  • 这两国实际上处于战争状态。
    A virtual state of war exists between the two countries.
  • 那剧十分糟糕,在幕休息时观众纷纷离去。
    The play is so awful that there is a general exodus from the theatre at the interval.
  • 翅翼鸟翼和躯干的一种可伸展开的皮肤褶
    An expandable, membranous fold of skin between the wing and body of a bird.
  • 太空地球大气层以外的空部分
    The region of this expanse beyond Earth's atmosphere.
  • 大而没有破坏的宽广空或距离。
    a large and unbroken expanse or distance.
  • 一个空旷的或没有障碍的空或广阔的陆地或海洋。
    a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water.
  • 在一个广阔的空或范围或时上的扩展。
    act of extending over a wider scope or expanse of space or time.
  • 宇宙太阳系、星、银河存在的空;宇宙
    The expanse in which the solar system, stars, and galaxies exist; the universe.
  • 考虑到时,下雨是很有可能的。
    rain was a logical expectation, given the time of year.
  • 可节省时的可通过一个有效的方式或一个更短的路径节省时的;迅速的
    Serving to save time through an efficient method or a shorter route; expeditious.
  •  (d)以多边方式防止及解决政府争端的有效及快速程序规定;
    the provision of effective and expeditious procedures for the multilateral prevention and settlement of disputes between governments; and
  • 该案从受理到结案仅用10天时,受到了美方当事人的好评。
    Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff.
  • 同时,法院还对被告的违法行为作出罚款的民事制裁决定,该案从受理到结案仅用10天时,受到了美方当事人的好评。
    The court, in addition, adjudged the defendant a civil sanction fine. Ten days passed from the court's acceptance of the case to its resolution, expeditious remedy much appreciated by the American plaintiff.
  • 这种新造的仪器能无声地排出车的污气。
    The newly made instrument can he used to expel polluted air from the workshop without any noise.
  • 这名谍被驱逐出境。
    The spy was expelled from the realm.
  • 我花了很多时在这件工作上,他们却告诉我说这是无用的。
    I had expended much time on the work but they told me it's useless.
  • 他已经花费许多时、金钱在那实验上。
    He have expend much time and energy on that experiment.
  • 柯比先生可能得再花一年的时才能写完他的书。
    Mr Kirby may have to expend a further year in completing his book.
  • 自从我们两国建立外关系以来,我们之的贸易量已大大增加。
    Since the establishment of diplomatic relation, trade between our two countries have is expend to a great extent.
  • 敌欲达此目的,至少出五十个师团,约一百五十万兵员,时一年半至两年,用费将在一百万万日元以上。
    To accomplish this aim the enemy will have to use at least fifty divisions, or about one and a half million men, spend from one and a half to two years, and expend more than ten thousand million yen.
  • 这么庞大的工作需花许多金钱和时
    Such a great work require the expenditure of much money and time.
  • 有没有便宜一点的房
    Do you have anything less expensive?
  • 检验实验数据不需要花太长时
    It wouldn't take long to check up on the experimental data.
  • 同样,在美国波士顿的一位科学家,也将能够向上海的一位科学家要求提供专门知识。而这种联系只需要几秒钟的时就可以接通。
    And the scientist in Boston will be able to call on the expertise of the scientist in Shanghai, and all of it in a matter of seconds.
  • 注释,注解简短的说明注释或翻译,常关于较难的或技术性的表达词句,一般插在备注栏或课文或稿件的行
    A brief explanatory note or translation of a difficult or technical expression usually inserted in the margin or between lines of a text or manuscript.
  • 在一定时内燃烧的熔丝。
    a fuse made to burn for a given time (especially to explode a bomb).
  • 尽管她通常温文尔雅,但会突然大发雷霆或失声痛哭,大喊大叫或乱扔椅子,或者在接受问话时冲出房
    Though normally mildmannered, she would explode into a rage or burst into tears, shout and throw chairs, or storm out of the room when interviewed.
  • 空间物理探测卫星
    space physical exploration satellite
  • 探测性运转;探测侦察;在墨西哥海湾打一个探井;外交官之的试探性谈话。
    an exploratory operation; exploratory reconnaisance; digging an exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico; exploratory talks between diplomats.
  • 这两张照片的曝光时不同。
    These two pictures were taken with different exposures.
  • 洪水期当地政府征用了所有的卡车和拖拉机。
    The local government expropriated all the trucks and tractors during the flood.
  • 在时或空上无限延伸的。
    inconceivably extended in space or time.