  • 我们可以同意你不席。
    We will excuse your attendance.
  • 出席会议是必要的
    Attendance at the meeting is mandatory.
  • 席是强制的;义务捐献。
    attendance is obligatory; an obligatory contribution.
  • 出席人数约有数百
    An attendance figure estimated in the hundreds.
  • 为了特殊事件或特殊目的的席。
    attendance for a particular event or purpose.
  • 席是必须的,数学是一门必修课
    Attendance is obligatory. Mathematics is an obligatory course.
  • 每个小组自己登记勤情况。
    Each group kept its own records of attendance.
  • 席会议的人已大大减少。
    The attendance at the meetings has fallen off considerably.
  • 破记录的席率、飞行、跳跃、时间
    a record-breaking attendance, flight, jump, time
  • 他们希望有很多人席这次会议。
    They're expecting a large attendance at the meeting.
  • 观众减少了,我们应找原因来。
    Attendance has dropped off, we shall find out why.
  • 观众减少了,我们应找原因来。
    Attendance have drop off, we shall find out why.
  • 我知道教授会记录我的勤情况……
    I know that the professor will keep track of my attendance...
  • 我让服务员领他们到门口[领他去].
    I asked the attendant to conduct him to the door/conduct him out.
  • 这位随从对该提议考虑了一夜,然后作了决定。
    The attendant slept on the offer and then decided.
  • 会场会替每位席者准备文件夹,跟名牌一起摆在会议桌上。
    Folios will be prepared for each attendee and left by their namecards on the conference table.
  • 倾听,听取倾听或席的行为
    The act of hearing or attending.
  • 您要出席会议吗?
    You'll be attending the conference?
  • 席的人数没有超过二十。
    Man's number attending does not surpass 20.
  • 他被禁止席该会议。
    He was banned from attending the meeting.
  • 我可以不席这次会议吗?
    May I be dispensed from attending the conference?
  • 我可以不席这次会议吗?。
    May I be dispensed from attending the meeting?
  • 我因为有急事,所以没能席会议。
    Urgent business kept me from attending the meeting.
  • 恶劣的天气使我不能席会议。
    The bad weather precluded me from attending the meeting.
  • 他们预计有100人席会议。
    They calculate on a hundred people attending the meeting.
  • 他们赏光席我的展览会。
    They did me the honor of attending my exhibition.
  • 大雪使我不能席会议。
    The heavy snow precluded me from attending the meeting.
  • 编造一个不席会议的理由。
    vamp up an excuse for not attending the meeting.
  • 我丈夫在家时对我很关心,但一差从不想着给我打电话——真是眼不见,心不想。
    My husband is very attentive when he's at home, but when he's away on business he never even thinks to phone me-out of sight out to mind.
  • 对可能现的危险给予关注。
    the trait of being cautious; being attentive to possible danger.
  • 这给她留下了深刻的印象:以前向她献殷勤的男人中没有一个掏得这么一个皮夹。
    It impressed her deeply. Such a purse had never been carried by any one attentive to her.
  • 同时,尽量地鼓励党外人士对各种问题提意见,并倾听他们的意见。
    At the same time, we must do all we can to encourage the non-Party people to express their views on various problems and must lend an attentive ear to their suggestions.