  • 绳结一段绳子纽结成两个相连的洞眼,从中穿过钩子以用于提升物品的绳结
    A knot made by twisting a section of rope to form two adjacent eyes through which a hook is passed, used in hoisting.
  • 董事会推迟到下星期三才作出决定。
    The board of directors will hold off making a decision until next Wednesday.
  • 我们必须准备好阻挡即来临的暴风雨的袭击。
    We must be ready to hold off the coming storm's attack.
  • 我将坚持我的决定。
    I shall hold to my decision.
  • 夏普先生他的股票过户给他的子女。
    Mr Sharp ceded his stock holdings to his children.
  • 变卖物产或货物换成现金
    To exchange holdings or goods for money.
  • 我们要草拟一份合法文件,以我们的部分股权转移给另一家公司。
    We would like to draft a legal document transferring some of our holdings to another company.
  • 当股东们不知道应该如何启动市场开始运营时,他们很快就会知道ceo的决策和声明对于他们的资产的价值产生多么深远和迅速的影响。
    If they don't know it to begin with, shareholders quickly learn that a CEO's decisions and pronouncements can have a profound and often sudden impact on the value of their holdings.
  • 近一万名西方平民(多半是英国人和美国人)躲藏在被占领的科威特城。如果萨达姆能如愿,使他们落在他手里,他们被指定为活靶,难逃浩劫。
    Nearly 10,000 Western civilians, mostly British and American, are holed up in captured Kuwait City. If Saddam gets his hands on them, as he intends to, they are to be designated human targets and doomed.
  • 我们要有3个星期的假期。
    Our holidays are to last three weeks.
  • 他们开始谈论即到来的假日。
    They began talking about their coming holidays.
  • 孩子们即将放暑假。
    The summer holidays were before the children.
  • 他正在写书并且把他的学习继续下去。
    He is writing his book and is holing up in his study.
  • 马尔科姆说他去奔宁山脉野餐,我祝他玩得高兴。
    Malcolm said that he was going pot-holing in the Pennines and I wished him joy.
  • 相对于东部、中部而言,西部地区的资源优势在今后一个时期对本区乃至全局性经济发展都发挥不可替代的支持作用。
    Compared with eastern and central China, the resources advantage of western China will be an irreplaceable factor that supports the local and even the holistic economic development for the time to come.
  • 与霍利.亨特及安妮.班克罗夫特一道为自己的公司执导家庭剧"全家度假去"。
    She will be directing the family drama Home for the Holidays for her company with Holly Hunter and Anne Bancroft.
  • 全世界人们永远敬佩莎士比亚的天才。
    People throughout the world will always do homage to the genius of Shakespeare.
  • 在半小时内到家。
    He will be home in half an hour.
  • 在这些领域的竞争反过来刺激中国国内的服务业,从而使公司和消费者有更宽的选择面。
    Competition in this area will, in turn, stimulate China's homegrown services sector, giving companies and consumers an even broader range of choices.
  • 一旦我们加强了我们的国防和国内安全,我预算中的最后一个重点是保障美国人民的经济安全。
    Once we have funded our national security and our homeland security, the final great priority of my budget is economic security for the American people.
  • 当布朗先生1996年就任市长时,他说无家可归者的问题优先解决,一年后他又说这个问题“可能解决不了。”
    When he took office in 1996, Mr. Brown said homelessness would be a priority. A year later he said the problem "may not be solvable."
  • 梅女士:我想,每一个即出国的学生,他都会担心自己是否会孤独,是否会想家、想念家人,以及自己是否会很安全。
    Ms.Chey:I think,for any student when they are going overseas,they worry a little bit about whether they will be lonely,whether they will be homesick,missing the family,and whether they will be safe.
  • 广大的游击战争和人民抗日运动疲惫这一大批日本军,一方面大量地消耗之,又一方面进一步地增长其思乡厌战直至反战的心理,从精神上瓦解这个军队。
    Widespread guerrilla warfare and the people's anti-Japanese movement will wear down this big Japanese force, greatly reducing it and also disintegrating its morale by stimulating the growth of homesickness, war-weariness and even anti-war sentiment.
  • 爪哇猿人一绝种的猿人,据1891年爪哇发现的骨头推测出,因为认为它可能属于一种介于猿与人之间的物种,所以早先其认定为爪哇直立猿人。现在这种猿人被归为直立人
    An extinct primate postulated from bones found in Java in1891 and originally designated Pithecanthropus erectus because it was thought to represent a species evolutionarily between apes and human beings. Pithecanthropus is now classified as Homo erectus.
  • 化合物一种纯净的宏观上性质相同的物质,它由两种或多种不同元素的原子或离子按一定的比例化合而成,并且不能用物理方法其分离。化合物一般具有与其合成元素不同的性质
    A pure, macroscopically homogeneous substance consisting of atoms or ions of two or more different elements in definite proportions that cannot be separated by physical means. A compound usually has properties unlike those of its constituent elements.
  • 男女下议院议员区别开,称女下院议员为“女士阁下”,男下院议员为“先生阁下”。
    To distinguish between women and men mps, you can say"the hon. lady" or"the hon. gentleman".
  • 男女下议院议员区别开,称女下院议员为“女士阁下”,男下院议员为“先生阁下”。
    To distinguish between women and men MPS, you can say ' the Hon. Lady ' or ' the Hon. Gentleman '.
  • 自己政党的下议院议员与反对党下院议员区分开,下院议员称反对党下议院议员为“我的朋友阁下”。
    To distinguish mps of one's own party from those on the other side of the house, and mp will say"my hon. friend".
  • 自己政党的下议院议员与反对党下院议员区分开,下院议员称反对党下议院议员为“我的朋友阁下”。
    To distinguish MPS of one 's own party from those on the other side of the house, and MP will say ' my hon. friend'.
  • 洪都拉斯也正尝试用各种方式由大西洋沿岸的土著美洲人--加里福那人(加勒比印第安和非洲人的后裔)、生活在丛林中的墨斯奇陶印第安人等--所组成的居住区连接起来。
    Honduras is developing a means of connecting the native American communities in the Atlantic coast from the Garifuna, descendents of the Carribean Indians and Africans, to the Miskito Indians in the jungle.
  • 磨平某物(使能配起来)(两对应部分)相互摩擦直到其紧密地合并在一起
    To hone(two mating parts) against each other until closely fitted.
  • 若有10位反对党议员在国会里,那么执政党的部长议员们就有更多磨练的机会,国会辩论会更有水准,更精彩。
    With 10 opposition MPs in the House, ministers and MPs will have no lack of opportunities to hone their political skills. This will improve the quality of debates in Parliament and make them more substantive and meaningful.