  •  1949年,中华人民共和国成立,结束了半殖民地半封建社会的历史,从而为中国天主教和基督教实现独立自主自办提供了历史件。
    The founding of the People's Republic of China put an end to the era of semi-colonial and semi-feudal society in China, thus providing the historical conditions for Chinese Catholicism and Protestantism to become independent and self-managing.
  • 他们不得不为了那消息作出声明。
    They have to make a protestation of that news.
  • 树突神经细胞中一种树枝状细胞质突起,它把邻近细胞的刺激传到本细胞。体内一神经里可能有许多树突
    A branched protoplasmic extension of a nerve cell that conducts impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body. A single nerve may possess many dendrites.
  • 大量的直接的援助,目前虽然还没有,尚有待于来日,但是中国有进步和大国的件,能够延长战争的时间,促进并等候国际的援助。
    Large-scale direct assistance is as yet lacking and will come only in the future, but China is progressive and is a big country, and these are the factors enabling her to protract the war and to promote as well as await international help.
  • 所有这些,都是为了使战局持久,逐渐地转变敌我形势,准备反攻的件。
    All this is aimed at protracting the war, gradually changing the general balance of forces and preparing the conditions for our counter-offensive.
  • 南美洲和中美洲大型的黑白色秃鹫,头和颈上有彩色纹和疣状凸起物。
    large black-and-white vulture of South and Central America have colorful wattles and wartlike protuberances on head and neck.
  • 推理的用未经证明的件来推理已知公理的
    Proving a known truth by reasoning from that which is to be proved.
  • 证明有能力或者正确;实现必要件。
    prove capable or fit; meet requirements.
  • 他就像格言中所说的猫一样,似乎有九命。
    He seems to have 9 lives, like the proverbial cat.
  •  第一百四十六香港特别行政区从事社会服务的志愿团体在不抵触法律的情况下可自行决定其服务方式。
    Article 146 Voluntary organizations providing social services in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, on their own, decide their forms of service, provided that the law is not contravened.
  • 临时立法会经过多月仔细审议和激烈辩论后,终於在今年二月底制定了《强制性公积金计划立法(修订)例》,并於三个星期前通过了两套有关规例,我实在感到非常高兴。
    I was very pleased, therefore, that the Provisional Legislature eventually enacted the Provident Fund Schemes Legislation (Amendment) Ordinance in late February and passed the two sets of Regulations three weeks ago, after several months of very intensive scrutiny of the legislation and vigorous debates.
  • 政府会为在二零零零年六月一日或之后按新入职款受聘,其后转为长期聘用制的新聘人员设立公务员公积金计划,以取代退休金制度。
    The Government will implement a Civil Service Provident Fund (CSPF) Scheme in place of the pension system for recruits who are offered appointments to the Civil Service on or after June 1, 2000 under the new entry terms and when they subsequently progress onto the permanent terms of appointment.
  • 红牛不是偶然死掉的,而你的风湿病还不能算作天赐的惩罚!”
    The red cow didn't die by chance; and your rheumatism can hardly be reckoned among providential visitations!'
  • 为新闻媒体报道提供良好的件。
    Providing good working conditions for the media?
  • 中央和省两级实行部门预算制度,“收支两线”管理和国库集中收付制度改革试点稳步推进。
    The system of preparing department-specific budgets was introduced at both central and provincial levels.
  • 画一个满足件的图形来帮助解决问题或者验证定理。
    drawing a figure satisfying certain conditions as part of solving a problem or proving a theorem.
  • 检验遗嘱执行人的证明,遗嘱是真的正式文件。这样做是为了让招待人按遗嘱的款行动。
    Official document proving that a will is genuine, give to the executor so that they can act on the term of the will.
  • 双方都应按协议款办事。
    Both sides should act according to the provisions of the agreement.
  • 据该法令各条(所说)
    according to the provisions of the act
  • 双方都应按照协议款办事。
    Both sides have to act according to the provisions of the agreement.
  • 第六十四 违反本法规定,依法应当给予行政处罚的,除本法另有规定外,依照有关法律、法规的规定执行。
    Article 64 In case a person violates any provision of this Law, and thus shall be subjected to administrative sanctions according to law, the provisions of relevant laws and regulations shall be applied except as otherwise provided for in this Law.
  • 款,款项文件中明确的约、规定或
    A distinct article, stipulation, or provision in a document.
  •  但本规定以适用第十之二为件,方可适用。
    This provision is subject, however, to the application of Article 10bis.
  • (2)违反本法第八规定的;
    where any provision of Article 8 of this Law is violated; and
  • 你应该先仔细研究合同的款, 然後再签订.
    You shouldn't enter into/make a contract until you have studied its provisions carefully.
  • 他为孩子订下了一些款。
    He made provisions for his children.
  • 旧协定的款仍然有效。
    The provisions of the old agreement still hold up.
  • 他被允许出国的件是两年后必须回来。
    He was permitted to go abroad with the proviso that he should return at the end of two years.
  • 他同意了,但有一个附带件.
    He accepted, with one proviso, ie on one condition.
  • 决定在已有费用中什么会发生,尤其是包括一个附带件。
    determine (what is to happen in certain contingencies), esp. by including a proviso condition.
  • 我们将签署这个合同,附加件是六个月后其中的款将重新讨论。
    We sign the contract with the proviso that the term can be discussed again after six month.
  • 我已经同意做那件工作,件是先付工资然后做事。
    I've agreed to do the work, with the proviso that I'll be paid before I do it.