  • 格斯特,爱德加·阿尔贝特1881-1959出生于英国的美国新闻记者,以其辛迪加式的、亲切自的韵文而闻名,这些韵文被收入生命的积累(1916年)等书中
    British-born American journalist known for his widely syndicated, homey rhymes, collected in books such as A Heap o' Livin'(1916).
  • 生成的同类无机固体,具有确定的化学成分。
    solid homogeneous inorganic substances occurring in nature having a definite chemical composition.
  • 上帝时或会制造一些奇迹;看啊,身为一名律师,居还是老实人!
    God work wonders now and then; Behold, a lawyer an hone man.
  • 菲力浦已尽其所能,还是失败了。
    Although Phillip had hone best he might, he still failed to succeed.
  • 列出你计划的种种优点。选定你的主张中的关键性优势,后收集能支持你计划的数据--既要定性也要量。
    First outline your goals in writing,and then hone them before you present them to your target audience.
  • 他虽然贫穷但诚实。
    He is poor but honest.
  • 只有当实验遵循蜜蜂24小时的自节拍时,这种训练才能奏效。
    This training will work only if the experiment follows the honeybee's natural 24-hour rhythm.
  • 你能想象吗,当一串串天花乱坠的专业术语从那些品酒专家口中说出的时候,他们只是在试图用语言来遮掩一个事实:原来他们和常人无异,并不能确切对所鉴别的葡萄美酒说出个所以来。
    The honeyed phrases flow like the wines they describe, but the truth is that wine experts often use a torrent of language to disguise the fact they can't always put a name to the aroma they are smelling.
  • 在日本呆了6个月对我是有好处的,虽那段经历并不像度蜜月那样愉快。
    I'm grateful for that six month's experience in Japan, though it was no honeymoon.
  • 贝理雅先生和夫人当在香港有特别的家庭联系,我了解到贝理雅先生和夫人曾经在香港渡过他们的蜜月,所以我知香港在你们的心中占有一个特别位置。
    Mr and Mrs Blair, of course, have very special family connections here in Hong Kong. I understand Mr and Mrs Blair spent part of their honeymoon here in Hong Kong, so I know Hong Kong has a special place in both of your hearts.
  • 现在你们既已知道了鸦片战争,香港的历史也就该明白了。
    Now you've learned about the Opium Wars, Hongkong's history should fall into place.
  • 我将车开到屋子前面后按喇叭。
    I drove up in front of the house and honked.
  • 这样他便可告知主人在所去国度有何事当看,有何人当交,有何等运动可习,或有何等学问可得,不年少者将犹如雾中看花,虽远游他邦但所见甚少。
    Whereby he may be able to tell them what things are worthy to be seen, in the country where they go; what acquaintances they are to seek; what exercises, or discipline, the place yieldeth. For else, young men shall go hooded, and look abroad little.
  • 许多表面相似但在分类中不是必相关的有蹄类哺乳动物。
    any of a number of hoofed mammals superficially similar but not necessarily closely related taxonomically.
  • 他经常逃学,而他的功课却很好。
    Though he often plays hooky, he does well in study.
  • 又矮又瘦,吉米却勇敢地冲向那粗壮的恶徒。
    Thought short and thin, Jimmy walked into the stout hooligan.
  • 响起的汽笛声打断了我的思路。
    The sudden hoot of a whistle broke into my thoughts.
  • 锤子自不客气地干它该干的事,马上开始劈头盖脑地打魔鬼,打他的脚,他的耳朵,他的前额,他的鼻子,他的角,他的尾巴,他的脑壳,他的肚子。
    Old John's hammer, of course, did what it was supposed to do and began to pound the Devil all about his head and body. It pounded his hooves and his ears, his forehead and his nose; the hammer pounded the Devil on his horns and on his tail: it pounded his skull and hit him in the stomach.
  • 我们正在收集一些确切资料,后再召开全体董事会议,以期作出决定。
    We are getting some facts and figures together and we will then have a full board meeting, and hopefully make a decision.
  • 一句话,他的突去世使他全家失去了希望。
    Suffice it to say that his sudden death left his family hopeless.
  • 他低能得无以复加,而却是出於好心。
    He's hopelessly inefficient, but I suppose he means well.
  • 消息杳,尽管如此,她还是盼望着。
    There was no news; nevertheless, she went on hoping.
  • 尽管技术管理人员可能在若干年内仍供不应求,人们还是在议论,从长远看,跳槽会损害求职者的事业。
    While demand for skilled executives is likely to outpace supply for years, word is spreading that job-hopping, in the long run, can hurt a career.
  • 只有不到1/10的慢性精神分裂症患者能像纳什一样,"随着年龄增长后体内自激素的变化,最终从非理性的思维中解脱出来,完全没有借助药物治疗,"他后来这么说。
    Like fewer than one in 10 individuals who suffer from chronic schizophrenia, Nash " emerged from irrational thinking ultimately without medicine other than the natural hormonal changes of aging," as he later put it.
  • 这是一次令人毛骨悚的事故,我就不告诉你细节了。
    It was a horrible accident---I'll spare you the details.
  • 看到一群暴徒包围了受害者,真令人毛骨悚
    It was horrible to see the mob close in upon their victim.
  • (华盛顿)奇才队可能对好时坏,一个晚上好得不错,第二个晚上就会很糟糕,因此会惹他们的带头人乔丹生气,抑或使他勃大怒,甚至怒发冲冠。
    The Wizards will probably play well one night, horribly the next, frequently earning their leader, Michael Jordan's anger, then his wrath, then maybe his rage.
  • 搞了一辈子社会主义、共产主义,忽钻出个资本主义来,这个受不了,怕。
    Since they have been devoted to socialism and communism all their lives, they are horrified by the sudden appearance of capitalism. They can't stand it.
  • 使某人毛骨悚然
    strike horror into sb.
  • 让人恐惧的;令人毛骨悚
    Causing great horror; terrifying.
  • 那部恐怖影片使我们毛骨悚
    The horror film made our blood run cold.
  • 那间房里突传出恐怖的叫喊声。
    A cry of horror burst forth from that room.