  • 他们不准备向敌人伸橄榄枝。
    They were not prepared to hold out the olive branch to their enemies.
  • 诺亚又放鸽子,鸽子口衔一枝橄榄叶子飞回,于是诺亚得知地上洪水已退。以后鸽子、橄榄枝都成了和平的象征。
    Then, Noah sent a dove, and the dove was back with an olive branch. Annie: No wonder that the reward in the early ancient Olympics was a crown made by olive branches.
  • 突然迸发红、蓝、紫三种颜色的光焰。
    Red, blue and violet Bengal lights flared up.
  • 他们装信心十足的样子却欺骗不了任何人。
    Their assumptions of an air of confidence fooled nobody.
  • 女主人摆一副权威的样子忙来忙去。
    The hostress bustled about with an assumption of authority.
  • 匆匆作无根据的假设
    Jump at an unwarranted assumption
  • 对某一论据、假定的论点的正确性提疑问
    Question the validity of an argument, assumption
  • 他对日本是我们的敌人提了质疑。
    he challenged the assumption that Japan is our enemy.
  • 他们的理论再次提了两个世纪以前某些物理学家所作的假说。
    The theory put forward by them has hashed up the assumption made by some physicists two centuries ago.
  • 我们自己正是从这个假定发,并根据这个假定试图确立一种更为合情合理的两性之间关系的见解。
    We ourselves start from this very assumption and try to build from it theory of more sensible relations between the sexes.
  • 正是这个假设,才使我们能够画具有确定经纬度坐标的板块和大陆过去的位置。
    It is this assumption that allows us to plot the past positions of plates and continents in absolute latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • 以确信为特点;表现自信。
    marked by assurance; exhibiting confidence.
  • 虽然他提保证,我仍然怀疑他。
    Despite his assurance, I doubt him.
  • 缺少或者表现缺少信心或者把握。
    lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance.
  • 给他们作这样的保证,也是理所当然的。
    They rightly deserve to be given such assurance.
  • 虽然他提保证,我仍然怀疑他。
    Despite his assurance, I doubt him. In spite of his assurance, I doubt him.
  • 燃烧著的煤开始发了黄色与橙色的火焰.
    The burning coals started to flame yellow and orange.
  • 任何能染橙色的颜料。
    any pigment producing the orange color.
  • 表现出熟练手法的画
    Paints with an assured hand.
  • 他演讲的神态还显有点缺乏自信。
    His public speaking manner is still not very assured.
  • 诚然,这是一值得人家倾听的歌剧。
    Assuredly, this is an opera which it is worth the trouble of listening to.
  • 阿尔瓦雷茨提一颗直径约100千米的小行星撞击了现在的尤卡坦半岛。
    Alvarez proposed that an asteroid estimated at over 1 00km in width struck the earth off the coast of the modem day Yucatan peninsula.
  • 怪点子使我们惊讶。
    He astonished us with his strange idea.
  • 他父亲的现使他感到惊讶。
    He was astonished by his father's appearance.
  • 她对他脸上露的责备的神色感到惊讶。
    She is astonished at the look of reproach on his face.
  • 我们必须尽快把这些电报发去。
    We were astonished when we heard that die accused person had got off.
  • 当罗尔斯·罗伊斯计算他们的债务是几亿英镑时,公众都十分吃惊。
    The public was astonished when Rolls Royce computed their debts at several hundred million pounds.
  • 当这位父亲计算自己的儿子上个月花在消遣上的费用达6,000英镑时,感到非常吃惊。
    The father was astonished when he computed his son’s expenditure on entertainment at about six thousand pounds last month.
  • 法庭竟作这样的裁决,这使大家惊讶。
    It is astonishing to everyone that the court has made such a decision.
  • 法庭竟作这样的裁决,这使大家惊讶。
    It is astonishing to everyone that the court have make such a decision.
  • 更令人吃惊是,一幅w87分解图现在修订报告的第78页上,很有可能与秘书o'leasy在1995年告诉世界的是同一个。
    And what may be even more astonishing, is that a cut-away diagram of the W-87-which may well be the same one secretary O'Leary gave the world in 1995--appears on page 78 of the Redacted Report!
  • 我惊愕得说不话来。
    Astonishment held me dumb.