  • 特使的出访在两国建立了联系
    The special envoy 's visit established a link between the two countries
  • 属于或与代有关(时长于一代)。
    of or relating to a geological eon (longer than an era).
  • 他们必须使自己懂得:一切事物中最基本的东西就是恐惧。而且,要教会自己永远地将恐惧忘却,不要在自己的工作室给它留下任何空,只留下内心古老的真诚,留下普遍存在的真理——缺少了这种真理,任何故事都是短命的,必遭厄运的——这种普遍的真理即爱情、荣誉、怜悯、自豪、激情和牺牲。
    He must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid: and, teaching himself that, forget it forever, leaving no room in his workshop for anything but the old verities and truths of the heart, the universal truths lacking which any story is ephemeral and doomed love and honor and pity and pride and compassion and sacrifice.
  • 故事中狐狸的传统叫法,仿照古史诗“列那狐的故事”中的用法。
    a conventional name for a fox used in tales following usage in the old epic "Reynard the Fox".
  • (印度教)古代印度梵文史诗主要描写两家族之的斗争。
    (Hinduism) a sacred epic Sanskrit poem of India dealing in many episodes with the struggle between two rival families.
  • 《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民创作的世界上最长的英雄史诗,一直作为口头说唱艺术流传在藏族民
    King Gesar, the world's longest epic created by the Tibetan people, existed only in oral memory among the Tibetan people and was performed using dialogue and singing.
  • 在这时疫流行期学校都关闭了。
    All schools were closed down during the epidemic.
  • 流行病学专家里查德·多尔爵士在20世纪60年代发现了吸烟与肺癌之的联系。本周,他警告说,住在高压电线附近的孩子得白血病的危险更大。
    Sir Richard Doll, the epidemiologist who discovered the link between smoking and lung cancer in the 1960s, will this week warn that children living near electricity power lines are at an increased risk from leukaemia.
  • 浮表的皱纹和疣子,那是时的业迹;
    Wrinkles and warts on the epidermis; this is the work of time.
  • 叶肉位于叶子上表皮与下表皮之的能进行光合作用的组织
    The photosynthetic tissue of a leaf, located between the upper and lower epidermis.
  • 皮层位于表皮组织和导管组织之的根茎中的组织区
    The region of tissue in a root or stem lying between the epidermis and the vascular tissue.
  • 脊柱硬脊膜间的注射
    An injection into the epidural space of the spine.
  • 口咽的位于软腭和食道之的咽的一部分
    The part of the pharynx between the soft palate and the epiglottis.
  • 长时发作没有歇的癫痫症状。
    a condition in which there are continuing attacks of epilepsy without intervals of consciousness; can lead to brain damage and death.
  • 在生命的部分时附生的植物。
    a plant that is an epiphyte for part of its life.
  • 稍作些调节就会使两房内的温度相等。
    A small adjustment will equalize the temperature in the two rooms.
  • 这个新医院完全装备起来要花费一年时
    The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year.
  • 林洲医生对能够从英文翻译,接触到随着时的流逝逐渐被忘掉的传统文化,深表兴奋。%$
    Dr Lim Chew is most enthusiastic that the English translation gives him access to our cultural heritage that is being gradually eroded over time.
  • 中国的竞争优势看来不会显着减弱,特别是在国际的贸易壁垒仍未撤除的情况下,中国的出口订单将不会大幅转移至亚洲其他经济地区。
    It is difficult to see this dominant position being significantly eroded particularly with the existence of international trade barriers which limit the extent of the possible shift of export orders from China to other Asian economies.
  • 用30年左右的时,使黄河中游水土流失区、黄土高原风沙区、青海江河源头三个重点治理区森林覆盖率由目前的10.1%提高到27%以上。
    The forest cover will rise from 10. l percent to 27 percent in 30 years in the other three major control regions, namely soil erosion areas in the middle reaches of the Yellow River, wind eroded areas on the Loess Plateau and areas along river sources in Qinghai Province.
  • 对有错误的同志,要采取与人为善的态度,给他们时认真考虑,让他们进行合情合理、澄清论点和事实的答辩,尤其要欢迎和鼓励他们进行诚恳的自我批评。
    We should take a sympathetic attitude towards erring comrades, give them plenty of time for consideration and allow them to make reasonable reply, explaining the facts and clarifying their positions. We should particularly encourage sincere self-criticism and receive it warmly.
  • 〔2〕一九二七年革命失败后的短期,在共产党内曾经出现一种“左”倾盲动主义倾向,认为中国革命的性质是所谓“不断革命”,中国革命的形势是所谓“不断高涨”,因而不肯去组织有秩序的退却,错误地使用命令主义的方法,企图依靠少数党员和少数群众在全国组织毫无胜利希望的许多的地方起义。
    [2] For a brief period after the defeat of the revolution in 1927, a "Left" putschist tendency arose in the Communist Party. Regarding the Chinese revolution as a "permanent revolution" and the revolutionary situation in China as a "permanent upsurge", the putschist comrades refused to organize an orderly retreat and, adopting the methods of commandism and relying only on a small number of Party members and a small section of the masses, erroneously attempted to stage a series of local uprisings throughout the country, which had no prospect of success.
  • 土籍的本地人和数百年前从北方移来的客籍人之存在着很大的界限,历史上的仇怨非常深,有时发生很激烈的斗争。
    A very wide rift has long existed between the native inhabitants and the settlers whose forefathers came from the north several hundred years ago; Their traditional feuds are deep-seated and they sometimes erupt in violent clashes.
  • 印尼群岛位于爪哇和苏门答腊岛之的一个小火山岛;它的上一次猛烈喷发是年,也是它的历史最高纪录。
    a small volcanic island in Indonesia between Java and Sumatra; its violent eruption in 1883 was the greatest in recorded history.
  • 农田和价值570万英镑的旅游收入一时化为乌有,犹如火山浓烟消失在空中,无影无踪。火山研究人员称火山喷发还将持续几个星期。
    Fields and tourism worth £5.7m have gone up in smoke and vulcanologists say the eruption could last several more weeks.
  • 歇泉是一种歇喷发的温泉;人们从正在喷发的火山那里逃散开去。
    a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring; people fled from the erupting volcano.
  • 谍的,惊险的以戏剧性的阴谋为特征的,常常指谍活动
    Marked by melodramatic intrigue and often espionage.
  • 他正在干谍活动时被抓住了。
    He was caught in the very act of espionage.
  • 视空为球而线为圆圈的非欧几里得几何学。
    a non-Euclidean geometry that regards space is like a sphere and a line is a great circle.
  • 介于底格里斯河和幼发拉底河之的一个地区;孕育了众多的人类早期文明。
    the land between the Tigris and Euphrates; site of several ancient civilizations.
  • 事实上,如果要找史例的话,必须追溯到4500年前才能找到真正“为水而战”的唯一例子,即底格里斯河-幼发拉底河流域的拉加什和乌姆马这两个城邦国之的争端。
    In fact, one has to go back 4,500 years to find the single historical example of a true "water war" – a dispute between the city-states of Lagash and Umma on the Tigris-Euphrates.
  • 北极地区在北极与北美洲和欧亚大陆北部林木线之区域
    A region between the North Pole and the northern timberlines of North America and Eurasia.