要越来越多的粮食,假如腐殖上遭到了破坏,我们将在什么地方种植粮食呢?
With the increase of population, we need more and more food. If humus is destroyed, where will we grow our food? - 我有这样的预感,这个合同将成为我们关系上的一座里程碑。
My hunch is that this contract will become a milestone in our relationship. - 尽管公司推出quicken软件时,市场上已经有了46种与之竞争的同类产品,但quicken不仅赢得了大部分客户的青睐,而且将市场规模扩大到原来的100倍。
Although 46 competing packages were on the market when Quicken was launched, it not only captured the mass of customers, but also increased the size of the market a hundredfold. - 数日内,贵公司将从贵公司往来银行,东京第一百银行股份有限公司收到开证通知书。
The notification of opening the L/C will reach you through your bankers, The One Hundredth Band, Ltd., in a few days. - 数日内,贵公司将从贵司往来银行、东京第一百银行股份有限公司收到开证通知书。
The notification of opening the l/c will reach you through your banker, the one hundredth band, ltd., Tokyo, in a few days. - 匈牙利德布勒森大学的安德拉斯·科斯托拉尼发现了其中的原因。他对好几对鸟进行实验控制,将伴侣双方分开。
The reason for this was revealed by Andras Kosztolanyi of the University of Debrecen, in Hungary, who manipulated pairs of birds by removing one partner. - 警方一定会将他捕获。
The police will surely hunt him down. - 打猎者将打猎当运动的协会。
an association of huntsmen who hunt for sport. - 忘掉悲伤的最好方法是将自己投入到工作中去。
The best way to forget your sadness is to hurl yourself into your work. - 我将参加掷标抢。
I'll hurl the javelin. - 我将尽力设法使他们言归于好,但这不是容易办到的。
I'll do what I can to hurl them together, but it won't be easy. - 她在匆忙中将书掉到地上了。
In her hurry, she dropped the books. - 这将会有损他的名誉。
This will hurt his reputation. - 另一种危险是他所得的进言,将为一种有害而不安全的言论(虽然用意是好的)一半是招致祸患的而一半是救济或预防祸患的;
The other, that he shall have counsel given, hurtful and unsafe(though with good meaning), and mixed partly of mischief and partly of remedy; - 如果集选区与单选区议员的比例是目前的八比一,将会有更多的不战而胜议员,这将无法让竞选者发挥领袖潜质。
The current 8 to 1 ratio means that many candidates will become MPs without a fight and thus not be able to display their leadership qualities at the hustings. - 他总是要死的,但他将会名垂千古。
He will die, hut his fame will live on after him. - 《考克斯报告》抓住南昌飞机制造公司将19台设备中的橡皮囊压力机提前开箱这件事大做文章,试图证明中国进口这批设备用于军工产品。
The Cox Report seizes upon the fact that the Nanchang Aircraft Manufacturing Co. opened ahead of time the hydraulic stretch press package of the 19 sets of equipment, trying to prove that China imported the equipment for military purpose. - 他们设法从水电站将电引进来。
They tried to pipe electricity in from a hydropower. - 我们将从水电厂输电出来。
We are going to pipe electricity in from a hydropower plant. - 我们将从水电厂输电出来。
We is go to pipe electricity in from a hydropower plant. - 此外,将为几千成人、儿童和教师提供安全的个人卫生和卫生习惯方面的指导。
In addition, thousands of adults, children and teachers will be instructed in safe hygiene and sanitation practices. - 新的环境食物局将会成立,负责监督各项与食物安全和环境卫生有关的工作。
On food safety and environmental hygiene, a new Environment and Food Bureau will be set up to oversee all the related functions. - 在美国,1872年在茱丽亚·沃德·豪(她将这些建议写信给共和国战事赞美诗)建议下设立了母亲节。这一节日是为在战争中失去了亲人的母亲们而设的,纪念她们为和平所付出的牺牲。
In the United States Mother's Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the words to the Battle hymn of the Republic) as a day dedicated to peace. - forrester的报告尖锐地批评tco,将它斥之为“宣传”。
Forrester's report is sharply critical of TCO, dismissing it as "hype". - 尽管有时将"命运之子"与"顶点"乐队相提并论可以说有些夸张,但至少前者的兴起和后者同样璀璨夺目。
Though the occasional comparisons to the Supremes are hyperbolic,to say the least,the rise of Destiny's Child has been similarly meteoric. - 这些小店主们很清楚那个超级市场将会抢走他们的部分生意。
The small shopkeepers realized that the hypermarket will take away some of their trade.