  • 群件及必要的基礎設施常常需要信息技術部門在安裝與維護方面予大力支持。
    Groupware and its requisite infrastructure often require extensive IT support for installation and maintenance.
  • 電器係統或設備安裝綫路。
    the work of installing the wires for an electrical system or device.
  • 這張期票代表第一期付款,在簽合同時得我們。
    This time draft represents the first installment and should be given to us upon the signing of the contract.
  • 他一進來便把照片我們看。
    The instant he come in, he show us the picture.
  • 改換這個給我吧。
    Give me this instead.
  • 我茶代替咖啡好嗎?
    May I have tea instead of coffee?
  • 但他並未如此,而是决心現代公司帶來更為根本性的變化。
    Instead, he decided to change Hyundai more profoundly.
  • 她把其獨特的思想灌輸她的孩子。
    She instil her unique idea into her children.
  • 小孩的心靈灌輸熱愛學習思想並非十分容易。
    It is not very easy to instill the minds of young children with the idea that they must love study.
  • 我們本能地懂得,如果我們不把生活中的重大事情講它聽,不幸將會突然襲擊我們。
    We know instinctively that misfortune might overtake us if the important events of our lives were not related to it.
  • 事業機構提供收入的資本。
    the capital that provides income for an institution.
  • 一個經濟學家賴以維生的,乃是機關行號投資大戶或公司財務主管,他們可能該[投資]公司更多的生意以換取經濟預測。
    But the bread and butter for an economist is the institutional investor or corporate treasurer who might direct more trades to the firm in exchange for economic forecasts.
  • 瑪爾竜,瑪麗1870?-1938美國的一位廚師,是傷寒的免疫帶原者,因她不時地換工作,將傷寒病傳染了五十多人。在衛生官員找到她後,她的餘生大部分時間是被禁止與人接觸的
    American cook and immune carrier of typhoid fever who while moving from job to job infected more than50 people with the disease. After health officials found her, she was institutionalized for much of the rest of her life.
  • …以基礎訓練提供基礎知識;教授基礎課程
    To supply with basic information; instruct in fundamentals.
  • 伯恩:我讓我的秘書馬上用電傳你們發一個邀請。
    I'll instruct my secretary to telex an invitation to you right away.
  • 這所學院還需要一名老師這些孩子上烹飪課。
    The college will need an additional teacher to instruct boys in cooking.
  • 下指令陪審團就法律及其適用範圍和證據的權衡嚮(陪審團)作說明。
    instruct (a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence.
  • 下指令陪審團就法律及其適用範圍和證據的權衡嚮(陪審團)作說明
    To instruct(a jury) about the law, its application, and the weighing of evidence.
  • 因為體育教會運動員這些品質,我敢肯定它會教為它而獻身的人們更多。
    For all that sport teaches its participants I am not so sure it doesn’t instruct its devotees even better.
  • 公司讓我給您退款。
    I have been instructed by the company to offer you a refund.
  • "老闆一下子了我那麽多指示,把我弄得糊裏糊塗。"
    The boss gave me so many instructions at one time that I got muddled up.
  • 用口授教宗教法規新入教者的口頭說教
    Oral instruction given to catechumens.
  • 發佈命令發佈命令或指示
    To issue a command or an instruction to.
  • 學院學生以教育的地方
    A place in which instruction is given to students.
  • 他們在這項工程中沒有以充分的幫助。
    They gave insufficient help in this project.
  • 他們沒有以充分的幫助。
    They gave insufficient help.
  • 聚苯乙烯一種硬而明亮的熱塑性聚合物,它能被鑄成物件或製成用來冰箱隔熱的一種泡沫
    A rigid, clear thermoplastic polymer that can be molded into objects or made into a foam that is used to insulate refrigerators.
  • 那隔熱的墻壁,那炊煙,那小牲口棚裏面滿是小雞、幹草和使人暖和的山羊,所有這些都人一種切實的,一切都按部就班,令人放心的印象。
    The insulated walls, the wood smoke, the little barn full of chickens and hay and warm goats -- all this gave out a look of practical and assured preparedness.
  • 你最好電綫裹上絶緣膠布。
    You'd better put some insulating tape on electric wires.
  • 幸存的配偶的保險費。
    insurance paid to surviving spouses.
  • 自己保了綜合險。
    I am insured for all risks.
  • 給某人財産保火險
    insure sb.'s property against fire