  • 他们言巧语哄得邻居同意,便把不喜欢的客人打发到他们那里去了。
    They palmed their unwelcome guests off on the neighbours.
  • 钱都花光了。
    The money's all used up.
  • 当你本该为一场即将到来的考试而攻读的时候,你可能得上几个小时回电子信件。
    You might spend hours writing and responding to e mails when you should be hitting the books for an upcoming exam.
  • 旧金山的第一项太阳能工程--费520万美元用以提高莫斯科恩会议中心的能源利用效率--已于上月落成。
    San Francisco's first solar project,a $ 5.2-million energy-efficiency upgrade at the Moscone Convention Center,was dedicated last month.
  • 我负担不起带园的大房子的维护费.
    I can't afford the upkeep of a large house and garden.
  • 根除那些布满整个园的蔓生植物。
    uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden.
  • 现在,我们可以满怀信心地说,这种形势的出现已经为期不远;真正实现百齐放、百家争鸣这个马克思主义方针的条件,也在日益成熟。
    We can now say with full assurance that this upsurge will not take long to appear and that the conditions are daily ripening that will enable us genuinely to put into practice the Marxist policy of "letting a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend".
  • 他白费力气想抓住停在上的蝴蝶。
    He tried in vain to catch the butterfly on the flower.
  • 今年的情人节想不想变变样?
    Looking for something different this Valentine's Day?
  • 被人误认为是的佛焰苞为心形,。
    he drew a heart and called it a valentine.
  • 你猜怎么着?我的女朋友竟然要求我在情人节买九十九朵玫瑰送给她。
    Guess what? My girlfriend asked me to buy 99 roses for her on Valentine's Day.
  • 但他是按货币价格接受货物的,相信这些货物带来的钱,最终会超过购买它们时所的钱。
    But he accepted these at a money valuation, and in the belief that they would bring in more money eventually than the price at which they were made over to him.
  • 总括而言,最常见的农作物是叶菜和高价鲜,生产总值约为4.43亿元。
    Overall, the most common food and non-food crops cultivated are leafy vegetables and high-value cut flowers. Production was valued at about $443 million.
  • 这只瓶的价值低于30美元。
    This vase is valued less than 30 dollars.
  • 这只瓶比其它的都值钱。
    This vase is valued above all the others.
  • 多年生澳大利亚草,有许多像风车翼的组成的穗状序。
    perennial Australian grass having numerous long spikes arranged like the vanes of a windmill.
  • 美国人除了时间从事个人活动外,还奉献出许多时间为社区提供服务,以满足各种需求。
    Added to the time spent on personal activities, Americans also devote a great amount of their time to the vaned needs of their communities.
  • 开粉白色香草味道的欧洲草本植物。
    European herb with vanilla-scented white-pink flowers.
  • 美洲热带草本植物,有香草味道的;在树上攀援。
    herb of tropical America having vanilla-scented flowers; climbs up trees.
  • 如果有人对我说:“上十个路易,您就可以做她的情夫。”我会拒绝的,而且会痛哭一场,就像一个孩子在醒来时发现夜里梦见的宫殿城堡化为乌有一样。
    Had I been told: 'Give her ten Louis and she's yours', I should have refused and wept like a child who sees the castle which he had glimpsed during the night vanish as he wakes.
  • 多色菱形纹一种以同色为背景,多色菱形纹的编织图案
    A knitting pattern of varicolored, diamond-shaped areas on a solid background.
  • 广泛种植的平顶、密集、多色串状瓣的欧亚石竹。
    Eurasian pink widely cultivated for its flat-topped dense clusters of varicolored flowers.
  • 广泛栽植于加那利群岛的一种多年生草本植物,有蓝色、紫色、红色或杂色的雏菊状头状
    herb of Canary Islands widely cultivated for its blue or purple or red or variegated daisylike flowers.
  • 头状冠为白色或兰色到紫色或杂色放射形的澳洲西部一年生植物。
    western Australian annual much cultivated for its flower heads with white or bluish to violet or variegated rays.
  • 似姜植物一种颜色各异及朵带有芳香味的植物
    Any of several related plants having variously colored, often fragrant flowers.
  • 杜鹃一种杜鹃属灌木,有着鲜艳的不同颜色的
    Any of various shrubs of the genus Rhododendron having showy, variously colored flowers.
  • 罗丝草一种马先蒿属植物,有一簇簇不规则,不同颜色的
    Any of numerous plants of the genus Pedicularis, having clusters of irregular, variously colored flowers.
  • 百日草属植物的任何一种,具有多样的,亮丽色彩的序。
    any of various plants of the genus Zinnia cultivated for their variously and brightly colored flower heads.
  • 蚤草多种飞蓬属植物中的一种,长有色彩丰富的、有许多舌状的菊头状
    Any of various plants of the genus Erigeron, having variously colored, many-rayed, daisylike flower heads.
  • 小苍兰多种植物的一种小苍兰属,原产于非洲南部,有单面的一簇簇五彩缤纷的芳香
    Any of several plants of the genus Freesia, native to southern Africa, having one-sided clusters of fragrant, variously colored flowers.
  • 六出属植物一种南美洲多年生六出属草本植物,朵绚丽多色而常被采摘
    Any of several South American perennial herbs of the genus Alstroemeria, popular as cut flowers for their showy, variously colored blooms.
  • 她把玫瑰插入瓶里。
    She put some roses into the vase.