  • 时之快,贻百年长恨。
    From short pleasure long repentance.
  • 这张票将允许个成年人入场。
    This ticket will admit one adult to the show.
  • [谚]认罪是悔罪的第步;悔过必先认错。
    C-is the first step to repentance.
  • 也有人在“信仰要复兴”的集会上强调忏悔和个人自救。这种集会已经成为美国宗教活动的种特征,特别是在中部和南部各州。
    Repentance and individual salvation are stressed in the "revival" meetings which have been a feature of American religious practice, particularly in the central and southern states.
  • 他们认为,美国的宗教意识般说来就象这样倾向于主张为自己的同胞尽责以改进现世生活,不大主张通过忏悔求得来世得救。
    They believe that American religious thinking in general has thus tended to turn more toward improving the world of here and now by doing one's duty toward one's fellow man and less toward winning salvation in the next world through repentance.
  • 出于种迷信的想法,她希望天主会因为她的改悔和皈依而把美貌和健康留给她。
    Her past appeared to her to be one of the major causes of her illness, and a kind of superstition led her to hope that God would allow her to keep her beauty and her health in exchange for her repentance and conversion.
  • 成熟雄鸟个已成熟的其他雄鸟
    An adult male of various other birds.
  • 男子作为个整体的成年男子;男人们
    Adult males considered as a group; men.
  • 有的还组织受害者到监狱、劳改场所控诉犯罪的危害,使罪犯增加罪责感,进步认罪悔罪。
    Crime victims are also invited to come to prisons and reform-through-labour institutions to condemn the harm caused by crime to help enhance the criminals' sense of guilt and make them feel more responsible and repentant for their crimes.
  • 公鸡只已成熟的公鸡;雄鸡
    An adult male chicken; a rooster.
  • 惧怕时的不良的政治影响,就要以长期的不良影响做代价。
    If you are afraid of unfavourable short-term political repercussions, you will have to pay the price in unfavourable long-term political repercussions.
  • 看来,灾变说是个极不牢固的理论,涉及到有关事件及其反馈的幅度等严重问题。
    It seems catastrophism is an unstable theory with serious problems concerning the magnitude of the event and its repercussions.
  • 九九八年,由于受到区内金融风暴影响,包括本地生产总值及对外要素收入流动净值的本地居民生产总值,以价值计算,减少3.3%至12,900亿元。
    In 1998, the Gross National Product (GNP), comprising GDP and net external factor income flows, contracted by 3.3 per cent in value terms to $1,290 billion, upon the repercussions of the regional financial turmoil.
  • 关于真理标准问题,《光明日报》登了篇文章,下子引起那么大的反应,说是“砍旗”,这倒进步引起我的兴趣和注意。
    The article on the criterion of truth in the daily Guangming Ribao had immediate and strong repercussions.When some people said that its author was "chopping down the banner" [of Mao Zedong Thought], my interest and attention were further aroused.
  • 这也包括采取种循序渐进的方法,而它的效用主要取决于欧元的顺利流通和欧洲央行稳定政策的独立实施。其带来的影响将主要表现在以下几个方面:
    As this involves a progressive approach, whose effectiveness mainly rests with the smooth circulation of euro and the independent execution of the stability-oriented policies by the European Central Bank (ECB), its repercussions will be most manifest in the following aspects:
  • “双学双比”活动历经十年,以其鲜明的时代特征、丰富的活动内容、显著的社会效果,得到了国务院领导的充分肯定,各级政府的有力支持和广大农村妇女的普遍欢迎,成为在农村妇女中持续时间长、参与范围广、社会反响大的项成功的群众实践活动。
    With its distinctive modern features, abundant activities and prominent social effect, "Learning and Competing Campaign" so far has undergone ten years and fully affirmed by leaders of the State Council. It has been strongly supported by governments and well received among women in rural areas. With a wide-ranging participation, this mass practice has proved a successful one sustaining long among rural women and evoking great repercussions in society.
  •  昆剧表演艺术是个完整的艺术体系,剧目丰富多彩。
    Kun opera has a whole complete set of performing system and owns rich repertoire.
  • 九九六年移居加拿大以来,刘芳每年定期在欧洲国家巡回演出,活跃于欧美的音乐舞台上,并参加各种艺术节,每年举行近百场音乐会,包括个人独奏及与其他音乐家和乐队合作,得到了专家和听众极高的赞誉.
    Since moving to Canada in 1996, Liu Fang has built a remarkable artistic profile by captivating audiences and critics with the richness and grace of her playing as well as her wide ranging repertoire.
  • 洛加尼斯必须完成个近乎满分的动作才能获得金牌,而他真的做到了这点。他最后做出了其拿手好戏中最难的动作:个抱膝1周半空翻,就这样仅以0.1分的优势从熊倪那儿夺走金牌。
    Louganis had to make a near perfect dive to take the gold and he did it with the most difficult one in his repertoire, a 1-1/2 somersault in tuck position, allowing him to edge Xiong Ni by a mere point to win the gold.
  • 她在个轮演剧目剧团里演出三年。
    She acted with a repertory company for three years.
  • 《悲怆交响曲》是节目中持久不衰地受到人们喜爱的三四部作品之
    The Pathetic ranks with the four enduring favorites of the repertory.
  • 九九七年,香港话剧团推出了6出剧作,合共演出84场,吸引观众达52423人次。
    The Hong Kong Repertory Theatre staged six productions in 84performances in 1997, attracting 52423 people.
  • 件艺术品(乐曲或戏剧),它是标准剧目的部分,但因为重复过多而变得陈腐。
    a work of art (composition or drama) that is part of the standard repertory but has become hackneyed from much repetition.
  • 他们中的部分将蓝调与摇滚、民谣及乡村音乐等风格融合,而同时期的其他艺人则如护卫珍宝那样尝试着保留蓝调乐中的精髓部分。
    Some incorporated it with rock & roll, pop, folk, and country music, while others faithfully covered gems of the classic blues repertory.
  • 演出常备剧目的剧院就该挣扎着维持生计,而管弦乐团却享受着慷慨的资助,这几乎已成为了个传统。
    It has almost become a tradition that repertory theatres are expected to manage on a shoestring, while quite generous grants are given to orchestras.
  • 他加人了家小型的保留剧目轮演剧团,扮演些小角色。他排练时常常迟到,自然不受同事们的欢迎。
    He joined a small repertory company, acted in minor parts, was in-variably unpunctual at rehearsals and was accordingly unpopular with his fellow-actors.
  • 个演员正毅然拿起笔来,整理、删削和添加那个剧团的成套备演剧目,虽然没有创作整部剧久却也使之焕然新。
    An actor was taking it upon himself to write, was reshaping, clipping, adding to his company’s repertory, and fashioning it anew when he did not create whole plays.
  • 家里的大人们喜欢头版,即社论版,和世界新闻栏。
    The adults in the family like the front page, the editorial page, and the world news section.
  • 从威廉玛丽学院毕业,克洛斯就和新凤凰保留剧目轮演剧团道闯进了专业剧院。1974年,她在《为爱而爱》中担任主角,首次在百老汇的舞台上露面。
    Following her graduation from College of William and Mary,Close broke into professional theater with the New Phoenix Repertory Company,making her Broadway bow in the lead role of a 1974 production of Love for Love.
  • 请再说一遍
    Situation Four Asking for Repetition
  • 重复诽谤是种犯罪行为。
    Repetition of a libel is an offence.
  • 通过不断的重复而形成的种行为的模式。
    a pattern of behavior acquired through frequent repetition.