  • 这些瓶要付海关税吗?
    Are these vases liable to customs duties?
  • 您想买哪种花瓶?
    What sort of vases are you looking for?
  • 杯子和瓶已装箱待运。
    The cups and vases have been cased up for transport.
  • 他们围着石头瓶捉迷藏。
    They played at hide and seek round the stone vases.
  • 你看这些中国瓶要卖多少钱?
    How much do you think these Chinese vases will go for?
  • 古希蜡的瓶在制作工艺上也无法与它相提并论。
    The vases of the ancient Greeks cannot rival them in workmanship.
  • 古希腊的瓶在工艺方面根本不能与之相比。
    The vases of the ancient Greeks can never rival them in workmanship.
  • 我想我们在这一类货品方面可以成交大笔买卖的,还有那边的瓶。
    I'm sure we could work up a good business in that line, and in those vases over there.
  • 为了增加整个房间的生动性,鲜最好装在磨砂瓶、装饰性的陶罐或是金属容器里。
    To complete the dramatic look, flowers are best displayed in frosted glass vases; decorative pottery and metallic containers.
  • 桌子,椅子,帘子,饭罐,瓶,水杯,鸟笼等等都用竹子制造。
    The chairs, tables, curtains, cooking pots, flower vases, drinking cups, birdcages, and so on are all made of bamboo.
  • 盛在编织的篮子或式样简单的盆里的各种春季鲜(如各式野玫瑰),放置于咖啡桌或厨房的长桌上会产生一种绝妙的效果。
    Woven baskets or simple vases of mixed spring flowers (wild roses,) fit perfectly on a coffee table or kitchen counter.
  • 另寄上景泰蓝瓶一对,务请笑纳,聊表贺意。
    I am sending you under separate cover a couple of cloisonn vases, please accept them as a token of our friendship.
  • 桌子,椅子,帘子,饭罐,瓶,水杯,鸟笼等等都用竹子制造。
    The chairs, tables, curtains, cooking pots, flower vases, drinking cups, birdcages, and so on are all made of bamboo, and so on are all made of bamboo.
  • 我们在园里种了许多蔬菜。
    We've grown many vegetables in our garden.
  • 枣树产于东半球的几种枣属乔木。尤指枣树,叶为掌状且有叶脉,有多刺托叶,开浅黄色小,果实为暗红色
    Any of several Old World trees of the genus Ziziphus, especially Z. jujuba, having palmately veined leaves, spiny stipules, small yellowish flowers, and dark red fruit.
  • 亚洲产的精致兰中的任何一种,栽培供观赏其带有金属性白色或金色叶脉的柔软的叶子。
    any of several delicate Asiatic orchids grown especially for their velvety leaves with metallic white or gold veining.
  • 我抚摸过朵那令人愉快的天鹅绒般的质地,感觉到它那奇妙的卷绕,一些大自然奇迹向我展现了。
    I feel the delightful, velvety textureof a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions, and something of the miracle of Nature is revealed to me.
  • 热带亚洲的高的一年生的药草或半灌木,有柔软的叶子和黄色的,出产一种强大的光纤;移植到欧洲东南和美国。
    tall annual herb or subshrub of tropical Asia having velvety leaves and yellow flowers and yielding a strong fiber; naturalized in southeastern Europe and United States.
  • 地中海东部小型树种,开大量的紫红色,直接从茎干开,长于叶上;生长于气候温和的地区;经济型胶合板用木。
    small tree of the eastern Mediterranean having abundant purplish-red flowers growing on old wood directly from stems and appearing before the leaves: widely cultivated in mild regions; wood valuable for veneers.
  • 有着白头发和胡须的德高望重的智者。
    a venerable sage with white hair and beard.
  • 我们把对方球队打得落流水。
    We beat their team with a vengeance.
  • 巨蝮热带美洲的一种巨型毒蛇(巨蝮巨蝮属),长有棕色和浅灰色
    A large venomous snake(Lachesis mutus) of tropical America, having brown and grayish markings.
  • 她是这个大学的校
    She is the Venus of this college.
  • 美国西部和墨西哥产的任何一种叶子属的植物,类似马鞭草。
    any of various plants of the genus Abronia of western North America and Mexico having flowers resembling verbena.
  • 马鞭草马鞭草属的多种新大陆植物的统称,尤指因其色彩众多而绚丽的穗状序而种植的几种马鞭草之一
    Any of various New World plants of the genus Verbena, especially one of several species cultivated for their showy spikes of variously colored flowers.
  • 陪审团了两个小时作出了裁决。
    The jury take two hour to reach their verdict.
  • 这些卉插图表明这个画家很注重写实.
    These flower illustrationsshow the artist's concern for verisimilitude.
  • 这两位商界女士都认为,尽管为男士买的女士越来越多,但顾客中男性还是多于女性。
    Both businesswomen,however, note that more men buy presents for their girlfriends, instead of vice versa.
  • 能够垂直施压的大印机。
    a large press that exerts pressure vertically.
  • 海雀一种海鹦属和魁鸟属海鸟,有黑白相间的羽毛以及在繁殖期色彩鲜艳的垂直扁平的三角形嘴
    Any of several sea birds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda of northern regions, characteristically having black and white plumage and a vertically flattened, triangular bill that is brightly colored during breeding season.
  • 给新娘穿婚服竟了几个小时。
    It took several hours to vest the bride in her wedding dress.
  • 给新娘穿结婚礼服了一个半小时。
    It took one and half an hour to vest the bride in her wedding dress.