  • 我惊吓得说不话来。
    I was struck dumb with astonishment.
  • 他吃惊得眼睛都突来了。
    His eyes were popping out with astonishment.
  • 她惊喜交集,一句话也说不来。
    B-astonishment and joy, she could hardly say a word.
  • 由於又惊愕又悲伤,她连一句话都说不来。
    Between astonishment and grief, she could not outter a word.
  • 惊喜交集,她几乎说不话来。
    Between astonishment and joy, she could hardly say a word.
  • 令我惊讶的是他把那本书丢去。
    To my astonishment, he threw out the book and screamed at me.
  • 她的音乐感人挚深,足以洗涤人的心灵。刘芳的古筝演奏也非常色。她手指如此轻松自如地在琴弦上优美地跳动反映了她多年勤学苦练的结果。
    An extraordinary player as well, of the Guzheng, a Chinese zither, Liu Fang mesmerizes you with her delicate fingers that appear to prance, playing with an ease that is undoubtedly a result of years of intense training and keen discipline? This artist continues to astound and bewilder her public.
  • 在讨论信心的那一章里,你会读到美国钢铁公司令人惊讶的建构史。原因在于,一手孕育缔造这则传奇故事的人,便是卡内基先生亲自调教来的诸多年轻人中的一员,借着这些年轻人的成绩,卡内基先生证明了这则窍门“对那些已准备就绪的人来说”都会有效。
    In the chapter on Faith, you will read the astounding story of the organization of the giant United States Steel Corporation, as it was conceived and carried out by one of the young men through whom Mr. Carnegie proved that his formula will work for all who are ready for it.
  • 稍微不留意,孩子便有可能误入歧途,做一些为社会所不容的事。
    It is easy, for example, for a teenager to be led astray by bad company and misbehave.
  • 止汗剂一种收敛性药物,涂在皮肤表面减少
    An astringent preparation applied to the skin to decrease perspiration.
  • 涂在皮肤上减少汗的一种物质。
    an astringent substance applied to the skin to reduce perspiration.
  • 如果与茶叶接触时水是沸腾的,就会提取高比例的多酚化合物,使得这种热饮料过分涩口。
    If water boils when it is in contact with tea leaves, a high proportion of polyphenolic compounds are extracted. These make the hot beverage excessively astringent.
  • 这一发现对刚现的天文生物学来说意义深远。
    The finding has powerful implications for the emerging field of astrobiology.
  • 宇航员无法理解,为什么太空船了事故他还能安然返回地球。
    The astronaut couldn't get over the fact that in spite of the accident to the space vehicle he had returned safely on Earth.
  • 宇航员布尔施喜欢玩一个游戏,他从房间的一端向另一端扔一个物体,然后试着按该物体飞行的方式飞行,就好像两个飞行器一道飞行。
    Astronaut Bursch liked to play a game.He would throw an object across the room and then try to fly in exactly the way it did,like two aircraft flying together.
  • 坎农,安妮·江普1863-1941美国天文学家,以其对恒星光谱的分类工作而
    American astronomer noted for her work on classifying stellar spectra.
  • 因为吉姆是个天文学家,所以很容易的计算日蚀。
    Jim calculates a solar eclipse easily because he is an astronomer.
  • 皮尔斯,查尔斯·桑德斯1839-1914美国哲学家、数学家和科学家,是创建实用主义的科学家之一且对逻辑学的发展作了很多贡献
    American mathematician and astronomer known for his studies of Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn's rings.
  • 这发生在美国天文学家约翰·韦勒给“黑洞”这个术语两年之后。
    That was 2 years later after the American astronomer John Wheeler coined the term “Black hole”.
  • 哈雷,埃德蒙1656-1742英国天文学家,1705年运用牛顿的运动定律准确预测了一颗彗星的现周期
    English astronomer who applied Newton's laws of motion to predict correctly the period of a comet(1705).
  • 制作可运行的以太阳为中心的模型的波兰天文学家(1473-1543)。
    Polish astronomer who produced a workable model of the solar system with the sun in the center (1473-1543).
  • (约公元前270年)最早提太阳中心说的古希腊天文学家之一。
    an ancient Greek astronomer who was one of the first to propose a heliocentric theory of the universe (ca. 270 BC).
  • 哥白尼,尼科劳斯1473-1543波兰天文学家,他提地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系
    Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
  • 天文学家能以绝对的精度预言每一颗星星于今晚十一时半的正确所以。他对自己的年轻女儿,却无法作这样的预言。
    An astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy just where every star in the heavens will be at half past eleven tonight. He can make no such prediction about his young daughter.
  • 他们的这种观点是以已知的太阳黑子所产生的影响为基础的。同时科学家也毫无异议的证明太阳黑子的是从太阳内部爆发来的成双成队的电化物质的旋风。
    They base this belief upon the known effects that sunspots produce, and upon one astronomer's uncontested showing that sunspots are whirlwinds of electrified matter that burst out in pairs from the sun's interior.
  • 年历;历书一种年度版物,包括含天气预报、天文信息、潮汐图表和其它相关表格信息的日历
    An annual publication including calendars with weather forecasts, astronomical information, tide tables, and other related tabular information.
  • 他是个非常精明的商人,不可能接受第一个价。
    He is a very astute merchant, and can not accept to be the first offers a price.
  • 基里巴斯太平洋中西部靠近赤道的一个岛国。它包括以前的吉尔伯特群岛,大洋岛,菲尼克斯群岛和莱恩群岛。1979年该国从大不列颠中独立来。位于塔拉瓦环礁上的拜里基是行政中心。人口56,213
    An island country of the west-central Pacific Ocean near the equator. It includes the former Gilbert Islands, Ocean Island, and the Phoenix and Line islands. The country became independent from Great Britain in1979. Bairiki, on Tarawa atoll, is the administrative center. Population,56, 213.
  • 原子核外的现或行动于原子核外的
    Existing or acting outside the nucleus of an atom.
  • 原子核能的利用原子核能的,由原子核能中得的;原子能的
    Using or derived from the energy of atomic nuclei; atomic.
  • 昨天,美国客人畅游了天安门城楼,并对京剧演赞赏不已。
    Yesterday, the Americans had a great time atop the Tiananmen Gate and enjoyed the Beijing Opera show tremendously.
  • 除非能多涌现一些作家和艺术家,否则这个国家的文化生活将枯萎衰退。
    (fig 比喻) The cultural life of the country will sink into atrophy unless more writers and artists emerge.