  • 你是个历史学家,当要看。
    Li Being a historian, of course you would.
  • 如果中国加入世界贸易组织--其是以与美国达了协议为前提--那将是一个历史性的时刻。这件事还有着某种历史的必性。
    If China's entry into the World Trade Organization, foreshadowed by the agreement it reached with the United States, will be a historic occasion, it also has a certain historic inevitability.
  • 自然历史过程
    historical process of nature
  • "这男孩打了另一个男孩,理所当地受到校长的处罚。"
    The boy hit the other boy and was naturally punished by the headmaster.
  • 他把裤子往上拉起,後坐下。
    He hitched up his trousers before sitting down.
  • 河水清澈见底,一群小鱼悠地游来游去。
    The water was clear to the bottom. A school of tiny fish flicked hither and thither.
  • 这时,随着焦躁接踵而来的是愤怒,带火药味的话儿在人群中散播开来,当声音还是低低的。“圣迹剧!圣迹剧!”
    indignant words flew hither and thither, though in suppressed tones as yet.“The Mystery, the Mystery!
  • 迄今我虽失去了全部的时日。
    For hitherto though I have lost all my time.
  • 迄今一直晴朗温暖的天气突变冷了
    The weather, which had hitherto been sunny and mild, suddenly turned cold.
  • 贫困地区人口过快增长的势头得到初步控制,人口自增长率有所下降。
    The hitherto- rapid population growth in the poverty-stricken areas has been on the whole put under control, and the population's natural growth rate has decreased.
  • 不安分的德国人和如果有人突发现希特勒等人的尸骨使安德罗波夫非常担心会导致难以估量的后果。
    Restless Germans and the sudden discovery of Hitler's body could have added up to an unpredictable mixture in Adropov's view.
  • 那只小狗又向树枝发起了一连串的冲锋,每一次都冲过了头,后再后退老远,而且嘶声地狂吠着。最后,它在很远的地方蹲坐了下来,喘着气,舌头伸在嘴外,那双大眼睛也半闭上了。
    then the puppy began a series of short charges at the stick, running a very little way forwards each time and a long way back, and barking hoarsely all the while, till at last it sat down a good way off, panting, with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, and its great eyes half shut.
  • 他们俩互相瞧了一阵子,后那老流浪汉的脸上充满笑意。
    For several moments they looked at one another.Then a huge smile came across the old hobo's face.
  • 在美国,仍有相当多的正式设计建筑的住房可供选择,而不是毫无选择余地。
    In America, it is still possible to choose form a fairly large selection of architect-built homes, rather that simply taking Hobson's choice.
  • 我摆出一个很可能是非常可笑的姿势,后举起锄头,照准蛇打了下去,与此同时,我发出一声可能会使训练指导引以自豪的尖叫声。
    I struck a stance that was probably ridiculous;then I raised the hoe and brought it down on the snake. At the same time, I let out a yell that would have made a drill instructor proud.
  • 马背岭一种天的山脊;陡峻的嵴
    A natural ridge; a hogback.
  • 设圈套陷害他的对手固是个妙计,可是到头来却是作法自毙。
    It was indeed a clever plan to entrap his opponent, but in the end he was hoist by his own petard.
  • ,无论如何,召集这些会议在法律上究竟不能代替召集代表大会,不能弥补不经常召集代表大会的缺憾。
    Nevertheless, the holding of these conferences cannot legally replace the holding of Party congresses or make up for the defect of not holding regular Party congresses.
  • 这论据仍然有效。
    The argument still holds.
  • 这定律仍然有效。
    This law still holds.
  • 这条法则仍然有效。
    This law still holds good.
  • 一件仍保持原状的织物
    A fabric that holds its shape.
  • 生成的蓄水的水窟。
    a natural hole or hollow containing water.
  • 在圣诞节他会找时间为庆祝节日干上一两杯,后戴上他那冬青叶形状的领结。
    At Christmas he found time to have a cup or two of holiday cheer and do his holly shaped bow tie.
  • 全息图,综合衍射图在感光材料上得到的图案,用全息照相术曝光,后再用摄影术冲洗
    The pattern produced on a photosensitive medium that has been exposed by holography and then photographically developed.
  • 霍尔特转而做股票生意,赚了一大笔钱,后脱售了全部股票。
    Holt switched into the stock market, made a killing, and got out.
  • 后,便派他们到伯利恒去:“去仔细打听一下那孩子的下落,找到后向我禀报,我好亲自去拜谒他。”
    He then sent them on to Bethlehem, and said,"go and make a careful inquiry for the child. When you have found him, report to me, so that I may go myself and pay him homage."
  • 他们看到这情况就十分高兴。进屋后,他们看到那孩子正和他母亲马利亚在一起,便伏地拜见他;后打开宝盒,把带来的黄金、乳香和没药等礼品献给他。
    At the sight of the star they were overjoyed, Entering the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and bowed to the ground in homage to him; then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • 他猛抨击政府对无房人的政策。
    He has hit out at the government's policy on homeless people.
  • ,导致大学入学人数女生多、男生少这种倾向的部分原因是由于社会的进步,社会给予妇女更多的选择机会。她们不再被认为只能当家庭主妇或上大学也仅仅是为了挣一个“夫人学位”,即找到一个丈夫。
    Clearly, part of the trend in college enrollment stems from advances in society that have give women more choices: They are no longer expected to take the homemaker route or to matriculate solely for the purpose of earning their "M.R.S. degree": that is, a husband.
  • 那匹马在最后阶段突加速跑到前面。
    The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch.
  • 他们依记得他家乡从前的情形
    They could still see their hometown as it once was.