  • 吹气把新蒸发的分子赶走从而给未蒸发的分子腾出了空!蒸发得越快则凉得越快!。
    Blowing whisks away newly evaporated molecules to make room for others. Faster evaporation means faster cooling.
  • 这只是过去12年伊拉克所执行的逃避、欺骗政策的冰山之一角,这是伊拉克政权最高层所制定的政策。
    This is part and parcel of a policy of evasion and deception that goes back 12 years, a policy set at the highest levels of the Iraqi regime.
  • 傍晚天空的颜色是一片火红和橘黄相
    The evening sky flamed with red and orange.
  • 他在夜和星期日工作以补贴工资的不足。
    He eked out his wages by working evenings and Sundays.
  • 她把每天晚上的时都用来学习。
    All her evenings were taken up with study.
  • 备两双鞋:一双观光游玩时穿,一双要时髦、考究一些的晚聚会时穿。
    Bring two pairs of shoes:one for sight-seeing and a dressier pair for evenings out.
  • 他一天的时一半花在工作上, 一半用在娱乐上。
    His day is evenly divided between work and relaxation.
  • 他把时一半花在工作上,一半用於娱乐。
    He divided his time evenly between work and play.
  • 写字的时候,字与字之要均匀地分开。
    Space your words evenly when you write.
  • 利玫瑰花时,隔要均匀。
    When you plant roses, space them out evenly.
  • 在等时隔点上读取信号值的过程或处理方法。
    The process of reading the value of a signal at evenly spaced points in time.
  • 将某事物平均分散到某段时或分配给每个人
    Even sth outbspread sth evenly over a period of time or among a number of people
  • 要把不平衡的状态变到大体上平衡的状态,还要经过很长的时,还要花费很大的气力,还要依靠党的策略路线的正确。
    The transformation of this unevenness into a general evenness will require a very long time, very great efforts, and the Party's application of a correct line.
  • 预期的或预定的与实际出现的情况之的差别。
    an event that departs from expectations.
  • 安排在某时干某事。
    plan for an activity or event.
  • 两国首脑的重要会晤
    an eventful meeting between heads of states
  • 将事件按时顺序安排。
    arrangement of events in time.
  • 在日期上对立,或两个事件之有对立。
    an incompatibility of dates or events.
  • 经过一段长时之後;终於;最後
    After a long time; eventually; at last
  • 你是怎么挤出时来学习烹饪的?
    How ever do you find the time to learn cooking?
  • 树木点缀着常青灌木。
    The trees were interspersed with evergreen shrubs.
  • 爆炸后经过相当一段时,这个城镇才恢复了正常的生活秩序。
    After the explosion it was some time before the town resumed its everyday routines.
  • 大家拥进了房间。
    Everyone piled into the room.
  • 在这个区域内有超过12个审前dna听证会,每个都需要2-6星期的审判时
    There have been over a dozen pre-trial DNA evidentiary hearings in this jurisdiction, each requiring two to six weeks of courtroom time.
  • 这个房的确切面积是多少?
    What is the exact size of the room?
  • "这篇紧急报告在不到一天的时里,更确切地说,只花了六个小时就完成了。"
    "The urgent report was completed in less than one day - six hours, to be more exact."
  • 考试期间她最用功。
    She work hardest during exam.
  • 他把空余时都用在园艺上了,没有任何其他爱好。
    He spends his spare time gardening, to the exclusion of all other interests.
  • 餐室是供贵宾专用的。
    This dining room is for the distinguished guests' exclusive use.
  • 这个房是供妇女专用的。
    This room is exclusively for women.
  • 他已陷於进退维谷的地步, 不是坐牢就是流放, 必须在两者做出抉择.
    He was in the unenviable position of having to choose between imprisonment or exile.
  • 存在期,有效期某种性质、物体、过程或现象存在或起作用的一段时
    The period of time during which property, an object, a process, or a phenomenon exists or functions.