  • 下个月,北京举办第21届世界大学生运动会。
    Next month, Beijing will host the 21st Universiade.
  • 可能他们杀掉人质。
    Possibly they will kill hostage.
  • 可能他们杀掉人质。
    It is likely that they will kill the hostage.
  • 女主人生客作彼此介绍以打破矜持的气氛。
    The hostess broke the ice by introducing the strangers to each other.
  •  95%以上的人民支持申办---因为他们相信举办2008年奥运会有助于提高他们的生活质量。
    Over 95% of our population supports the bid - because they believe that hosting the 2008 Olympic Games will help raise their quality of life.
  • 即将找到失去的线索
    Hot on the trail.
  • 作为最热的地幔柱中心的物质上升得最快,并且只有这最热的物质才有可能达到地幔的表面。
    The material in the center of the column, being the hottest, will rise fastest, and only this hottest material will likely reach the surface.
  • 抽纱法线沿着水平方向拉直并剩余的垂直线扎成沙漏状的一种刺绣方法
    A method of decorating cloth by pulling out horizontal threads and tying the remaining vertical threads into hourglass-shaped bunches.
  • 下星期他们迁入新居。
    They are going to move to a new house next week.
  • 他的房子抵押了。
    He mortgaged his house.
  • 消防队员来得非常及时,房子失火后不久他们就火扑灭了。
    The firemen were Johnny-on-the-spot and put out the fire in the housed soon after it started.
  • 新大楼有足够地方,容纳现时坚伟大楼和大部分在外租用地方办公的人员。
    The space provided will be able to accommodate offices presently housed in Caine House and a large portion of leased accommodation.
  • 新床单太贵了,所以许多家庭主妇决定旧的缝补一下凑合着用。
    New sheets have become so expensive that most housewives have decided to make do and mend.
  • 我们早起并且做点家务。
    We will get up early and do some housework.
  • 我们支持兴建更多的公共住宅。
    We'll plunk for more public housing.
  • 这片空地上兴建一个住宅新区。
    they live in the new housing development.
  • 被封存的空气,能气垫车船托出水面或地面一小段距离。
    the trapped air that supports a hovercraft a short distance above the water or ground.
  • 然而我们将提及...
    We would mention, however, that...
  • 银行以非常优惠的条件给贵公司一笔相当可观的贷款。
    The bank will lend your company quite a huge sum of money on very favourable terms.
  • 这个军可以命令庞大的军队。
    The general commanded a huge army.
  • 他拿起一方块状木头,它削成一个模型船的船身。
    He took a squae block of wood and whittled it down to form the hull of a model boat.
  • 动物收容所的财务阿普丽尔·法尔说,收容所每周的平均开销高达2500美金,拍圣诞照片的收入能够帮上大忙。
    Humane society treasurer April Farr said the money will be a big help in paying the $2,500 weekly cost of operating the organization.
  • 有效满足奥运会对科技的各项需求,使科技创新成为"绿色奥运、科技奥运、人文奥运"三大理念的动力和保障,2008年北京奥运会办成一届高科技含量的体育盛会。
    We shall effectively be satisfied with the requirements of the Olympic Games for science and technology and make S&T innovation be the motive force and guarantee of the three ideas of " Green, S&T and Humane Olympic Games" and shall sponsor the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games as a magnificent sports meet of High-Tech content.
  • 美国相应增加对巴勒斯坦的人道主义援助。
    In turn, the United States would increase humanitarian aid.
  • 我们根除伊拉克大规模杀伤性武器构成的威胁。我们送去人道援助,并确保伊拉克人民的自由。
    We will eliminate the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, deliver humanitarian aid, and secure the freedom of the Iraqi people.
  • 赖斯反对从事人道主义使命和签订国际条约;她赞成对俄罗斯采取强硬政策,同时还主张美国的战略利益置于一切决定的中心。
    Rice argues against humanitarian missions and international treaties and for a hard line on Russia and putting U.S.strategic interests at the center of all decisions.
  • *围绕四个核心领域安排联合国的工作方案:和平与安全、发展、经济和社会事务以及人道主义事务,人权作为贯穿各领域的问题。
    * Organizing the UN's work programme into four core areas – peace and security, development, economic and social affairs, and humanitarian affairs – with human rights as a cross-cutting issue.
  • 这种新药有益于全人类。
    This new drug will help all humanity.
  • 到来的新世纪,人类既面临难得的发展机遇,又面临严峻的挑战。
    Humanity is facing a rare chance for development as well as tough challenges in the new century.
  • 潘多拉作为对普罗米修斯盗火的惩罚送给人类的第一个女人。装有会给人们带来灾难的所有邪恶的盒子托付给她,她出于好奇打开了盒子因而使人世间有了所有邪恶
    The first woman, bestowed upon humankind as a punishment for Prometheus's theft of fire. Entrusted with a box containing all the ills that could plague people, she opened it out of curiosity and thereby released all the evils of human life.
  • "刘芳是青年一代琵琶演奏家的杰出代表.她把传统琵琶演奏与现代音乐知识有效地结合起来,琵琶艺术推向新的高度."
    "Liu Fang is a foremost representative of the young generation of pipa soloists in combining the taste for tradition with virtuosity, which enables her to exploit the potential of her instrument as far as is humanly possible."
  • 和这三位杰出的人物接触,显得我自己多么微不足道,与他们度过的时刻,我永远珍惜。
    The experience have been none other than a humbling one and my hours spent with these exceptional individuals will stand among the most cherished in my own insignificant life.